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Everything posted by SoCal_Bear

  1. I can't see how you could successfully do a high school credit chemistry without solid Algebra skills. It seems like your opinion is that you can't recommend anything.
  2. We've been happy with WHA for the last 3 years, but we only do Latin courses with them. Grammar II, Latin 1 and now Latin 2. The two teachers we used were very willing to work with me as my son is below the age range for those courses. My son is also 12. I haven't seen any of that in the courses, but it likely would never come up in Latin anyways. WHA is more expensive than other providers and they have the least accomodating cancellation/refund policy, so please familarize yourself with that. We were perfectly happy with Schole for Latin but the class times did not work for us for our time zone so here we are. I am fairly certain a lot of WHA teachers in the beginning also came from Veritas Press Academy.
  3. I quickly scanned through the responses and thought I would suggest you consider Singapore Dimensions 7 & 8 since you said he did well with SM. This would cover pre-algebra and algebra. If he responded well to SM, then the design of the books is still very much in the style of SM Primary Math series. I would not suggest using AOPS with a student who does not like to read. AOPS is very text dense with very little white space.
  4. There's a one acre in my zip code for $850K but that's in highly desirable exclusive community with lots of amenities. There's one for 3 acres that is $950K. Honestly, this is why people don't have large lots...It is very common to have high density neighborhood here with fairly small lots. Or even zero lot line properties.
  5. Oh...I just remembered that there's an excellent resource called Outlining by Remedia Publications. It's meant for remediation like Paragraphs is for middle schoolers, but I found it perfect for using for a younger student upper elementary student. They really broke things down very clearly.
  6. I also delayed starting WWS1 until 6th. My son is an older 6th with a late September birthday The timing is just right now. The difference in where he was last year in general and this year is huge. We used EPS's paragraphs series, IEW and Kilgallon over here to work on writing. This was over 4th and 5th grade. At this point, I opted to outsource writing because he needed an outside voice for writing feedback.
  7. I think areas with decent sized Asian populations will see masking on some level continue. The only reason why these populations didn't mask more prior to this is because of the strong social discouragement to mask even if they were used to doing so overseas. It's likely a lot more accepted in dense urban settings or specific settings like public transit because people know way more about droplet transmission than they did before.
  8. I have fake gas ones. They work very well. I used it more when I lived in Northern California. In SD, it's rather pointless becasue we rarely get cold enough. My sister in Seattle area has gas ones, and she uses them often instead of running the heat throughout the entire house.
  9. Frixon erasable gel pens. They really are erasable. Be careful though if you leave it in heat like a hot car, all the writing can vanish. I prefer the 0.7 myself, but the tri-color pens are 0.5 only. This was perfect because you can erase and my son could use this when using pencils all the time used up his stamina. https://www.amazon.com/s?k=frixion+heat+erasable+pens&crid=2I49D38CNWEHR&sprefix=frixon+%2Caps%2C223&ref=nb_sb_ss_sc_3_7 Pentel Twist Erase Click. Awesome because it has very long erasers in the barrel which is a must. And to advance the lead you do not have to click the end of the pencil. You squeeze the side. It is 0.7mm which means the lead can withstand the pressure of kids better than 0.5mm lead. The best deal is when it is at costco, but the pricing is pretty good on Amazon as well. https://www.amazon.com/Pentel-Twist-Erase-Contains-Automatic-Pencils/dp/B00LW3OWAS/ref=sr_1_5?dchild=1&keywords=mechanical+pencil+click&qid=1601087395&sr=8-5
  10. This was an excellent discussion on the Veritas Forum: Our Culture of Distrust.
  11. I would suggest that you watch the Netflix documentary the Social Dilemma. Here is a commentary (language warning) from Dr. Z about it.
  12. I live in a big city 1.5 million, but I live in the suburbs of that city. I'm a good 30 minutes from city center. I have 0.5 lot in a quiet neighborhood where the neighbors are there yet I have no idea if anyone is home because we can't really see if anyone is home because of how the homes are situated. However, there are neighborhoods within walking distance where it feels quite different: traffic, noise, denisty, etc. So it is possible to find pockets that would make you happier. I decided long ago that I don't like dealing with critters. I once lived right up against the hills and had all kinds of wildlife and pest issues. I don't want to deal with upkeep of a large acreage. I really love having water and sewage, and good internet access and being close enough to a good hospital and fire services.
