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Everything posted by Dana

  1. It is a TON of stress. My suggestion is to check with the child's mother. Each child has a different level of sensitivity to allergens. For some, a sandwich before and washing may be okay while for others that still presents a level of risk where if your son could eat something different, it would help keep her son safer. (not safe...no such thing) Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network has good info where you can do some reading in advance if you're interested. But to be sure, check with the child's parent. You can also see what a reaction can be like in Jennifer in MI's thread from last night here.
  2. :iagree: Also, maybe now the wine will help the headache :) :grouphug: This sucks but you're not alone in it. Glad you got good info from your doctor and glad your son is doing better.
  3. I agree with Jann. Also, the 30xIIs will let you transition very easily to the 84 if needed later.
  4. Right... but regular first-class is likely about to take longer due to post office cuts. It will be interesting to see what Netflix does. They're still recovering from their disastrous attempts to change this year. Streaming has its own issues too. I can't imagine Netflix being able to charge the same amount with delayed shipping. Maybe they'll drop the price some (ha) or go to an alternate delivery form (but no idea what). Maybe this'll be the death knell for their dvd service.
  5. Glad he did okay through the night. We didn't get much in the way of answers, but we did get a treatment plan for the next couple days & more info about what to watch for. Hope today is much better and that you get some rest.
  6. Look at regentrude's explanation. When you are at 7.5 gallons, you'd know a half gallon is 2 quarts (since 4 qts = 1 gal). By your daughter's division, you have 7 r 4... (I hate writing division like that)... The important thing to remember here is that remainder means 4/8... which is 1/2 gallon... 2 qts. You've got to be careful with what your units are.
  7. You'll get the sleep tomorrow. Don't fight any drugs for sedation. I remember very little about the day of the procedure... but some friends do remember my drugged phone calls :)
  8. I get to do prep on Thursday. Fun! :glare: However, I have a GI who does a different prep and still gets good visuals. Check with your doctor for next time... or ask around and get a different doctor! Day before procedure... liquid diet only - with restrictions... all fluids must be clear... nothing with red or purple coloring. Nothing cloudy (no oj or pineapple juice). I've just bought bunches of apple juice, white grape juice, gatorade, and sodas. Last time I heated up chicken broth at one point to have a different flavor! Then throughout the day at appointed times: 2 Ducolax tablets 1 10oz magnesium citrate 2 Ducolax 1 10oz mag. cit. That's it! Nothing after midnight - no water or anything. Did the prep last year and it wasn't fun but it wasn't as miserable as I thought it'd be. This year I'll be doing it while having to feed my son since my husband's out of town. Humbug. It was supposed to be my day off to just read and sit on the couch (or elsewhere). It definitely sounds like this prep is so much better than the ill-named other stuff. :D Good luck!
  9. I assume you reported it, so I won't. Incidentally, I showed my son the Python spam clip today :) And now it's back in my head...
  10. I'd probably follow the wine with a good cry. Glad you got some info. We carry the oral steroids as well. May be worth asking about. Hope you have a calm night.
  11. I don't know if this will be helpful (and talk with your allergist first) but with my son's reaction, he had NO visible symptoms at first...just a scratchy throat and telling us he thought he was having a reaction. No hives. We gave Benadryl, orapred (part of our allergy kit) and headed to ER just in case. Gave Epi on drive when he started vomiting. Once at ER, they gave epinephrine again, IV Benadryl, and a breathing treatment. Still no hives or visible issues. Five hours later... When we were about to be released, hives. All over and so bad that he looked bruised for 3 days. More epinephrine and then admission. So increased hives can definitely be part of the second phase and be worse. Good luck!
  12. Call your allergists office now. They may have an on call doctor. I'd hang out in ER waiting area rather than going home, probably. Or ask for an admission...but call allergist now.
  13. Anaphylaxis was to cashews. He's also allergic to milk. We told the nurses. The tray had a carton of milk. Made it clear that the food wasn't safe to eat.
  14. My son's biphasic reaction had hives lasting 3 days. They kept him overnight at the hospital to monitor him. We were told by our allergist after the fact that it would have been good to give his office a call after our admission to the hospital. If your son is admitted, you may want to contact your allergist as well. And be very careful about food served there. They included allergens on my son's breakfast tray. :glare: Hope you get some answers.
  15. We met in high school and neither of us could cook well. When we first lived together, I did Thanksgiving for his family (it was good) and then didn't cook again for a couple of months. He learned to cook & we've both improved since then. So for me it was just simply not cooking. He picked up cooking in self defense. :) But I was perfectly willing not to eat at all (my response to stress) so he had motivation to pick up the slack.
  16. That looks like a good one. I've got this one but the digits are tough to read.
  17. Thanks. We head out to the airport in a bit. My son's writing a note to his grandma to be delivered. We were lucky that we were able to get them out for a visit mid-October. That's the first time they've seen our son since he was 3. So it's nice that he's got the memories of them but it's also rough on him. Hopefully they'll be able to talk with the oncologist today. Meanwhile, I'm planning out our week here. My husband does the grocery shopping, kitchen cleaning, and cooking while he's home, so my workload just increased - and due to allergies we can't eat out so ordering a pizza doesn't work. I think school will quickly become reading and watching videos.
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