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Shelly in IL

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Everything posted by Shelly in IL

  1. Serta I-comfort series! Truly love our bed. Never want to leave it!
  2. I don't seem to have an option to post an ad. Thanks
  3. About the coccidia...you don't want the poultry roosting where they can contaminate the feed or hay of the other animals. Outside, not so bad, inside and more concentrated - not good. For example hanging hay feeders are great roosts....
  4. You have to be very careful about mixing poultry and hooved animals. Poultry carries the coccidia bacteria. It causes all sorts of digestive (diarrhea to the point of scours) sicknesses.
  5. It's an assistant position to a chiropractor. Super excited.
  6. I have a job interview on Tuesday. Honestly, it's a tiny job - 15 hours per week. But, this is not the money for me, but the social interaction. My first job in 20 years - my youngest will be a junior next year! Wish me luck!
  7. Anything and everything that was high sugar, high fat. But I did have a salad with grilled chicken on it for lunch - but then peanut butter pie and later a blizzard! What is wrong with me?
  8. Well I maintained lower carb almost today - yay! I also worked out for approx 2 hours to include cardio and weightlifting!
  9. It's to give up all sugar. I've been successful two times before. But even a taste starts the addiction...
  10. Thanks for the help! I was so bad yesterday! Inventing sweet goodies to make And eat! It's like it's my reward for being in the house alone! The stuff I binge on in all high fat/ high carb crap! You name it I'll Hoover it down! I really need to focus on eating a bigger/higher calorie (yet healthy and low carb) lunch!
  11. I've already given up artificial sweetener and diet pop! The pop but was huge, I love pop! But now k need to kick the sugar habit and get to the task of losing weight. I am currently at a gym doing strength training and cardio, but I need to lose 40 pounds. I would be thrilled with 40! But I just can't make it through the fricking day without eating something to throw me off track. I can do well in the am, reasonably well at lunch, it's the 4:00 before dinner hungries that gets me every time! Help please - don't say just do it - if I could, I would. I need a mental switch flipped or something!
  12. Consider a trash compactor. We love ours. Literally take out garbage one time per week! No smells
  13. I love Artisan Bread In 5 Minutes a Day. I routinely make sourdough brioche. They have all kinds of delicious recipes in there
  14. I just bought a bed from Craigslist that was 5 years old. It was IKEA. They had the mattress they bought at the same time. It was all lumpy looking.
  15. I've got a standard poodle. They're hunting dogs. I affectionately call her my curly coated retriever. (Although I do keep her with bracelets and long ears and a poofy tail)
  16. Smooth move tea at Walmart. Works overnight
  17. My little cav has a murmur. She's now 9 and still active. Something to consider re: poodles and cavs. Cavs are awful shedders. And I mean awful. Sweep one day and have tumbleweed the next. If that kind of thing bothers you - it does me- that's not the dog for you. She is the sweetest thing in the planet which is the only way I stand the hair!
  18. No, they mentioned "Spoo" as a designer dog. Just clarifying that a "spoo" is a name for a standard poodle.(S(standard)Poo(Poodle)).
  19. FYI - "spoos" were mentioned up thread. Spoo is an affectionate name for a standard poodle - quite purebred. Just saying. We have both a standard and a cavalier. The cavalier is a darling who would love to do nothing all day but be loved. (Of course the standard is that way, too!)
  20. I love both our yard and our house. We sit high upon a ridge in a flat golf course community. Our back of our house is all glass and sitting high like we are, we look down on a woody creek and the 13th hole of the course. Being high and all glass, combined with the woods - nobody can look in from the back. In the front - we live on 1.25 acres looking over the entrance of a wooded nature preserve that winds through the course. Nobody back on our cul de sac but three homes and lots of open and wooded space- lots of nature! Our home - very cool and funky mid century modern home. Sunken living room with cool two sided fire place in the living room and kitchen. It's a long ranch with a large exposed basement. Kinda the reverse of. Two story in that the kids bedrooms are all downstairs. We have 11 glass sliding window walls. The fireplaces are all surrounded by floor to ceiling and very wide walls of limestone surrounds. - even downstairs. Cool house!
  21. I freeze with some fruit fresh and sugar.
  22. It's scarey. And I don't know how old you are, but hormones don't help the situation! I'm going through some similar things and I get the feeling of hypochondriac! Getting older sucks!
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