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Everything posted by SoCal_Bear

  1. I'm so sorry. Prayinng for you.
  2. This is helpful for those in your circles who just can't process the math. I don't know how you can make it any more obvious.
  3. (US) Homeowners who have lost income or their jobs because of the coronavirus outbreak are getting some relief. Depending on their situation, they should be eligible to have their mortgage payments reduced or suspended for up to 12 months. https://www.npr.org/2020/03/19/818343720/homeowners-hurt-financially-by-the-coronavirus-may-get-a-mortgage-break?live=1&utm_term=nprnews&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=npr&fbclid=IwAR1bVak4M1g00GRHfBpJNW-HDixt2BdANhcky4yMcbfnOLBWRPHhmU7jxJo
  4. Well, apparently, they are early releasing prisoners now. https://www.cnn.com/2020/03/16/us/inmates-released-jail-coronavirus-trnd/index.html
  5. A little OT, but the irony. I had to share it with the Hive. I flipped open SOTW which had been on pause while we were full bore prepping for Science Olympiad. This is where I left off. (Ch. 20 if anyone is looking for it.)
  6. It looks like some newspapers have started removing their paywall for coronavirus coverage. I did notice that NYT will require that your register but just opt out of subscribing.
  7. I lost track in reading all the updates. Wasn't sure that this was posted already. CDC issues new guidelines to postpone or cancel all events > than 50 for the next 8 weeks. https://www.cnn.com/2020/03/15/health/us-coronavirus-sunday-updates/index.html
  8. CA Gov orders self-isolation for everyone 65 and older. Orders all bars, nightculbs, etc closed. Restaurants to operate at half capacity right now. Although I expect this will become more restrictive in the next day or so after what Dr. Fauci had to say today about being prepared for a 2 week nationwide lockdown.
  9. This was an excellent curated list of resources teaching KIDS about coronavirus from The Kid Should See This. So much in the media is not appropriate for kids. https://thekidshouldseethis.com/post/coronavirus-covid-19-social-distancing-soap-pandemic?fbclid=IwAR1j5GLijEI4tRmw00YaZiMxpr392WziVZXny2_aFvYkj-akaPcnAoBT0Cg Helping kids with anxiety resources from Harvard Health For preschoolers: https://theparentcue.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Anxiety_CG_Preschool.pdf For elementary: https://theparentcue.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Anxiety_CG_Elementary.pdf An this excellent gif for those who still aren't taking this seriously and need a good analogy:
  10. This was really eyeopening visual simulation of the effect of a quarantine and social distancing. Very useful as we are such a visually oriented society now. https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2020/world/corona-simulator/?fbclid=IwAR0wM8bycmNRlwDQc3dCEtqwQ93iEobXDz8Dw2WvXJrQoyDgG8jghd9NlE4
  11. We started staying at home since last weekend. DH had to go to work, but his work is moving to WAH on Monday. I didn't go anywhere except just to the store for produce, milk and eggs and to get some library books to tide us over. Let's just say I made the library stop first. This article from a lab was excellent in explain why this is not a snow day and the case for social distancing. https://medium.com/@ariadnelabs/social-distancing-this-is-not-a-snow-day-ac21d7fa78b4?fbclid=IwAR1R8hXG_TnDnPUb5WeMbOqzUTgvH95nwhX1UqTDOn2rYQHknZhGUU3iIZk
  12. @Acadie I anticipated the same thing happening soon. When I went out yesterday to get some produce and eggs before hunkering down, I picked up two bags of books as well. That just addes to the 4 dozen we already had checked out. Our local library doesn't have borrowing limits or renewal limits. Completely washed and changed all my clothes when I got home.
  13. With all the school closures, there are a lot of moms coming out of the woodwork asking for tips and tricks from homeschoolers.
