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Everything posted by SoCal_Bear

  1. If she is shaky on foundational skills, you may want to back up and do the other Keys to books before. I wouldn't think you would want to move forward into Keys to Algebra yet. Just so you know the first 1/3 of Jacobs does focus on pre-algebra skills.
  2. It wouldn't be any better I think. Isn't the deal usually $100 off a course during sales?
  3. For whoever was looking for a sale. For just ONE week, buy any two Self-Paced Bible or History courses at VeritasPress.com and SAVE $200 when you use coupon code HOBBIT at checkout. You have to start courses by 9/1/19.
  4. Depends on the charters. There are some down here who are looser with their requirements. I speculate that is likely to change in the future.
  5. Does anyone know about Mme. de Falcis who is the new French teacher at WHA? http://mmedefalcisfrenchclass.weebly.com/
  6. @stibalfamily For students in need of remediation or credit recovery, I know summer school is available. However, I have no idea how that would work for your specific charter.
  7. And this would be the charter that was shut down and the charter management employees who are under indictment. After this news broke, it seems like charters are tightening up what they are doing. I am not part of a charter, but I moderate a very large FB group in SoCal... I can't see how any charter can do that legitimately even when it was going on. When you read the actual indictments, they were doing really shady stuff by enrolling students in one charter for the summer and then moving said student for the school year and collecting funding twice on the same student. Apparently charter employees and existing families were getting kick backs for referring new enrollees. I believe I read in the Valiant report that something like only 17% of their students were enrolled for full school year.
  8. It also may help teach him about the root word peri-.
  9. You could do something fun and hands on like Paper Paper Geometry. Geometry requires a lot of visualization. Hands on could help a lot with that. https://www.amazon.com/Patty-Paper-Geometry-Michael-Serra/dp/1559530723 Also AOPS pre-algebra has geometry chapters in there as well. Compared to math progression when I was growing up, geometry concepts are introduced a lot earlier and in more depth than before.
  10. Hi ladies, I don't have a child with SN, but I did see this being offered by True North Homeschool Academy. I've not seen this offered by any other online providers before. Hope this may be of help to someone. https://truenorthhomeschoolacademy.com/special-needs-struggling-learners/
  11. For those who are not in SD, you may not be aware of this which has been rumored and now became reality in the last week. Other CA charter school folks need to be aware of what is happening. The news conference video with the SD DA is at the very bottom of this news page. Everyone in CA involved with charters knows that the current governor and legislature with strong backing from teachers unions has indicted that they want to reform charters. There have been several pieces of legilation to that effect. California is known as the wild West of charters so there has been a huge explosion in charters of every sort. So, this is breaking in the middle of a huge fight in CA over the future of charters. This will likely have far reaching implications even beyond CA. I personally don't have a dog in this fight since I am a private homeschooler, but it does have implications around school choice. I am royally upset because I am a CA tax payer and this is at least $50 million! https://www.10news.com/news/local-news/50-million-in-state-funds-reportedly-stolen-in-charter-school-scheme?fbclid=IwAR2ORhLdyIQlEDfJGXYDHvNa9PG-OaZDcCquBwzLijzbLlUmNnyF4RW-tzo This is the actual indictment: https://www.courthousenews.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/A3Charter-INDICT.pdf?fbclid=IwAR0Wp9Fog4WQYTEutbey_n1bE3nIxeQNfJVy_qUHbTsi_oa5DGfsn0ESc5o This is the Dehesa School district's report on Valiant and the closure of that charter which has came before all these indictments. It's a bit ironic that the indicted superintendent is listed on this: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VljtBvQfSrBzxZ-KPNiPsqQBvZe7h5kM/view?usp=sharing
  12. I have to say that you should expect doing any math with K-2 students to be teacher intensive though not to the degree that RightStart is. SIngapore definitely uses manipulatives in the lower grades as well and does require parental instruction.
  13. Just wondering why you don't mention Saxon as a possibility for him as the way you describe him. If you are pressed for time with littles, it would go easier on you to use Saxon if you are already familiar with using it. You describe him as traditional and enjoying workbooks, so Saxon would seem like it would work for him. If you want to understand Singapore, I wrote about it here. I would not describe it as a workbook program. It is a conceptual math program. https://lifeatwarpspeed.wordpress.com/2015/03/31/singapore-math/
  14. Sorry...I probably didn't complete my thoughts. You were looking for classical...so I assume you are looking for what to do after SSL or instead of SSL. So if you were to use LFC which does classical pronunciation unlike MP, then be aware that your student needs grammar exposure first or he will get overwhelmed by LFC. I have no idea how MP is set up because I never looked at it seriously because I also wanted classical and not boring.
