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Everything posted by NanceXToo

  1. I hear you. I was given a shot for my ectopic on June 28th. My due date was supposed to be Leap Day of all things. I'll never forget that EDD! It's really tough, I'm 38, I went through five months of unsuccessful trying, then it happened and I was so excited, and then the ectopic (they gave me the shot on the maternity ward. I could hear a nurse loudly counting a woman through her labor. Followed by the cry of a newborn a few minutes later. It was SO hard). And now still waiting it out for my cycles to be back to normal so I can start trying again (hopefully this month)... It's not fair that we should have to go through things like that. :grouphug:
  2. Sounds like a perfectly reasonable progression of events to me!
  3. I'm a lot more protective and I do a lot more things with them. And I homeschool them lol.
  4. I resisted turning on the heat, but I will say that for the past three days I put on a heavier/long-sleeved shirt and didn't sleep with my air conditioner on in my bedroom! haha.
  5. Yeah, that got me emotional, too, when it actually happened lol. Good luck with it, I hope you enjoy it as much as we do!
  6. While simultaneously playing Classical music in the background and letting them teethe on C-rods, right?
  7. I've never heard them referred to as adjectives that I can recall. We call them articles.
  8. I don't personally see any benefit whatsoever to reading to two month olds, trying to show them pictures in a book etc. It's the lap/bonding/cuddling/talking to them that would matter most in that scenario. I don't think I ever read to my kids til probably somewhere around a year or so. Of course, I realize my opinion may not be the popular one in this matter, but I just don't see a point at that age!
  9. Oh man. I hope mine don't just stop. I can't even tell you the last time I WANTED to get my period, but right now I'm hoping it would just come already and that everything will be normal so I can try again!
  10. Oak Meadow is secular and Waldorf-inspired and we love it over here; however, it also believes in not pushing academics too hard in the earliest years, so its Kindergarten curriculum is probably more like a preschool curriculum. I guess you could look at 1st grade but then if you continue with it and get to the higher grades, there's a lot more reading and writing assignments in grades like 4 and up and I don't know if you want to end up with a 7 y/o expected to do fourth grade work.... Somebody else mentioned Five In A Row. I've never used or seen it in person but love the concept from what I've read about it.
  11. Thanks, Ria! Well, at least one out of 48 people who opened this thread could offer some reassurance lol.
  12. Are you sure he doesn't have worms? Was his stool tested for that when you took him to the vet?
  13. Ok, so, I always used to get my period around the third week of the month- the actual day varied somewhat but on average maybe around the 23rd to 25th, give or take a few days. In June, I found out I was pregnant, but it ended up being ectopic and at the very end of June, I had to have a shot to end the pregnancy. (June 28th). About a week later, around July 9th or 10th, I got what seemed like a period. The doctor said that probably wasn't really a period, even though it seemed just like one- lasted about six days, then stopped. Then pretty much exactly a month later, on August 9th I got a period again. Lasted about 6 days and stopped, like a normal period. I started thinking maybe my cycle got changed up due to the ectopic and that I'd get my period earlier in the month from then on and that I'd get it around September 9th or 10th. But now it's 9/17 and I haven't gotten it yet this month. Is it probably just reverting back to normal at this point and I'll get it in a few days? I have had some PMS-y moments on and off over the past week. I took a pg test just in case like 2 days ago and it was negative. Is it normal to fluctuate a bit like this for a while after a miscarriage or ectopic...? I'd like to start TTC again now so I hope this is just a matter of things getting back to normal and that it'll come the third week of this month sometime like it always used to, and that this isn't a sign of some sort of problem. Just wondering if anyone else had a similar experience.
  14. I curse a lot- casually. Particularly in front of my spouse and close friends and close acquaintances and family members who I know aren't bothered by that and/or do it, too. Sometimes they have a purpose, other times they are just sort of exclamatory. I don't do it around people I don't know well, other peoples' children, or in any sort of formal or professional setting. I'm neither stupid nor lacking in vocabulary, it's just sort of a habit I've had since my teens and part of my casual attitude, I guess. People who would be easily offended by it likely wouldn't be the kind of people I'd be close enough to to do it in front of anyway. :P If i curse in front of you, I probably like you lol. And as for men with sexist or double standards.... Yeah, uh, shrug. :P
  15. Wouldn't have bothered me. But then again, "shut up" doesn't really bother me either.
  16. Well, they are definitely two totally opposite ends of the spectrum! I am in the middle myself, I consider myself a "relaxed" homeschooler who has an appreciation for unschooly ideals but wouldn't quite go there, myself!
  17. You might find this helpful, it's a blog post I made regarding our most recent homeschool portfolio which was submitted to and "approved" by the school district. I broken it down step by step as to what I included, showed some pictures, and so on. http://nancextoo.livejournal.com/226816.html (Pauline, I don't know if you've seen that particular blog post of mine yet but you are welcome to reference it on your site if you want to)! :) OP, I also have here a blog post showing the "Objectives" we filed prior to the homeschool year, as you will see I kept these pretty general/vague, and I've used them several years in a row now. If it ever comes down to it, you are welcome to use them, too, if you want, and you can use them as is or tweak a bit however you want! http://nancextoo.livejournal.com/122810.html If you look around the sidebar to the left of my blog, you will see other simple/helpful things like the summary I use, the book log I keep, the affidavit I submit with the objectives and so on and so forth. Hope this helps!
  18. :iagree: Pauline's site was a lifesaver for me. It looks complicated and awful and overwhelming at first glance (the process, that is, not Pauline's site haha), but once you read it over a couple of times, break it down step by step, and go through the process once, you realize it wasn't as complicated or overwhelming as you'd feared.
  19. Not reasonable, and I'd cut off ties with a woman like that. She wouldn't be coming to my house ever again, that's for sure.
  20. Heidi The Secret Garden Oliver Twist Tom Sawyer/Huckleberry Finn Chitty Chitty Bang Bang The Sound of Music
  21. I really am so glad that you found it helpful and that you are happy with TT! Anyway, yeah, I was going to post that I used it for TT5 the first time (last year) which is a grade older than what you're asking about, but really, really loved it. It just built so much confidence and a new enjoyment of math and freed up so much time for me, and on top of all that, improved her test scores from the previous year, too. Pretty significantly! I couldn't be happier! Using TT again this year.
  22. http://www.makingmusicfun.net/htm/f_mmf_music_library/hey-kids-meet-wolfgang-amadeus-mozart.htm
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