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Everything posted by Alicia64

  1. I'm 59 and went through it in my late forties/early 50s. The weirdest symptom I had was claustrophobia for a year or two. When I was on a trip, the elevator had to be empty or I wouldn't get in. I took the stairs if i could. It was so strange. And one day totally disappeared. If you're concerned about weight gain, sit by me!! www.theInspiredEater.com,
  2. Just a thought, but Kate might have something serious and w/ King Charlesl's cancer and Harry and his shenanigans, maybe the family doesn't want to look like they're falling apart.
  3. I've been a travel writer for over 15 years now and what you're talking about is a real problem. I don't want to horrify you so I won't give examples, but through the years I saw stupid accident after stupid accident. Sometimes the incident is awful and beyond tragic. It seems like people are on vacation and they forget that they're still in the real world, just not at home.
  4. Neither of my sons are into drinking. One has a girlfriend and a pack of friends, my other has a few good friends and usually just makes money and works. Both live at home which we're fine with as long as they're being productive in life. Any suggestions for 21 yr old bdays? TI!!
  5. Would you mind sharing your top favorite historical fiction books? I'm always looking for good ones!
  6. I'm brand new to your group. I swing wildly from "you only live once" to batten down the hatches!" Dh is good with money and does the bills,. I just need to better manage my little pot of our money. My goal this year is to only shop at thrift stores except for socks and other personal items. And next Xmas I'm going to make "all thrift buys" for Xmas gift. Also is there something I can click so that I'm alerted on email about new posts? Thank you!
  7. Congratulations! So where did you find the chairs ultimately?
  8. I'm so glad you joined! Does slippery food include ice cream (that's my downfall.)
  9. After talking with dh, he said the same thing. Dh works in a hospital that is serviced by EPIC.
  10. That is so nice of you. Thank you!! ♥
  11. Just a thought, but have him look into a company called Epic. They're headquartered in WI.
  12. I'm always embarrassed to say this, but please check out my blog. I lost 55 lbs in my early 40s (with toddlers) and I've kept the weight off for 17 years now. I'm currently 59. Way past meno. www.theinspiredeater.com. I use very specific steps and I share everything. And it costs nothing. I hope you'll take a look. At it's base, I love WW, but finding the right food plan is just the beginning of our trip on the yellow brick road. Nobody's taught maintenance and I think I figured it out. Wendy
  13. Just a thought,, but what does your husband do specifically? And what area are you in?
  14. I want to apologize. This got a little contentious, I'm sorry. I basically live at the library so it hadn't occurred to me that someone would take a bunch of Xmas books and not return them for the other kids.
  15. IF a book is unwrapped and read every night, a patron can -- and I did -- return the books as you read them throughout the month,
  16. I need to be in this group badly. Why did I ever leave?
  17. But if a patron has ordered books, it's fine. Plus if that's really a worry, the patron can bring the already unwrapped/read books back to the library.
  18. Thanks for getting me up to speed on canaries. My MIL has a huge cage for the many finches. I'm glad you found something that's worked. You sound like a wonderful bird mom.
  19. I'm a huge bird lover, but I don't have a bird. Yet. I once rescued a parakeet and I found her the most amazing home with another rescued parakeet, Sunny, who "came alive by 300%" according to Daffodil's new mom. I had seen Sunny's first reaction to seeing Daffodil. They were in separate cages and she rushed Daff like "oh, yes!" That's when I realized that birds need at least one other bird. They aren't solitary animals. They're meant to be in a group. And it's cool that your bird and daughter have already bonded. A new bird won't take that away. ♥♥♥
  20. If he was into music: load an ipod-like thing up with headphones. Same if he was a big reader. I think something as nice as a really quality pillow or beautiful blanket would be awesome too.
  21. My two are 20 now so I don't do this anymore but when they were little I did this every year. I'd go to the library and pull a ton of kid-Xmas books off the shelf. I'd order them too. I specifically picked Xmas-books. Then I wrapped each library book and put the pretty presents under the tree. The boys were told that they could each pick one present every evening in December That said, I was a big believer in the power that comes from reading aloud to kids, so we did more reading than just those two nightly books. But the kids just loved opening presents (they knew advance that they were books). Anyway, it's a ton of fun and free. Happy Holidays. You guys are in the sweet spot -- soak up every moment. (Do we have a green-with-envy emoticon? ♥♥♥
  22. Bumping this idea up for new readers -- it's great way to give fun Xmas gifts to kids!
  23. Thanks Amanda! I'm sorry that I didn't see your post. I've figured out how to make an ebook, but making the paperback has been very difficult. This is my first. I'm having a hard time completing it b/c the $150 for the barcode is freaking me out. I don't want to make a mistake and then need to fix and be charged another $150. Do you have any tips on making the paperback final? Thank you again! Wendy
  24. I HIGHLY recommend Kim. She is awesome, this would be a great place to start: https://www.facebook.com/yourchicgeek/videos/156519650753060/
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