  15. I build my classes off of Google Classroom which is free. You can toggle grading on or off by assignment. I really like being able to answer questions and have disccusion posts. I have kids submit assignments using Google Drive which is free, grade and return it online. So easy to have all the assignments there and to be able to see what each student needs to complete. I can integrate multimedia resources online like youtube and integrate quizlet for example. Here's a youtube tutorial on how it works. They improved Google Classroom a lot since I first started using it.
  16. I've used SSL. I would be okay with doing SSL1 with a 1st to 3rd, and SSL2 with 2nd to 4th. I've taught the classes at our co-op for that age range. I had my son in there slightly younger at K and 1st because he could read and write fluently already. The DVDs are fun and actually the favorite part for the kids. SSL2 as you can see is 3x as thick as SSL1 and gets into the grammar. It's very much focused on diglot weave approach. Dropping Latin words into an English context to help kids just acquire voacabulary. The 4th graders that it works well with are the ones who do not mind something that is aimed more at lower/mid elementary. Our transition to CAP's Latin for Children was really smooth after SSL2. The newer version is far and away better than the original so if you are looking around for that used be sure to get the newer one. It is far more visually appealing and used a story approach with the diglot weave as well. I would not do LFC with a student who has no exposure to English grammar though. I mention this because of what you said above about classical pronunciation.
  17. SSL2 does review SSL1 vocabulary and does introduce grammar. It is a good ramp into LFC A. Let's see you son is 8? I think if he has a decent grasp of grammar he could do it. It moves faster than SSL2 though. I wouldn't repeat SSL. I would just have use the song CDs for him. SSL 2 is a good step up from SSL 1. LFC could be a little much for 8yos. It is really dependent on your child. For Schole and Wilson Hill, they schedule LFC A for grades 4th to 6th. There's a a lot of material to cover in each chapter. SSL2 would make the transition to LFC A really smooth. That being said, mine did LFC A with Schole when he was that age, but he has really high retention and foreign languages come easily for him. He will be skipping LFC C with his teacher's permission and moving on to Latin Alive 1 in the fall with her at WHA because he ready for the workload. Alternatively, you could do SSL2 and get the online practice for SSL1 to work alongside or through the summer. It's $19.95 as an add on. It comes free now if you buy their curriculum with the streaming videos. It's pretty fun and a good way to practice. https://classicalacademicpress.com/product/song-school-latin-book-1-online-practice/
  18. Using part 1 & 2 of Treasured Conversations writing program. https://treasuredconversations.com/product/teaching-writing-through-guided-analysis/ Or Kilgallon's sentence composing for elementary. https://www.amazon.com/Sentence-Composing-Elementary-School-Sentences/dp/0325002231
  19. Maybe History Odyssey from Pandia Press? I was originally thinking K12's Human Odyssey series would be a good, inexpensive spine since you can easily get those for $5 used. However, it definitely would have to have literature added. Not difficult if you have SOTW guides and just pull from those lists. It wouldn't have assignments though.
  20. I forgot to say I personally was not impressed by the sample class I saw from MCT. Just adding this before you spend $$$ to watch a sample class to see his online teaching style.
  21. I only went through WWE3. We chose to do Treasured Conversations (interspersed through WWE series), Paragraphs by EPS, Kilgallon (interspered through the WWE series), and IEW in the inbetween time before moving on to WWS1 next year.
  22. I haven't used it myself. I know people who have used it. There is a self-paced version. I would wait until there is a sale. There are two courses for each of the first three levels. You can view sample lessons here: https://veritaspress.com/selfpaced/omnibus
  23. I think it might have helped that I made it really clear that I would be available to volunteer to help and showed up every time. The groups that my son has been a part of have been quite large, so it isn't so obvious that there is a homeschooled student there since we don't advertise it. I think they have appreciated that my son also stays to help clean up while all the other kids vanish as soon as we are done. I figure that since they let us join, we needed to make it worth their while to have us. YKWIM? Kill them with kindness sort of strategy.
  24. @daijobu I'm in CA (SD) and privately homeschooling. I have been able to gain some access on a case by case basis. I asked well in advance sometimes a year ahead of eligibility so that I could have an extended conversation with the club leaders. My son was on the local elementary Math Olympiad for the last two years and won their top scorer award both years. At a charter school, they welcomed homeschoolers for the AMC 8. I was also able to secure access to a middle school MO team. Math Counts is something that I was unsuccessful in gaining access to because there are a limited number of spots that they have for students. I'm working on gaining access to Science Olympiad currently. I've gotten positive intial contact, but that's still a bit to go to actual commitment.
  25. There's a review from MarkT on the pinned online high school physics class from UC Scout. It's on the second page of that thread.
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