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Everything posted by Reefgazer

  1. First bolded comment: OK, she should talk to the prof, and when she does, make sure she saks for feedback and points out specifically in the paper where she thought she addressed those concerns. It's possible after reading many papers the prof missed something, so I would extend her some grace if that is the case. Second bolded statement: Formal academic work shouldn't have comma splices, IMO, but I can also see where this is a stylistic thing. At any rate, short notations on papers are just that - shorthand notations that I wouldn't hold to the same standard of formality as a paper, so I don't think the prof's comma splices in notations are really relevant. Third bolded statement: This, too, needs to be specifically pointed out to the professor, and in addition, have DD ask for feedback on how she missed the mark there. Fourth bolded statement: Keep in mind that paying for a course guarantees your DD a seat in the class, but does not guarantee her a particular grade or professorial style. Trotting this one out will do nothing for your DD's standing in the class; she'll just be seen as entitled.
  2. I agree with First and Second Form Latin to get a grip on grammar first. You can then take that grammar knowledge and build on it with another program. MP is a religious company and the Latin has some religious content, but that content is easily omitted without sacrificing the relevant parts of the program. We eliminated all the prayers and songs, and haven't used any of the additional books (such as Lingua Biblica) and we suffered no Ill effects at all; in fact, DD just received her NLE scores and scored *very* well. The best part of the program is that the teacher supports are top-notch, and even myself, a non-Latin speaker, was able to guide her and learn Latin with her. I can't imagine a way to improve upon MP Forms series.
  3. With her boy crazy attitude, she needs a convent, LOL! Were these schools in Virginia?
  4. I think what your DD experienced is generally true for most colleges, but only because so many students come in woefully under-prepared for a lab science and the extensive safety prep is a CYA move for colleges. But as homeschoolers, we have the opportunity to make sure our kids are well-prepared for a university lab, regardless of what the public school will be doing.
  5. I just walk in...and all my other close relatives, as well. I must have boundary problems. :willy_nilly:
  6. I bet dollars to donuts it "got through" and she just thinks she can bully him into what she wants. Stand firm, both of you.
  7. DH and I have been in the position of being pushed by a family member to buy a house we hadn't planned on buying (yeah, we bought it - long, ugly story), pushed to buying a car BIL wanted us to buy (didn't buy it), and now we're being hassled into getting siding of the color BIL wants said house (after much back and forth with the contractor, he stopped discussing it with BIL). My one word of advice is to make the decision your and DH deem best for your families, without any other family member input, and stick to it. Anything else is a recipe for resentment and disaster. Trust me on that one. It isn't your job to sacrifice your family's well-bring for their housing crisis.
  8. I wouldn't care about this one bit, but the decision on whether to care or not will really be left up to DD. I did mention a highly regarded women's college that lets students board horses while attending, because I thought that would grab her. When she learned it was a women's college, she said to me "Oh, God, Mom, what would I do there?" Maybe I should worry...
  9. The buzz in this part of the woods is that the local community college prepares students in the sciences better than the local 4 year. Somewhat troubling to me because I do not think the community college is all that rigorous.
  10. I think you'll have a more enthusiastic learner if she choose her own language. I'd let her choose that.
  11. Been there, done this got, the same response to prove it!
  12. I would just been taking everybody to the latest Batman versus Superman movie. Not creative here, either. .
  13. Yeah, I see it in the same context as having a preference for blue eyes, or a tall mate, or a slender mate. Just another preference, which he Gould be allowed to freely voice.
  14. Married women who think being married confers some kind of "status" on them, and people who feel the need to nose into a woman's marital status, have tried to convert this to the substitute for Miss for years. When I see only Ms. And Mrs. as a designation, I generally leave the form blank or check both just to screw with the questioner. But in the case of this assignment, I would inform your child of the correct designations, correct the assignment, and then email the teacher to let her know the correct designations.
  15. Eh, I couldn't answer because this is highly personal, but I doubt I would get money for my own child. I just couldn't check anything because I have no idea; it would be such a personal decision, not just financial wise, but personal wisw.
  16. I've gotten asked that at the military hospital where we go for care. I always ask for the male OB/GYNs. The female staff members I've had contact with there are nuts.
  17. I don't mind male nurses, but I also don't think you are being unreasonable at all; they know darned well that many people are uncomfortable with private care from someone of another sex, and they should accommodate patients' needs in that regard. Mentally, I would have told that nurse to go screw herself. No, actually, I would have gotten up and gone peed on my own, because I am bitchy that way.
  18. I think you could use DuoLingo for a start, but really, at much higher levels, you're going to need a tutor who speaks the language and can teach conjugation of verbs and have a genuine conversation in French.
  19. Depends on the chemical. Most will be fine, others in solution will precipitate out, and hygroscopic ones will get hard (like brown sugar) if not properly stored (and most aren't properly stored). I would avoid used chemicals because you don't know if the person stored them properly, or more importantly, if they were cross-contaminated with another chemical because of poor technique; that will really spoil your day and can potentially ruin an experiment.
  20. This lab guide: http://www.amazon.com/Exploring-Biology-Laboratory-Murray-Pendarvis/dp/0895827999/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1460134675&sr=8-1&keywords=pendarvis+and+crawley+biology+laboratory is an excellent resource for an introductory biology lab. You can pick and choose among a ton of experiments/exercises, based on what suits your needs. It also has an excellent dissection guide with clear photos, if that's your thing. I would opt for a few major experiments/exercises, and then on other weeks, look at smaller projects/demonstrations.discussions.
  21. Typical; PayPal has a billing feature. No worries....
  22. Thanks, all! DD and I were adding wrong and couldn't figure out why our simple wrong addition wasn't giving us the correct answer. 😂
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