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Everything posted by Dana

  1. Hold the book cover for a minute and you get a delete symbol. Anyone know a way to reorder books on iPad ap of kindle? Drag and drop doesn't seem to work.
  2. Anyone think kilts would be helpful? It also would answer the question if the gentleman wears the kilt in the appropriate manner...
  3. Sorry for your disappointment. There was cheering over here. :D
  4. I don't know about the us HiGs but if you do a search, you should find some posts where people do say the standards guides are significantly better than the us ones... I use standards and haven't seen the us version.
  5. :grouphug: Good luck to you. Hope you get useful information and things get a bit less scary.
  6. It may not be what you're looking for, but Leonard Bernstein had a series on TV that's on DVD (available through Netflix too): Young People's Concerts.
  7. It also looks like there's going to be a level 7 of AAS coming out this year.
  8. I am gone two evenings a week. My husband takes care of the cooking. Feeds the boy while I'm at work and has dinner waiting for me when I come home. I don't see why your husband can't feed the family for two nights. But if you want to have things ready for him, any meals with the crock pot could work. We've got beef dip going right now so it'll be ready for lunch. During winter months, roasts or other one dish meals in the oven could work too. Bake a large batch of meatballs, freeze them, and then spaghetti and meatballs is easy or meatball subs. Hope you find a solution that works well for your family!
  9. I thought of one... I bet I'm the only one who got a wedding proposal that began, "Would you shut up....". :lol: The next words were "I'm trying to propose" and he did get on one knee. He's never lived down the "shut up" though.
  10. We used Miquon for a bit as a supplement in grades 1 & 2. Singapore is our main program. We did use the rods but we never used the track.
  11. It's a great resource here, isn't it. Neat that you've got a photo and signature :001_smile:
  12. Well sure, if you're going to cite definitions.... :glare: ;) It's more how it's used when "affect" is a much better word choice.
  13. Thanks... and phooey. I was hoping "early" was meaning this month.
  14. Anyone know when Level 7 is supposed to be published? All I can see on the website is early 2012 and I didn't see anything in their forums.
  15. I'm pretty sure my grandmother died from heart damage she got from having rubella as a child. Otherwise everyone on that side of the family lived much longer than she did (died in her 50s, I think).
  16. Sometimes a spammer posts links in an old thread or has a link in their signature and posts in an old thread. Other times people who are new see the related threads and read one of them, not noticing that it's an old thread, and then post, thus resurrecting the thread. Then people reading the boards see the thread and post, not noticing the original date. Consensus seems to be that resurrecting old threads on curriculum boards is fine... especially if you're asking for more information or adding an update, but it's generally bad form to do on the general board...especially about issues that are long over.
  17. This has not been my experience in my undergrad or grad programs or at the two cc's I've taught at.
  18. Have you showed her a problem that's more complicated? Like the one in the link I gave? If you're doing a problem like 2/3 x = 12, then multiplying by 3 rather than by 3/2 is silly overall. Same with x + 1/4 = 1/3... subtract 1/4; don't multiply by 12 first. Acknowledging that it's a silly way to do the problem on ones that are this simple but showing that it's a technique that'll pay off later may get some understanding.
  19. I think the "Help Me Solve This" works so much better than reading text examples since so few students actually use text examples correctly for practice. I like that it generally gives the reasoning too. A bit more interactive than just watching a video :)
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