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Everything posted by musicianmom

  1. We've been invited to Easter dinner tomorrow by some casual friends. Their background is Italian, and they joke about it being the stereotypical Italian feast of more food than anyone could possibly eat. So do I offer to contribute anything? Bring a host gift? (I don't get out much.)
  2. I'm going with sudden violent stomach bug.
  3. Completely adored this movie. I think I liked it more than my kids did. I liked that while Lily James is beautiful, she is not perfect in appearance, and Cinderella's goodness was emphasized way more than her looks. On the flip side, the stepsisters were not ugly either, just petty and mean. The death scenes made it less child-friendly, perhaps, but also added to the depth of the story and made it seem real.
  4. Back when I was in a church that didn't observe Maundy Thursday, wine was a no-no, so it wouldn't have worked either way.
  5. Another theory is that when death entered the world after the fall of Adam and Eve, it caused a rapid and catastrophic aging of the universe, resulting in the current old appearance of everything, and possibly killing off the dinosaurs at this point.
  6. Sounds like life with my kids, only they do it to each other, not to me.
  7. I couldn't get past the fact that she was constantly wiping her nose with her wrist.
  8. Narnia: published order or chronological order?
  9. As for it spoiling your child, it sounds like your child is mature enough to appreciate that her parents value her talent. In the future it will mean a lot for her to look back and see how seriously you took her passion.
  10. I see a market for phone holders that look like maxi-pad wrappers....
  11. I read it as she's not doing dishes after dinner, so she wakes up at 9 to a massive mess in the kitchen that she has to clean up before cooking breakfast. Plus she's probably checking her phone every 5 minutes.
  12. That's what I was thinking! By the time quiet time gets there, she hasn't spent any real time with her kids, so why does she need to send them away again? I have problems with screens, and I stay up too late a lot. And I tend toward laziness. But this woman takes the cake. She needs Nanny 911 for herself and her husband. I bet you anything she doesn't really want to have all these kids and homeschool, but her religion requires it. So this is how she copes with the conflict.
  13. I can fight queasiness by sniffing peppermint and ginger (I use oils, but real ginger and peppermint would probably work too). I don't know about the other symptoms.
  14. Middle school is either 5-8 or 6-8 here depending on the school district.
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