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Everything posted by SoCal_Bear

  1. My heart hurts for you because I see the same issues dividing many churches and Christian homeschooling groups. It's painful to see this divide. It grieves me because I think about how it is harming our witness as the Christian community in the world because their behavior is seen as hostile and unloving. For me, I appreciated this article from Gospel Coaltion which laid out a compelling Scripture based argument why we ought to mask even if we don't like it. https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/article/4-reasons-wear-mask/ I am praying for you.
  2. I have no idea how good it is but since she isn't looking for a live course, could Time4Learning's middle school grammar work?
  3. Well, there's this story reported asymptomatic spread from an elevator that wasn't occupied at the same time. https://www.businessinsider.com/coronavirus-jumped-between-people-via-elevator-surfaces-study-2020-7
  4. Can you reboil the chicken stock to kill anything? Can you cook the bacon and then freeze it cooked? I don't know if you can maybe chop it up to use in recipes that would would with that? Maybe like breakfast casseroles, etc?
  5. When our freezer died and had to be replaced, DH bought one which has an alarm if it isn't sealed and has an visible temperature display on the exterior of the door. That's because we had to dump the contents of our freezer 3 times due to similar incidents. I'm really sorry because that it beyond frustrating.
  6. 2 1/2 packs of the Costco sized Charmin for 4 people. I don't really keep track because it's spread through all of our bathrooms. We have an insane number of bathrooms. Probably at least 6 months of TP.
  7. This says the 7 day rolling average is now increasing in the TX, AZ and FL. https://www.usnews.com/news/health-news/articles/2020-07-09/coronavirus-deaths-increasing-in-states-with-resurgences
  8. She's not an employee though. She is a vendor (a business providing services) to a school. There is a difference.
  9. If those are CA charter schools, it's coming. So, you will need to decide what you want to do. Naming an additional insured is not a big deal and is normal in the course of business and does not change the cost of the policy. For example, a real world example, would be naming the owner of the real estate you rent as an additional insured.
  10. This is a summary report from UW about the reopening of schools which assesses the models and protocols followed by various countries and what conclusions could be drawn from the data regarding the effectiveness of those models and transmission among students. https://globalhealth.washington.edu/sites/default/files/COVID-19 Schools Summary (2).pdf?mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiTW1ZNU5HRmxPR0l5TXpreiIsInQiOiJcL2ZDNlZnaE9vVzEzMUxjU0kzXC81M0psYWJrYzRYTUxFcVlQSzRKOTRvRTVlNEhZSHFVU2NxQUpcL2RZZHBuME9xMHhKazJudkVuN1NQWXdiTVRPRmlcL1N3ZU9iUUt1XC9mSVwvU25FaVBkQzNqYlJrVitsekZ6VWtLM0dPVWFGdEVBNiJ9&fbclid=IwAR031AwV2uomI4Iyi1ReA_ibfEzoOTUZny0TFQHI_67EkwBRZH3aAtjyBHY
  11. They have their press release here with a video if you scroll down about how they developed it. There are people posting reviews already. https://about.underarmour.com/news/2020/05/introducing-ua-sportsmask
  12. I just saw this report out of Texas that over 1,300 cases from childcare facilities. This does not inspire me to have confidence about schools reopening without simple measures like masking. I can't imagine that teachers would feel safe returning to the classroom. Twice as many adults as children are positive for Covid. https://www.cnn.com/2020/07/06/health/texas-coronavirus-cases-child-care-facilities/index.html
  13. We have Happy Masks as well. It should last us a long time since we are pretty much sticking close to home. If it is a quick stop to pick up food or a quick errand with very little contact, we will still use our plain cloth masks. I also have these on order for sports. https://www.underarmour.com/en-us/ua-sportsmask/pid1368010 These are reusable. We have neck gaiters that we use that can be pulled up quickly when out for walks and things like that.
  14. I looked at the Cambridge mask...asumming it is the one with a vent, those are actually banned in a number of areas in my state because of the vents. The mask will not prevent anything you are breathing out. A basic liability disclaimer. No one can claim to be medical grade PPE unless they meet stringent manufacturing standards and all that stuff has to be manufactured in sterile conditions.
  15. That's what we use it for as well, all sorts of flat lids, and for chopsticks...Lots of chopsticks which you can never put in a utensil caddy.
  16. Happy with our Bosch, and I love having 3 racks. I can fit so much more! I had a quiet Kenmore Elite which worked well but didn't have as much capacity, and a Viking (expensive and terrible) that came with the house. It's so quiet that I really need to have the red indicator light that points towards the floor to know whether or not it is running.
  17. Yes, this is the one I have been posting about. The German one is not the same. This is the one manufactured in Taiwan. Google will pull up the link that you listed...but this is the one that has the specs I described.
  18. I keep thinking about how nano technology is transforming so many industries in ways we never thought possible.
  19. I believe it is because in Asia, working on tech to improve masks for general population use is important and valued, and there's a market for this. The general population in Asian countries are receptive mask wearers ever since SARS. It's a normal part of life there. What is available overseas is radically different than what we have here. https://worldcrunch.com/coronavirus/taiwan39s-amazing-mask-system-apps-ids-and-convenience-stores I will say that not all Asian countries were ahead of the curve like Taiwan, but they pivoted quickly and got on top of things very quickly primarily controlled through community wide mask wearing and tracing.
  20. To the wearer. The testing was done by labs and in Taiwan which has been way in front of this from the beginning. The specs are here and in the technology link. Scroll down the home page and you can see a photo of one that is cut open. https://www.happymasks.co/
  21. Glad you are happy with the Happy Mask... I posted about it on the other thread because it was developed by a fellow Berkeley mom (friend of a friend) and grew in popularity in our Berkeley moms FB group. I don't usually pass along products, but in this case, I know everyone is searching for masks that can actually be worn for long periods of time for themselves and their children. Plus have filtering is a big plus. https://www.happymasks.co/ Adding the direct link because this is different than the Germany Happy Mask. The other mask I would suggest for long period of wear for comfort and is reusable, but it does not have filtering properties is the Under Armor mask for athetes. You can read about it here. https://about.underarmour.com/news/2020/05/introducing-ua-sportsmask It did sell out within an hour on their website. It is on back order right now. https://www.underarmour.com/en-us/ua-sportsmask/pid1368010 This is a reasonable option is you are looking for a mask but not necessarily for filtration.
  22. Texas daycare cases... https://www.texastribune.org/2020/07/01/texas-day-care-coronavirus-cases-rising/?fbclid=IwAR1nE7_Hoetr5QIgH0SN3yccxURMZ477p6hAx5yVhzWdZ8_DUNH_DJMvHjo
  23. 6 quart is plenty big enough for a family of four and yes, it can replace your slow cooker. Recipes online for Instant Pot are scaled for 6 qt. You have to adjust cook times for an 8 qt since it takes longer to come to pressure.
  24. Could you make a fly trap to reduce the population? Like this? https://www.theprairiehomestead.com/2015/07/homemade-fly-trap.html
  25. If anyone is looking for a US history curriculum that focused on incorporating black history. A friend of a friend developed this for her family. There is a secular version of the curriculum available. https://wokehomeschooling.com/
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