  14. I can report, that the National Science Olympiad has cancelled the national competition scheduled in May after a number of state and regionals were cancelled during the last week. This effectively forces the remaining regional and states to follow suit. They have announced they are going to use the same slate of events for 2020-21 so that the work that students have done this year will not be in vain. https://www.soinc.org/play/tournaments
  15. This was posted on a mom group I moderate. It was very helpful for me to understand my personal risk and my risk at inadvertently contributing to the death of another person. This helped me understand the risks involved with social distancing measures. It appeals to the way I think because I am a numbers person. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/whats-your-risk-dying-covid-19-inadvertently-death-someone-scott?fbclid=IwAR3GAUlutxl-ZEtKg04SHzAfxWOcMR4y6xTJxv8NALJllz56ceSG1-xRAIY Copied a summary graphic:
  16. I just found out that they have cancelled CA state science olympiad that was scheduled for 4/4 at Cal Tech in Pasadena. On a separate note, this was posted today in a moms group that I moderate written by a mom in the Seattle area: A number of Seattle friends and acquaintances had COVID-19 in mid-February. One of them wrote an insightful post that shares some important info about what it feels like. I cut and paste it below. — I had Covid-19 and here is what the media and medical providers are getting wrong: First how easily you can get it. I believe I caught it when attending a small house party at which no one was coughing, sneezing or otherwise displayed any symptoms of illness. It appears that 40% of the attendees of this party ended up sick. The media tells you to wash your hands and avoid anyone with symptoms. I did. There is no way to avoid catching this except avoiding all other humans. 40% of folks were all sick within 3 days of attending the party all with the same/similar symptoms including fever. Second, the symptoms appear to be different depending on your age. Most of my friends who got it were in our late 40s to early 50s. For us it was headache, fever (for first 3 days consistently and then on and off after 3 days), severe body aches and joint pain, and severe fatigue. Some folks had diarrhea also. Once the fever is gone some were left with nasal congestion, sore throat. Only a very few of us had a mild itchy cough. Very few had chest tightness or other respiratory symptoms. Total duration of illness was 10-16 days on average. Younger folks seemed to recover much quicker and have much milder symptoms. The main issue is that without reporting a cough or trouble breathing many of us were refused testing. My doctor refused to see me entirely. I know I had it because someone I was in close contact with at the party tested positive and they had similar symptoms and similar time frame of illness and recovery. I also truly believe the lack of testing is leading to folks believing that they just have a cold or something else going out into public and spreading it. And worse folks with no symptoms are also spreading it as in the case of a person attending a party or social gathering who has no symptoms. These are my unanswered questions for the CDC (I’m not asking for any response here): 1. Can a person who was infected and recovered get it again? 2. Am I still infectious to others? 3. When will testing be available for anyone that wants it to insure they don’t spread it? I know folks especially on the east coast are thinking that this can’t / won’t impact them. I hope it doesn’t but I believe that the CDC’s overall lack of early and pervasive testing damaged the public’s ability to avoid the illness here in Seattle. “Someone” doesn’t want the true numbers of Covid-19 cases reported and it will hurt everyone. All I know is that Seattle has been severely impacted and although I’m almost better now I would not wish this very uncomfortable illness on anyone. I hope this information helps someone avoid getting sick and and/or push and get tested sooner rather than later so you know to isolate before it gets worse or to get medical care if you have respiratory distress. Hand washing doesn’t guarantee you won’t get sick, especially when folks without symptoms are contagious and could be standing right next to you in any given social situation. You more likely than not will not die, but do you want to risk spreading it to a loved one over 60 or someone with an immunity issue? Stay healthy folks!
  17. You can tandem does tylenol and ibuprofen. My son was would get Febrile seizures from high fevers. You do give both both medications by you stagger them so that you are giving one half way though the other.
  18. My son is enrolled for WTMA Expo 1 for the fall. I chose Ms. Otto for exactly the reasons outlined above. Workshop model would be a huge fail with my son. I am so grateful for the reviews on this forum for both.
  19. She is local to me and was teaching at the local AOPS academy. She has a good reputation in my area. She used to homeschool before she sent her kids to a local STEM magnet high school.
  20. There's a little known fact about MOEMS that while they do not allow individual homeschoolers to register, they do allow you to register your "school" even if it is a school of one student. Another little known rule about MOEMS is that the rules allow you as a homeschooled student to participate with the school that you would normally be districted to attend. There are two schools that we fall under. The schools are not required to accomodate you, but I have successfully petitioned and gotten both schools to allow my son to participate. I did this at nearly a year in advance of when I was trying to get accomodation. I did one school for elementary MOEMS. The second school was happy to have my son participate with them. I asked about the possibility since they have a K-8 program which would solve access through middle school. I think it helped that my son was top scorer both years for the team he was on at the first school and he had a good AMC8 score as a 6th and under student. ETA: Since I'm in CA, I am editing to add that if a student enrolled with a charter school, they must do MOEMS with their school of record. They do not fall under what I outlined above as they are considered public school students.
