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Everything posted by SoCal_Bear

  1. Just jumping in to add a couple of resources for those who want to teach a broader history. Ron Takaki's A Different Mirror for Young People - I was at Berkeley when he was teaching there. The original one is pretty much one of the books everyone reads who studies Ethnic Studies. His other book Strangers from a Different Shore is quite good as well. This is focused around Asian Americans. There's no young people version of it. https://www.amazon.com/Different-Mirror-Young-People-Multicultural/dp/1609804163/ref=sr_1_1?crid=386GINYVTVS0X&dchild=1&keywords=different+mirror+for+young+people&qid=1593066700&s=books&sprefix=different+mirror+%2Cstripbooks%2C204&sr=1-1 Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz's An Indigenous Peoples History for Young People. This explores Native American history. https://www.amazon.com/Indigenous-Peoples-History-ReVisioning-American/dp/0807049395/ref=pd_sbs_14_2/133-0402768-8899809?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=0807049395&pd_rd_r=c4304255-fcca-4d62-b28b-071f60bee727&pd_rd_w=HWHhA&pd_rd_wg=FZ921&pf_rd_p=bdc67ba8-ab69-42ee-b8d8-8f5336b36a83&pf_rd_r=TNNQPEM2X2ZAE54S4ZBX&psc=1&refRID=TNNQPEM2X2ZAE54S4ZBX
  2. @Ausmumof3 Panel F on the lower right are normal presenting lungs.
  3. Researchers are finding internal organ damage in asymptomatic cases. https://www.kpbs.org/news/2020/jun/14/scripps-asymptomatic-coronavirus-patients-organ/?fbclid=IwAR0bxc9nd47ILXJNwOG4eUOFasAyfslH42fHpc3bYq1XLRPx8dTILM7qATw
  4. If you are CA, 2 years rear facing car seats. Car seats now have expiration dates. I would say browse around on Baby Center's community and you will find a lot of stuff on there. There's some resistance to sippy style cups, so some wean directly to cups or straws instead. Baby led weaning directly to table food is popular. You basically skip the entire baby food stage. there's a lot of gray palettes now, very gender neutral stuff. Poke around on the baby department on Amazon or buy buy baby online. Baby Bjorn isn't in...but baby wearing is and the possibilities are endless. Google how to choose a carrier and you will see the endless styles. No bumpers or anything in the crib but the baby. Diaper bags that look like nice handbags are popular as well or bags that are unisex looking like messenger bag or backpack style. Some people like using monitors that have wifi, but I don't because I don't like having wifi radiation near babies. Not sure if Infant potty training or elimination communication was big then. There is a segment that does that. I did it with both my kids. There's a lot of natural, chemical free products for babies these days. Just about anything you can think of. Those are some of things I can think of right now.
  5. I was in another thread, and I noticed one specific name that was missing. I don't know if there is more than one. I just noticed that particular name because their posts were really harsh in tone and would seem to try to pick a fight with other people. So much so, I tried to scroll past because those posts came off rather politically charged. I noticed that on this thread as well.
  6. This was pretty raw, transparent and honest post about some really raw, uncomfortable things she learned about herself. Gives me hope to see people telling their stories. https://not-your-average-mom.com/reflections-of-a-white-woman/?fbclid=IwAR3OaGm6UDsRB96uSzpqS2xw6qRCouo6sDvdkVL8hKfMblwPKSxyAo6Jg1g
  7. I believe that the only way forward is through relationship. We all have influence in our circles. That friend is your circle. No POC will ever have the power to influence your friend. Only you and other people in her circle have to power to influence. As a Christian, it is our calling to see that all of the people, whose views are abhorrent to us, are still people for whom Jesus died on the cross. There are imperfect, flawed people who are still worthy of God's love. That is the crux of being Christian that we are asked to love the unlovable. When I listened to Pastor Miles (linked in my previous post) talk about our tendency in all things to create in groups and out groups, it was convicting. It is really difficult to do the hard work of loving those we consider our out group. The only way that this friends (and those like her) will change is through relationship because through relationship you have the power to speak into someone's life. No one will listen unless and until they know you care. Pray intentionally and expectantly for opportunities to bring things up. No one likes being accused, but being able to gently and firmly talk in an appropriate time and place about what she said and how that made you feel and ask her to help you understand because you want to know what is in her heart because there is a disconnect for you in this and how you know her. Unfortunately, people say all sorts of thoughtless and careless things in social media and don't realize how those comments are perceived or received. Don't get me wrong, nothing about this is easy. It is all messy, dirty, heart breaking, soul wearying work to do this. I'm personally tired and weary as a POC (like nearly all POCs I know) of having the same, darned conversation over and over again. It feels like spitting