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Everything posted by Dana

  1. I expect my son to go to college and we talk about it and his options even as young as he is. If a child is in college, they have expenses: tuition, books, supplies. Even if they have a job, they are probably also taking out loans (I expect this will be our route). Making them pay rent if they lived at home would be adding to debt rather than helping out. If a child has a job but isn't in school, their money isn't going towards bills. It should be. :) Making them pay rent is teaching them that there isn't a free ride. I see the difference in what the child is working towards.
  2. Just for clarity... this is ONLY at the cc level in CA. The UCs didn't offer any courses below precalc when I was there decades ago :) The only remedial course was the precalc course that included trig. I don't know if UC admission would happen without more math... :confused: For the OP, MAT 100 is a prealgebra course, 101 is (roughly) algebra I and 102 is algebra II at the cc in SC. There are no geometry courses at the cc.
  3. From Outskirt Press. I haven't moved it to the iPad yet... but it is a secure pdf - can't be printed.
  4. Yikes! I hadn't been aware of that. I did encounter the Discus version of Flovent uses milk in the powder, so we have to use the canister version. I'd talk with your pharmacist and ask lots of questions. Grump.
  5. A decimal that ends or repeats is just another way of writing a fraction. Relating decimals back to fractions also explains why we have the rules we do for decimal arithmetic - especially multiplication. 2/10 + 15/10, we have 17/10... so 0.2 + 1.5, we line up decimals so we're adding like parts. (3/10)(2/10) = 6/100, just like (0.3)(0.2) = 0.06... and look... the decimal moved! It's because we're multiplying two fractions. :) Seems to help with my son. As was mentioned, talking units... 2 TENTHS vs 2 HUNDREDTHS helps with place value too, not just zero point two.
  6. I might call my insurance and ask them for suggestions... maybe you could find out who your adjustor would use without making a claim. Or make a claim and let your agency fight it out with your contractor. :grouphug: Sorry you've got such a mess. Home repairs are never fun.
  7. FYI for anyone who hasn't watched Holiday Inn... there is a scene with blackface that is a bit shocking now. It's shown briefly at the end of Spike Lee's Bamboozled.
  8. :iagree: I have undergrad majors in math & English. My MAT is from the same school that gave us the article that prompted this spin-off. I had to take graduate level courses in math and in education, along with student teaching. The graduate level math credits I have are what let me teach at the cc. I don't know if the state exam to be credentialed is the same, but I am certain my son at age 9 could pass the one I took. A math question I recall was asking the length of a paperclip that was drawn next to a ruler. I had two classes with the education department that had instructors who were good. All the others were ridiculous and by showing up you'd pass. Yes, there are excellent teachers out there. I'm sure my son is going to miss out on some of them by me homeschooling him. However, my experience with my degree and with stories I've heard from friends who were in the program with me make me very grateful to be homeschooling and I would love to do away with most schools of education. Have the students get a degree in their content field. And it was in the education courses that I heard about not grading in red because it scars the psyche of the students. :glare:
  9. White Christmas Court Jester (Danny Kaye... wonderful!) Merry Andrew (Danny Kaye stars) Seven Brides for Seven Brothers High Society (Grace Kelly's last movie.. Bing Crosby, Frank Sinatra, Louis Armstrong) not a musical, but in same style... The Great Race (Blake Edwards movie - great fun)
  10. Earth balance makes sticks. Not all stores carry them, but they work well for baking.
  11. Oh man... I want!!!! And the threads I've seen on politics make me very grateful for the ban. I found the boards soon after the election was over. I think if I had found them during the election season I wouldn't be here.
  12. For the 2nd child you'd need another textbook (Primer A) which is cheaper on Amazon if you get free shipping. Then it's a choice... if you want to use the Activity Book, you'd need a second one. I like the crossword puzzles for review but I won't be getting one for me when we move to B. If you want the History Reader, you'd probably want a second one. I like us each having our own so we can write in it as we do the translation. You can also look at it first, see what you think, then get another if you want. If you don't want to use the activity book or history reader, go with the basic bundle and get a second text.
  13. I did the mastery bundle from Classical Academic Press. You get the DVD and CD along with one copy of everything else. I'm learning with my son, so I got a History Reader, textbook, and Activity book from Amazon for me. When we move to level B, I won't get the activity book for me, but my son enjoys it. You don't start with the history reader until you're about halfway through the textbook, so you can easily delay getting additional copies. We got the Clash Cards but they don't have macrons so I'm not as happy with them. You can get more info at the Classical Academic Press site too.
  14. I'm going to be difficult and not give just one thing :) We used the Oxford World in Ancient Times prehistory book (The Early Human World). We then read a bunch of extra books. One of the things I found terribly neat was reading about the Ice Man in the Oxford book, then reading different picture books on the discovery: Discovering the Iceman and Frozen Man. I got both from the library. Then we read Every Bone Tells a Story by the same authors of Early Human World. It looks at 4 different bone discoveries and talks about what is presently known and what controversy there is about the bones. What was so neat is that the two picture books of the Iceman and then the Oxford book have different interpretations. Every Bone has yet another interpretation about the death. It was wonderful for talking about the need for using multiple sources and how our ideas change with new evidence. An anthropologist suggested the video Discovering Ardi and we watched that too. We also did a cave tour after reading about cave paintings. Sorry not to stick with just one idea for you. Enjoy the time period!
  15. Yup. Blech. The bound math text we use is paperback and the bookstore doesn't buy paperbacks back, so we went to unbound. Unbound saves about $40 over bound - and since neither is bought back, the department went unbound. Hardback would be bought back, but that's a difference of about $100. And a new edition will probably be out in a couple years. :glare:
  16. I did buy the tests for 5 for next year. In the past I've bought the Extra Practice book for those times when I think my son needs more problems than are in the text, workbook, IP. The EP books have some practice but not enough. My plan is to use the test books for those extra practice problems. I don't expect we'll use them often. The tests have two tests for each section from the text: one multiple choice, one open-ended. Then there's a review test at the end of each chapter.
  17. I have taught by writing notes :D Hope your voice returns. With me it's gone for a day, then back as a horrible rasp.
  18. I like using a timeline for helping to see where things fit together. It lets you go deeper in one time but then still see the big picture better. I haven't used History Odyssey, although their book recommendations are neat. I do use their timeline though and like it.
  19. My son does the workbook independently. We do the text reviews together. He does what he can orally and mentally and does scratch work as needed for other problems but can just say the answer rather than writing it out. I think there were some in 3 where I didn't feel he needed the review so we skipped some of the practice (addition/subtraction), but I err on the side of over practicing rather than under. (I use the analogy that I understood how to drive clutch but I still needed to practice until it was second nature!)
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