  21. Do you need a LIVE math class? If not, there is this https://www.singaporemathlive.com/
  22. On a separate note, my son likes Sir Galahad/Ben Oliver's classes. That's who teaches Horrible Histories and Scratch. He also enjoys Mistress Guinevere/Jamie's literature classes as well. He did not take Horrible Histories though because he doesn't enjoy those books. He is doing the US History sequence which has been a favorite this year. ETA: Might I suggest looking at Home2Teach, CLRC (while orthodox, the classes are secular), possibly Outschool (though it's just a platform with tons of teachers & classes, IEW online writing classes, Open Tent Academy?
  23. I think that Schole is not going to fit your requirements on the religious front. Schole emphasizes that they are distinctly Christian and classical. They follow a liturgical learning model. I copied what that is from the student handbook for you below. and this link is what their position is on faith and culture which informs their approach. https://scholeacademy.com/faith-and-culture/ 2. Liturgical Learning “Liturgical learning” is a phrase that describes the use of the embodied patterns from church worship and tradition for shaping the way we order time, space, and language in our schools and homeschools. We believe that using elements of a liturgical pattern within our classes is an effective way to recover reflection and contemplation as part of learning. We think that it is a faithful application of the classical tradition, and it differentiates us from other online schools. For example, one could use the following “order of worship” as a pattern for ordering a lesson. This pattern or template is intended as a guide that is not “followed to the letter” but nonetheless shapes the “learning liturgy” of Scholé Academy classes to distinguish them as scholé courses. Our faculty embraces and loves incorporating this approach, and we believe our students will too. Please note that the pattern of a class is determined by the course instructor. Many of our teachers incorporate elements of the following pattern, but the embodiment of “liturgical learning” will vary from teacher to teacher and class to class. Welcome/Greeting: Students are greeted by beautiful image(s) and music, perhaps with an inspirational quotation or key question, which they are asked to contemplate for several minutes. Grateful Acknowledgment: The students and the teacher express gratefulness for the art, one another, the opportunity to study some aspect of God’s creation, mind, nature, humanity, etc. Confess What We Need: The students and the teacher confess a need for a disposition, a frame of mind, a virtue, a heart that seeks and calls out for wisdom, etc. A written confession may be read and/or prayer offered. (Key Scripture: Proverbs 2:1-7). Teach/Present/Discuss: The teacher leads a traditional lesson, ensuring that students are engaged and participating. Confess What We Know/Have Learned: The teacher leads a summary and review, sometimes taking the form of “creedal” confession that edifies. Expression of Thanksgiving: The teacher (or a mature student) leads the class in expressing gratitude to God, the teacher, and/or other students. Benediction/Dismissal: The teacher gives a prepared benediction written by the teacher or from traditional sources. Processional: The students return to beautiful music and images. Students are free to leave immediately or remain for quiet contemplation. As we seek to recover and renew the scholé tradition of education, we know that we will misstep and veer from this path—after all we don’t know the path nearly as well as we would like. Still, we believe that finding and walking that path will be enriching to students, parents, and teachers. As we seek to recover the classical tradition of scholé, we welcome parental feedback and ideas about how we can better embody scholé in our online classes.
  24. We've been doing Latin 1 at Wilson Hill with Mrs. Songer this year and have been happy with the experience. The schedule for Schole didn't work for us, but we did enjoy the LFC class that we did over there. WHA uses Latin Alive curriucla like Schole Academy and Veritas Press as well.
  25. This is something I found somewhat frustrating about the PA Homeschoolers website. It is impossible without a whole lot of clicking and reading to figure out what classes have a live component. I just got a nice response from Susan Richman who is open to incorporating my suggestion to mark classes with a live component with an asterisk for next year. Hoping this will materialize! I'm sure other people requesting this would probably help it actually happen!
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