in the wind. I have to hang on to the promise in Galatians 6:9 Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. I encourage you to not give up. We desperately need our white brothers and sisters to see the power that they had that we don't to influence circles that we can never hope to reach. What you can do is start to ask people to listen to people's stories. For example, I will share things that I find throught provoking and not say a word about my opinion about it before sharing and then have a conversation with friends asking them to tell me what they think. Then I listen carefully and ask questions to understand the what and why of what they are thinking. I try really hard to not say what I think until they are comfortable and know that I heard them. I try to approach it with something like, "Hey when you said XXX, I'm struggling with this because this is how I am hearing what you are saying. Can you help me understand if that is what you are trying to say." I thought a lot about jumping into this thread because talking about racism is just fraught with landmines, but God prompted me to speak up because you sound like you really want to have a conversation and want to do better because you know better. In His love, CalBear I'm going to copy here an excerpt from an email to two of my pastors who are white who asked me to openly continue to dialogue with them about this. Please understand this is somewhat off the top of my head thinking. I was praying over this more today and thinking about white privilege. You can’t have a discussion about white privilege without addressing white guilt. This is where I think the bulk of white Christians are stuck. They acknowledge that injustices have occurred in the past. They agree that yes, they have benefitted from societal systems and structures, but they don’t see how they should be made to feel guilty because they didn’t create it and or intentionally perpetuate it. They did not feel that they should be made to feel guilty for just going about living their lives. They question whether or not they are supposed to take the blame for something they were not directly involved with creating and don’t agree with. There are a few things I’ve thinking along those lines. 1) Recognize where the guilt is coming from. It is a lie from Satan that distracts. Satan uses the specter of white guilt to paralyze you into inaction, silence and indirectly perpetuating injustice. The best way I can explain it is that I truly believe that Satan uses white guilt as spiritual bondage. 2) I don’t see what you see in my world. I don’t treat people unjustly. I’ve never experienced what you are talking about. Here, I think it is all about how and what you are praying about. If you don’t see, then consider whether or not God is challenging you to pray about opening your eyes to see, to seek out relationships with people who have share their stories and journey for whom this is a daily reality. Consider how intentionally you pray about carefully examining your own heart, biases or whether or not you are open to seeing, whether or not you are willing to be uncomfortable and uneasy. It would be easy to recognize racism in George Floyd’s death or the elevator story, it takes a lot more work to see the far more subtle daily racism that is so pervasive. 3) Consider whether or not the discomfort and unease of contemplating white guilt or the feelings of how that feels unjust and unfair to white people is a taste of what it feels to be a person of color who lives life daily being judged by their skin color and not by the content of their character. 4) I have friends or I have relatives who are Black, Latino, Asian, or Native American, there’s no way I have racial bias. The truth is we all have racial bias. People of color also have racial bias. Yes, it doesn’t get talked about as much but there is plenty of that sin going on among POC as well against other ethnic groups including whites. The entire human race suffers from being racist. I often get POC mad at me when I point out this inconvenient truth, but just because you are a POC, doesn’t me that you have a free pass. Yes, it is entirely possible to have wonderful deep relationships with POC and still have racial bias on board. 5) Consider that if you are not the powerless, then you have power. There is no in between. Everyone has a circle of influence that God has placed you and only you in. That’s your power because with relationship comes influence. Change cannot ever happen outside of relationship. This is where the culture has bought into another lie of Satan that we can use institutions to change the hearts of man. The people of God know that change begins in hearts only through the radical transforming power of the Holy Spirit who can redeem what was meant for harm. 6) Recognize a white voice has extraordinary power in our culture. This is why silence hurts. POC recognize how powerful that voice is and how equally powerful silence is. 7) Reconsider how you are looking at George Floyd’s death. All of us agree that the officer kneeling on George’s neck committed a racist act that led to this man’s death. Have you considered the other three officers who are complicit through their silence and their inaction. Officer Chauvin’s sin led to the sin of the other officers and then look at how that sin multiplied into a tsunami of sin that have engulfed our entire nation. 