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Everything posted by Dana

  1. I got it when it was a free download with another purchase. I haven't used it too much. I'd say it depends on your child and how much practice they need with homophones, but I don't use it enough to make it worth the purchase price.
  2. Although milk allergy is one that is often outgrown. And I've read that cooking changes the protein (of dairy) so if you're allergic in one form you may not have the allergy in another. So that would still be an allergy and not an intolerance. I'm interested if you have other info... We do avoid dairy in all forms because it's still a pretty severe allergy.
  3. I just read it with my son at age 9 in the past couple months. There were some scenes he found intense and he did ask to stop at one point, but he can be kind of sensitive on things that are intense. I didn't hear about any nightmares. I just asked him if he enjoyed reading it and he said, "It was okay but freaky." We didn't do the more recent movie but did the 50s version after finishing the book :)
  4. :iagree: I remember my mother always losing things and it drove me batty as a kid. Our keys and cell phones stay in one location (unless they're in use). Medications are in one place. Double check before leaving the house. If I have a couple of errands and some are important (bank, post office), I will make a list on a post it and keep that out in the car. When I have a bill that needs to be mailed, I put it in my wallet - not loose in my purse. I keep a printout of monthly bills and check them off as I pay them. That also helps me in budgeting. I used a spreadsheet and can see 6 months at a time. I'd also get past the "shouldn't" thinking. Doesn't matter whether you should or shouldn't... you do need a list... so keep one :) I am lucky and started needing to write everything down not long after having my son, so I blame him for stealing my brain cells.
  5. Discovering Ardi is a cool documentary about the discovery of a 4.4 million year old skeleton and how it changed the idea of a common ancestor (pushed it back further than scientists had thought). I was able to get it from our library.
  6. :iagree: This list is kept by WTMViolet. There's also the abbreviation sticky at the top of each forum that's helpful. I ran across one I hadn't known this week (KISS Grammar) and it wasn't on the abbreviation list, so I PMed WTMViolet and she added it. It's a wonderful resource! (Thanks, Violet!)
  7. Maybe then you might want it very simple... I have an education degree and (. ). I find it useful for my homeschool and think it should be a requirement for homeschooling parents ( ) find useful... Should not be rent ( ) don't find useful... Should be reqt ( ) don't find useful... Should not be reqt
  8. I don't know that the poll would get you the information you're looking for... In terms of convincing anyone, a self-reporting anonymous poll doesn't lend itself towards policy. If you do continue, I think you might want a distinction between courses in educational theory and content courses. There's also a discussion on the high school board about lying to kids that's apt to this idea. I also know there have been relatively recent threads about education degrees on the general board recently... here are some I pulled up... I think the one I was thinking of I've listed first... http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=342917&highlight=education+major http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=305216&highlight=education+degree http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=292941&highlight=education+degree http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=326394&highlight=education+degree http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=287651&highlight=education+degree Hope that helps some...
  9. What's KISS? I checked the abbreviations page and didn't see it...
  10. In our area, the Explore is only offered in Jan. and Feb. It looks like there's a Dec. test offered, but I don't know where that would be.
  11. My folks rented their house for a while. I believe they used a management company. The teenage son left a candle burning and the house burned. (couple rooms, not to the ground) Then the parents tried to sue to be able to get back in the house after the repairs were done. Sell.
  12. Crud. Are we really back to time change again? I'd like to eliminate it entirely... but I wouldn't have one time at home and another out. I'd miss appointments far too often.
  13. You can sign up with any testing program (sounds like Numats might be a fit for 3rd) but the issue is finding a testing site. You don't have to be within an area to sign up with a talent search. We're in the area for Duke's TIP, but we are also signed up with Johns Hopkins & Northwestern :) We'll be doing a CTY course in the fall (reading). Keep an eye on testing centers when they open up again. And maybe someone from Fla. will post if they know of locations in Florida. I think they didn't have our state's locations posted until September-ish last year....
  14. NUMATS tests in 3rd grade I think (we did it this year in 4th) Duke TIP has students sign up for TIP in 4th grade but only does Explore testing in 5th and 6th. I haven't investigated them, but I think C-Mites does Explore as early as 2nd grade. But that should give you some starts at googling :)
  15. Yup. I got a MAT (masters of arts in teaching) with secondary certification in math so half of my graduate credits are in math and half are in education. This was after completing an undergrad degree with double majors in math and English. Most of my education classes were a joke. Some were taken in the evening so that people who were working could attend the graduate level courses. We had people working for PhDs in education. We never stayed the full class time and there wasn't any outside work to talk about. The courses were the sort where you paid and you'd get an A, barring something amazingly egregious. From what I've seen in my degree, the education courses were absolutely useless and mostly worthless. There was one on human growth and development (psych) that was taught well and one on math education that was taught well. None of the others were useful in any way, shape or form. I would like to see the education department abolished. Let students get a major in a content area. IF there are education courses, have them ONLY at the graduate level. An undergrad degree in education (especially elementary ed) is asking for trouble. My undergrad degrees are what have helped me most in teaching my son. I have heard from some people that they had a different experience with their education degrees (although none from my school). So it may be possible that there are some education degrees that aren't not worth the paper they're printed on. I want someone teaching a subject to KNOW that subject.
  16. I didn't check out the rest of the site or their checklists, but the note at the bottom that's not a separate ad, "Students and parents are encouraged to consider attending University of Phoenix (uop) for higher education. You can earn "Your degree. On your terms"." Ick... and really really really bad advice. In my mind, that makes everything else suspect.
  17. I end up spending an hour or a bit more per day on math. That does count the time on workbook pages or IP work. We use Standards edition and do the textbook together orally. If he gets a problem wrong, I often make him write out work, but much of it he can do aloud. He does the Workbook pages and then I check them. We do CWP and IP on level - a bit behind where we are in the texts. I sometimes do the supplemental material in the HiG but not always. We move as quickly as we can. Some days it'll just be textbook/workbook material and some days it includes IP and CWP and some days it may just be IP (some of those get tricky!) We do sometimes need extra practice (either in the Extra Practice books or Spectrum workbooks) on a topic. My son is good at math, but he doesn't do extra problems for fun. :lol:
  18. If you tested through NUMATS, the scores are in the toolbox. I've been a bit curious, so it's nice to finally see the scores. :D
  19. I haven't used it, but you might check out Calvert.
  20. I think the problem with Metamorphosis is the separation from your family.. The father throwing an apple that lodges in the son's carapace and then rots with death at the end. I'd wait. Of course, I read my 9yo A Modest Proposal the other day... But I'd wait on Kafka.
  21. Yup. And historically it's ridiculously low. When we bought our house we got 7% and my mom was impressed at what a great rate we had. When they bought a house in the 70s they had 13%. Our federal student loans were a floating rate but capped at 8.25%. Those were typically the lowest rates you could get. We're in a pretty amazing times for interest rates. That said, I'd be sure your loan is fixed and not an ARM.
  22. I've bought from JoAnn before and been pleased. Online buying is the best way to hopefully get the same dye lot! I'll sometimes buy a skein locally (Michaels) to see if I like the feel of the yarn before dropping a lot on the yarn for an afghan. I prefer metal hooks.
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