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Beth in OH

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Everything posted by Beth in OH

  1. :iagree:The G-2s are the pen I buy for my house. For my purse, I buy the Zebra F-301. These are my favorite :). http://zebrapen.com/products/pen/f-301?c=30
  2. I use GoodReader ($4.99) on my ipad to download docs from my email. I open GoodReader, then go through it to my webmail. At every new webpage, the app asks me if I want to download. Very easy. I just used this yesterday so I would have my meeting documents at a location where I wasn't sure about wifi access.
  3. This depends entirely on the school. My daughter's rehearsal/performance requirements are mandatory and directly tied to her grade. Again, my dd does not attend a school where the music program would be accommodating. She applied to others, though, that probably would have been more flexible.
  4. Here's another variation of it depends......my dd is a performance major at a school with a conservatory style school of music, rather than a more liberal arts style. They have very structured schedules for the first couple of years with more actual "in class" hours than other majors. Those added classroom hours (plus performances outside of class) put pressure on available time for homework/practice, and I think adding a varsity level sport would be pretty close to impossible.
  5. Where oh where was the internet when my dc were younger...........I'm in the stage between young dc and grandchildren. I would love to have someone to craft these things for. ;)
  6. You are describing my family (although I don't have young teens anymore :001_smile:). If you want something the whole family can enjoy, unique snack items are a good bet. Shop the aisles of a place like World Market. Any tea drinkers? Try this site: https://www.strandtea.com/ Get them certs. to convert VHS to digital so they can watch family memories together. I currently have a bunch of my vhs tapes in process here: http://www.scandigital.com/?gclid=CMbHsr6K16wCFdAEQAodYHdpqQ See if you can find a groupon or coupon for this site. They run them frequently. Browse Overstock.com for ideas. Shipping is free (1st order) or $2.99
  7. We pay full price for all medications through a Health Savings Account. Generic Adderall XR is "only" $265 for a one month supply with a Sam's Club upgraded membership. There is a substantial variation in price between pharmacies, so if you ever have to pay over the counter, definitely call around.
  8. :iagree: I recently went to a beautiful funeral where the pastor had never met the deceased--in fact she lived in Africa! He was very open that he was recounting stories that the family had shared with him while spending the recent days remembering the woman. Instead of the service feeling detached, it was very intimate. We live in a world where even extended family relationships often don't have a lot of daily connectedness. It's ok. Don't feel guilty that you didn't know her better. A funeral is about honoring memories.
  9. If your dc will be taking the stand to rehearsals, look for a 1 piece folding stand. My kids' favorite stands are the ultra lightweight (around 1 1/2 lbs.) aluminum stands, like this one: http://www.amazon.com/Accent-Aluminum-Music-Stand-Bag/dp/B004L772HC
  10. So much of good writing follows from reading excellent literature. He's young, so I would put my focus there. This philosophy is consistent with classical education. Choose reading from this list: http://www.classical-homeschooling.org/celoop/1000.html. I found that when my dc were young, we had to begin these books by reading aloud so that they could grasp the difficult language. Our journey with this approach includes my 16 yo dd just having finished War and Peace, simply because she enjoyed it. A love of fine literature is one of the greatest gifts you can give your dc.
  11. The going rate around here is $20 per visit from an adult. They spend about 1 hour with the dog for that amount, but they don't charge less if you only want them there for a short time. Your ds might only be over there for 15-20 minutes, but he also needs to be compensated for his daily availability. That's a big responsibility. I wouldn't charge less than $5 per visit. Undervaluing his service is a disincentive to work.
  12. My dd attends the Interlochen Arts Academy boarding school and did a couple of the summer camps in middle school. I agree with others about quality teaching and supervision, both during camp and during the school year. I can also speak to competitive admission. Tell your son to go for it. The high school summer programs are more competitive than the middle school programs, but normal, good, serious musicians can get in. You don't have to be a prodigy. Tell him to throw his hat in the ring, 'cause he'll never know unless he tries :). Once he has his audition CD prepared, he might as well send it to some other programs, too. Lots of universities/conservatories have them, and I'll bet he finds one that will be a good fit. If your ds thinks he might want to attend conservatory, summer programs will be fairly important for his application. They also serve an important role in helping students learn skills from new teachers and in managing competition.
  13. I know I'm probably too late for the original poster, but I wanted to add that new appraisal guidelines have changed the way appraisals are conducted. The end result might be the same--not dependent on cleanliness, but oy! The embarrassment! We refinanced our home 2 years ago under the basic appraisal process others have described. We refinanaced again a month ago, and I was shocked at the level of detail of the appraisal--with pictures, no less! The appraiser was inspecting minutia such as the grout around the tub and photographing a faucet with the water running. Flushing toilets, inspecting and photographing the basement, asking many questions about work done on the house. I thought I had an unusually picky appraiser, but the closing agent said this practice has become pretty common since the appraisal guidelines have recently changed. Apparently the forclosure crisis has caused these tightened requirements. Beth
  14. We did. Youngest dd had no trouble gaining admission, and the academics are very good. Not perfect, but very good. One of the best aspects of the school for dd has been finding a number of kindred spirits. The negative aspects crop up when we find an area that the school doesn't deliver on very well. That's when we think, hmmmm.........I'm paying for this? Beth
  15. The encasings at National Allergy Supply are excellent, and they come in a range of prices. I've always found their descriptions to be accurate. http://www.natlallergy.com/cat/2/bedcare-mattress-covers-mite-proof-encasings-bed-bug-covers.html
  16. :lol: I had to look this up and am now very happy to have added the phrase to my vernacular. :lol:
  17. I just want to give you a "10" for an excellent description of a very funny situation! Time to start a blog!:lol:
  18. Here is a link to the stylish Levis equivalent. I prefer straight (not skinny) to bootcut, but they offer both. I love these jeans. http://www.amazon.com/Levis-Misses-Perfect-Straight-Slimming/dp/B0030IMZ3Y
  19. They address two different issues. Cal/mag is to help preserve bone density and health. Glucosamine/chondtroitin helps preserve/build joint cartilage and reduce inflammation in joints. FWIW, I take both plus vit. D :D
  20. Are you talking about voice? (If so, I don't know the answer :D) At my dd's college, where she is earning a bachelor of music rather than a bachelor of arts degree, the non-voice majors do not have to take any foreign language.
  21. :iagree: This is a wonderfully wise post, Joanne. I have come to this belief after my own parenting missteps with emerging adults and having to confront my own control issues. A book that is more in line with this thinking, yet is also Christian in its underpinnings, is called Parenting Adolescents, by Kevin Huggins. It's out of print, so you'll have to find a used copy. http://www.amazon.com/Parenting-Adolescents-Biblical-Model-Parents/dp/0891096973/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1320506624&sr=8-1
  22. My youngest dd has been traveling a path to attempt admission to this type of program. Our answer would have to be that she would not necessarily accept such an offer. It would depend on whose studio she was accepted into, and the fit with the teacher. Some of those schools are excellent, but she won't even audition, because they don't have a person she wants to study with. Beth
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