8. I am afraid to say anything because when I have I have been criticized or silenced. So, I would flip this and consider what is God trying to teach you through this. Can Satan discourage you so easily in not persevering? Is God trying to teach you something through this? If what you said was not well received, then have you considered asking a POC you trust to help you understand why? Maybe before firing off your next comment on social media, use your POC friend as a sounding board to see if what you want to say actually conveys what is in your heart. Conversations around racism is fraught with landmines. Try to be humble enough to recognize that as a white person that you just might not know where all the landmines are and how you say something may be misconstrued or misinterpret
  8. @BlsdMama My heart hurts for you. I am also a Christian and a POC. It is a struggle. It is a struggle right now. The only thing that I can say as a Christian is that this is a spiritual battle. I am going to share a few things with you that I hope would help you and maybe be a resource that you can share with others. I am also going to share some things I have been posting about this. I really think we need to start seeing people and hearing their stories. What follows is going to be long though. What I hope that you can see is that the argument that there are sides and binary is not true. There is another way forward. This is a pastor local to me who wrote a timely book called the Third Option: Hope for a Racially Divided Country about a year and a half ago. I greatly respect him and first heard him at youth ministry conference when I was a director of youth ministries for my church way back in the late 90s. https://www.amazon.com/Third-Option-Racially-Divided-Nation/dp/1501172190/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=third+option&qid=1591289271&sr=8-1 He preached this sermon on Sunday which was really inspiring, encouraging and helpful for all of us struggling right now. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IjA4pZw3Bfg I wrote this on my page: I’ve been having conversations about white privilege lately with friends who geniunely want to understand what this means. This is a really well written article. I hope that you would be open to reading it. It is a mistake to think that white privilege doesn’t exist. It does. It’s real. I think it is also a equally bad mistake to be prejudiced against white people for being born white and having that privilege. No one controls that. I don’t think should not heap guilt on people for being born white. I think we should strive for understanding and to build relationships. We should try to listen with open hearts and not close our eyes and ears in the midst of the chaos and clamor. We should care and pray for one another and do better when we know better. https://www.yesmagazine.org/opinion/2017/09/08/my-white-friend-asked-me-on-facebook-to-explain-white-privilege-i-decided-to-be-honest/?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=YTW_20200529&utm_content=YTW_20200529+CID_6120cd107123021c357c12f067485cf7&utm_source=CM&utm_term=My+White+Friend+Asked+Me+on+Facebook+to+Explain+White+Privilege+I+Decided+to+Be+Honest&fbclid=IwAR1V_nxikJ3w_IrZCbE2pKHimO7EJIB5qpalltUShalQO-_QAQ2I2CkCF68 I also shared this really thoughtful, honest and self-reflective piece about white privilege from the creator of Veggie Tales, Phil Vischer: https://www.holypost.com/post/how-racial-injustice-has-benefited-me?fbclid=IwAR2vSbLTsYNAy_IiebqPoacyuzACns-miLd4i9WJkItLAny0zincjdYKqfo From another post of mine: Lots of people simply don't know where to begin and don't realize what they don't know or can't see. It starts with that first conversation to start on the path of learning and building relationships. Really, it is that simple. For people who don't understand by silence hurts: Who is My Neighbor? A Discussion on Race in America In lieu of our regular Neighborhood Night content, The Church at RB is beginning a dialogue to listen and learn from black members in our congregation. We want to use this time to lead with our ears and not our mouths as the whole country is leaning in to understand an injustice that began long ago and is real today. On Wednesday and Thursday of this week, we will share a two part conversation with Petrus Johnson, our Elder Chair, and Senior Pastor Jared Herd. We invite you to open your ears and hearts to listen as Petrus shares his experience. Join us on Sunday morning as we continue the “Who is My Neighbor?” conversation with a panel discussion on race in America. Watch Part 1 Now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=50hhymXXRlE
  9. Yes, we did every problem. We just worked about 45 minutes to an hour. Probably at a similar pace as purpleowl. My DD was 9.5 when he started and finished in 10 months but it was really at his pacing. So I let him take however long he wanted. We paused to do Jacobs Mathematics A Human Endeavor instead of going on to Algebra because I'm not in a rush and because I value the math topics covered in MHE. It seems like he is progressing at the same pace through algebra. The tolerance for the challenge problems is definitely higher now.
