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Everything posted by Alicia64

  1. I agree with Regentrude. The only reason I'd do a hostess gift is if I truly wanted to bring one for a young couple. (And if I wasn't feeling strapped.) W.
  2. I had a really painful gallbladder situation until it was finally removed. Just putting it out there in case that's what it is. Take care, W.
  3. Very exciting!! Congratulations!! 🍾 After you met him and described him, he does sound like a teddy bear. Right before Christmas too, you must be stoked!! W.
  4. Go to the media. The University won't want look uncaring. (Even though that's what's happening.) W.
  5. I thought you might like to know about wrapping paper made w/ your photos. Find it here. There are also DIY ways to do it including printing your photo (somehow printing it big), and taping several together for enough paper to wrap. Re: the Costco photo mugs. I once put way too many pictures into one mug and it looked bad/not giveable. My main tip: don't use more than 6 to 10 pics. The mugs are way easier to make than I'm making it sound. Hugs everyone -- this has been a hard year, and the holidays are so needed. 🎄🎁🎀 Wendy
  6. I thought you might like to know about wrapping paper made w/ your photos. Find it here. There are also DIY ways to do it including printing your photo (somehow printing it big), and taping several together for enough paper to wrap. Also if you haven't read @Kareni unique gift thread (and thank you @Kareni!!!), the Costco photo mugs are easy to make and a HUGE hit. If you want tips on how to make an awesome mug, just ask. I once put way too many pictures into one mug and it looked bad/not giveable. My main tip: don't use more than 6 to 10 pics. The mugs are way easier to make than I'm making it sound. Hugs everyone -- this has been a hard year, and the holidays are so needed. 🎄🎁🎀 Wendy
  7. Just wanted to add that I have a friend w/ a health issue -- the exercise really helps -- and he did an indoor recumbent for a year, wasn't challenged anymore so got at Peloton. He rides at least 45 minutes every morning and sometimes does 90. He loves it. W.
  8. I'm so sorry for what you're going through: brain fog is awful. Is there any way to talk to the powers-that-be and explain your situation? I can't imagine that they'll say, "whatever." The lingering problems are real and we all get it. Wendy
  9. You should totally watch Torturo -- it's an amazing film. We also loved Kiki's Delivery Service. And Ponyo (so good). These movies are so creative -- worth your time. Plus you'd have something in common w/ the new in-laws! Wendy
  10. I wish I had this problem. Wendy
  11. Pippin is purrrrescious!!! I'm a dork. Wendy
  12. Pepper is ADORABLE!! ♥♥♥ Wendy
  13. Wow. Super great idea. I have a blog and my .02 is: take your time choosing a name. I was so excited to get my blog going that I jumped the gun. I like my blog's name, but it doesn't quite convey what I write about. Play with homonyms. As in a "wave" can come from the ocean, but can also be a greeting. PM me if I can be any help, Wendy
  14. It used to be dogs, pizza, books. But my body and pizza aren't on speaking terms these days, so now it's dogs, cats, birds, any animal really, books, electric blankets, and my hair stylist with availability.
  15. I haven't read all of the responses so I hope I'm not duplicating. My sister hikes the Grand Canyon and takes water bladders. A lot of hiking backpacks have a space for a bladder and have a long straw that you drink from. Here's 2020 reviews of the top bladders. Wendy
  16. Thinking of you guys every day. W.
  17. This is a PHENOMENAL thread -- thank you for starting it Kareni! If a loved one needs/can use a walking cane, this is the most beautiful cane -- that's actually a piece of art -- I've ever come across. And I've looked at zillions. The price is unreal too. A man in Italy hand carves and paints these. Still on walking canes. . . I found a real walking cane that's painted to look like a Christmas candy cane. It's beyond festive and cute. And its the real-deal: it's not a toy, not a decoration. . . it's a real walking cane. Also people love photo mugs -- that you create -- from Costco. People are tickled by these. That's it for now -- I'm hoping to have more to report soon! Thank you again for such a fun thread!! Wendy
  18. Are you reading and recording kid-books? Or adult books? W.
  19. Thank you. I'm so, so sorry about your mom. Wendy
  20. I'm in Atlanta and my parents are in CA. My sister lives near them so they have help. But can you share your biggest takeaway if you've experienced a loved one with Alzheimer's? Just a sentence or two would be great. My mom is only 77 -- became obvious at 76 -- and this is hitting much earlier than expected. Her mom had dementia, but it didn't really get hold until she was 82 or so. My dad is taking care of my mom which is a total reversal to what everyone -- including my mom -- thought would happen. I'm not that emotionally close to my parents, but I'm trying to be as supportive as possible. Thank you, Wendy
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