  13. I cheat and just use frozen meatballs most of the time because I'm busy and I do it in the Instant Pot. I just make sure I add in the spices that would have gone into the meatballs into the soup. You can toss in other veggies if you like. I would not recommend adding in bell pepper because that can taste bitter in soup. https://www.jocooks.com/recipes/albondigas-soup/
  14. This is one of my kids' favorites. You can find non-IP versions of the soup. My daughter is lactose intolerant so we just use lactose free milk in ours. https://damndelicious.net/2018/03/03/instant-pot-olive-garden-zuppa-toscana-copycat/
  15. I went and posted this on the group I moderate. It blew up from just under 2K to 4.6K since March.
  16. Yes. sewn into what they call a dovetail shape. Even when you wash it, it won't lose its shape because of how it is constructed.
  17. This is the Happy Mask that I have recommended on here that has gotten popular. https://www.happymasks.com/collections It is so comfortable and lightweight to wear and sits away from your mouth. I really dislike when I pull out regular cloth mask to use. I will do that when I have to run a quick errand since you can only wash it 50 times.
  18. I'm in CA so that restrictions are probably the strictest in the nation. Only starting this week, churches have been allowed to resume indoor services capped at 25% of capacity or 100 people if you moved to tier 2 status. SD is the only urban county that is. 9 out of 10 CAs live in a Tier 1 status county which is the strictest level and no indoor services or activities can happen. Only outdoors. I found it deeply disappointing that John Macarthur has decided to go against the health mandates and meet with 7K in his church with no masking and no distancing. He is telling his congregation that there is no pandemic. Don't get me started on the 6% death conspiracy theory that he was pushing as well. He put forward this as their biblical argument arguing Christ not Caesar. https://www.gracechurch.org/news/posts/1988 This article in Christian Post illustrates the difference between his stance versus Andy Stanley (Northpoint in Georgia) https://www.christianpost.com/news/john-macarthur-urges-churches-to-challenge-govt-and-reopen-in-pandemic-andy-stanley-disagrees.html Gavin Ortlund has an excellent response to carefully consider the biblical values that are informing our thought process and decision making here: https://gavinortlund.com/2020/08/02/should-churches-in-california-defy-government-restrictions-a-response-to-john-macarthur/ This was the best theological response to John MacArthur I've read: https://davenantinstitute.org/christ-and-caesar-a-response-to-john-macarthur/?fbclid=IwAR2HEfDa0r_NsNmdbMOR9fXaiORNVTqATFk-vzacV6CzTxusOLup-sZvEWs Not In It to Win It Andy Stanley - Aug 16, 2020 People sometimes use religion to justify positions, especially around social and political topics. But Christianity was never intended to try and win arguments. In fact, it’s just the opposite. He talks about Northpoint's decision not to hold in person services until 2021 here: https://northpoint.org/messages/not-in-it-to-win-it My own church has done stellar job with this and really increased our engagment and reach during this time. The online worship services are really good and a lot of midweek support with different online events, outdoor distanced events/ministries activity. There's plenty of online content for all the children and youth as well.
  19. This Korean contact tracing case is very interesting as well which looks at asymptomatic spread on flight. https://www.cnn.com/2020/08/26/health/coronavirus-passenger-toilet-korea/index.html
  20. This was a very helpful chart mapping/assessing covid risk based on four factors from a study from researchers at MIT & Oxford. The referenced study is in the second link. https://news.yahoo.com/6-feet-may-not-always-124600137.html https://www.bmj.com/content/370/bmj.m3223
  21. I would go to town dehydrating them as well. My kids love dried fruit...
  22. I don't care for transitions so what I did one year though was to get glasses corrected for distance only for driving. I got the presription tinted, anti-glare lenses done for a pair of Ray-Bans. These have been awesome! Another year, I did glasses corrected for readng that filters blue light for computer work as well.
  23. I agree that you should probably start at level 2. Level 4 would not be a good fit because the program builds on itself. Though a lot of us who used WWE only do levels 1 to 3 as that is enough at that point. For grammer, if you are looking for another alternative, you could look at Jr. Analytical Grammer which is aimed at 4th to 5th grade. You can read about it here. https://cathyduffyreviews.com/homeschool-reviews-core-curricula/composition-and-grammar/ungraded-multi-level-resources-grammar/analytical-grammar
  24. does your library have a inter-library loan program? I found them doing that.
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