  10. Old Navy is selling masks on their website. https://oldnavy.gap.com/browse/category.do?cid=1157699
  11. The kind that is posted above is not the kind you snap into place. That's a convertible car seat. I would not buy that for her if you think you want the carrier sort. Plus car seats have a 6 year expiration date these days...so try to buy the latest manufacture date you can. Try using this as a resource. Then you can narrow down your choices based on the price point. https://csftl.org/recommended-seats/
  12. If you read the teacher bios on WTMA, you find out about which teachers use workshop style. Hummel does. If you google well trained mind forums and WTMA Expository, it should pull up archived threads about the various teachers. I can tell you I specficially avoided Hummel because I am not looking for workshop when I enrolled my son in Expo 1. I chose Otto instead.
  13. I live in this district. There are loads of private and charter homeschoolers in Poway these days. In fact, the homeschooling co-op group I'm a part of is the largest one in the county that is not a PSP...around 140 families. Are you coming in from another public high school or as private homeschooelrs? This will make a difference as to whether or not your credits might be accepted a particular school.
  14. This was in the US News and World today about superintendents disregarding the published guidelines and looking at the more specific CDC guidelines which were shelved. I linked the 63 page document in the second link. More specific details can be found later in the document for childcare p.42, schools/camps p.47 and churches p.52. Vulnerable workers, restaurants/bars, public transit follow those sections. https://www.usnews.com/news/education-news/articles/2020-05-15/school-superintendents-dismiss-white-house-will-follow-leaked-cdc-guidance-on-reopening-schools?fbclid=IwAR2RyJIkfkg8asENRw_vSE8JO35ZRozUUgD0MbcZAu1EMhgMBSW3cjYZQoY https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/6889330-Guidance-for-Opening-Up-America-Again-Framework.html
  15. Could someone confirm what the coupon code is? The number in the OP's post is not working for me.
  16. My church runs 3 services so I think generally at least 5k on average. We are continuing with live stream. The tentaive plans looks like no classes for children or students and attendance for at risk and elderly will be discouraged. And attendence would have to be online reigstration until capacity is reached. Masks for everyone. COngregational singing is doubtful at this point but might happen if there is masking. Worship band will likely continue. Live streaming everything will conitnue. We are pretty good at live streaming and putting out a lot of online content including small groups and children's and youth programming.
  17. I am looking at the logic classes over at VP's online academy for the fall. Does anyone have feedback on their classes? I was looking at doing the Associate Logic class for my son. The teacher listed is Cindy Felso.
  18. Apparently a big increase in cases now in the middle of the country. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/white-house/unreleased-white-house-report-shows-coronavirus-rates-spiking-heartland-communities-n1204751
  19. I already know a number of them myself. I'm thinking that's not uncommon now?
  20. This is dismaying to read about this poll in the US. https://news.yahoo.com/nearly-one-third-americans-believe-090024774.html
  21. ditto on the recommendations for drip irrigation and for hardware cloth going up the sides with overlap!
  22. Just anecdoctal. There are quite a number of people locally I know who would probably respond that they have been sheltering in place, but they really aren't truly and strictly sheltering in place. They think that their trip to do X or to go to Y doesn't really count. People aren't always truly accurate in their recall.
  23. The whole Plandemic video is super viral in my area because Dr. Mikovits lives in Carlsbad. There are a number of people I am friends with who know her. They are claiming this is a massive smear campaign against her. Whether or not someone is nice, kind or a fellow Christian, and if you personally have had only good interactions with someone does not mean that you can extrapolate that to say that about someone's entire life. You can't say that about anyone IMO. You can only speak to your own experience with said person. That aside, when I posted "Asking questions is good. Does the preponderance of the evidence support the claims being made?" and I attached the link below that sifted through the scientific evidence for or against the claims made in the film, then I started getting a lot of the "this is a smear campagin" claims. I have a pretty evenly divided FB friends along the political spectrum so there is an exchange happening. I didn't say anything about Dr. Mikovits at all. Just that we should examine each scientific claim and the merits of it. https://www.politifact.com/article/2020/may/08/fact-checking-plandemic-documentary-full-false-con/?fbclid=IwAR2KLrMOhD_lRb4ETaWWzxX1LCeTEgTZddYFtRbLd2fwcsPtp-R81VoplNc
  24. Tijuana is emerging as a major hotspot in Mexico which is just across the border from where I am. That is a big concern because normally there's over 100K crossings daily here. Our county numbers look ok, but if you look at the neighborhoods closest to the border, the total cases per 100K increase from around go from around 150 to over 2000. https://news.yahoo.com/hidden-toll-mexico-ignores-wave-192622443.html
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