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Everything posted by Reefgazer

  1. Yeah, those behaviors would probably mildly annoy me. Whether or not I would find another dentist would depend on how much they annoy me, the technical competency of the dentist, whether I liked the dentist overall, or how convenient it was to access dental care at that office. Your story reminds me of the last time I went to the dentist. The hygienist got out her color chart to see if I "needed" bleaching services. I almost laughed out loud because my teeth are naturally blindingly white and anyone can clearly see that. I can only assume this was a service she was required to offer to all patients in spite of what common sense would tell her. My teeth were whiter than the whitest bar on her chart, and she just told me she didn't think I needed whiteners "at this time". I just shook my head and said "No, I guess not". Crazy...
  2. Both of mine are towheads, and both have blue eyes, we well.
  3. Yes, but I thought Sparkly was just asking how one can tell (I thought she was referring to today).
  4. The times I miscarried I was offered genetic testing on the fetus. I declined, but many people get the testing and find out the sex of the child.
  5. I think all forms of protest should be allowed, with the exception of those protests that are violent or disruptive to the point that the audience can't participate or hear the speaker. But I do wonder, if at political rallies held in a non-public place and paid for with private funds, if the organizer of the event should be allowed to eject whomever they wish.
  6. Tune 'em out and proceed with your DD's birthday as planned. My guess is their absence won't be a huge hole in your lives.
  7. If this is a one-off, I'd just let it go because it's not a big deal one time. But for multiple times, what is the written policy for the co-op when stuff like this happens? How often does stuff like this happen? I'd take my cue from the answers to those two questions.
  8. I've been a buyer and seller on eBay (thousands of transactions) for over a decade now, with virtually no problems that were unresolvable to my satisfaction. That said, I rarely sell on eBay anymore because they do not protect sellers from dishonest customers and their fees are astronomical. Therefore, if you are selling, you are better off going elsewhere for that. A few things: 1. I no longer leave feedback for anyone, no matter how lovely or miserable a transaction is, as protest for the fact that sellers are no longer able to leave honest negative feedback for buyers. Several years ago, when eBay took away the right of sellers to leave honest feedback, many sellers went this route. So you may not receive feedback for this reason and it may have nothing to do with your transaction. 2. Several years ago, eBay decided to prohibit non-PayPal or non-credit card transactions. They owned PayPal at the time and were trying to corner the market on payment systems such as PayPal and used eBay to do that. Before that, there were many sellers who accepted money orders. Sellers who put in their auctions that they accepted money orders had their auctions cancelled after the new policy went into effect. That said, I found a way to hint to buyers that I accepted money orders (by not actually mentioning money orders but telling buyers to "email me if they did not wish to pay by PayPal") and had a few customers pay that way. Emailing the seller before bidding and asking to pay by money order is your best bet; after the auction ends is to late. It is actually advantageous if you are a *seller* to take a USPS money order and not take PayPal because once I took the payment to the post office and collected the money, it was mine, so I always took money orders when asked. It is dangerous for you as a *buyer* to send a money order, however, because you have no fraud protection and you are better off, as a buyer, paying with PayPal. 3. In over a decade of using PayPal, I have *never* been hacked or had funds stolen. PayPal is the safest method a buyer can have against fraud. It is, however, not the best method of payment for sellers for a variety of reasons. If you are concerned about security, open a free checking account somewhere that is solely dedicated to PayPal and link it to a re-loadable VISA card.
  9. My family absolutely loves camping and I loathe it, so they go without me. Everybody's happy; they get to go camping and I get a free alone time weekend.
  10. I don't really struggle with my kids and their clothes because I am less modest and more loosey-goosey about clothing than they are. I tell them when they look ridiculous and should change, but I am not dying on a clothes hill and making them give up their choices. I have issues with DD's excessive use of heavy black eye makeup, but I'm not dying on that hill, either. I do draw the line on tattoos or other permanent/semi-permanent alterations (tats, piercings) - not going to happen in this house because I think they look trashy and cant stand them. Yeah, I opt to judge those.
  11. I sell a bit on Amazon. Price your stuff right, be honest with the description, and it will sell. I have never had problems with Amazon as a seller. However, be warned that they do take a pretty high fee, so it really isn't worth trying to sell anything under $10, IMO.
  12. IMO, it takes two people to make a marriage work, and it takes two to break it down, no matter if it breaks down due to an affair or some other reason. An affair isn't the cause of a marriage breakdown, it is just another symptom (like other disrespectful behavior toward a spouse). I also don't consider a realtionship undertaken while legally separated to be an affair.
  13. What an adorable baby! Prayers coming your way!
  14. Bayeux Cathedral and tapestry in Bayeux, France! We loved it!
  15. I am so grateful to WWSII - it taught DD to do this. I could not have taught this effectively, even though I write very well myself.
  16. This. Assuming a vet check found him healthy, lock him in the laundry room/porch with a litter box, his food/water, and a bed for 2-3 weeks. Make sure he has toys, human contact and interaction occasionally, and window access to look out. He will pee in his litter box and remember that that is the place where he needs to go. I had a pooper who needed this training, but it did the trick.
  17. The only SAHMs I know are also homeschoolers. I think they are going the way of the dodo, unfortunately.
  18. If the Kindle is his currency, then your policy needs to be there is no Kindle time *at all* until he earns it through extended good behavior. In other words, he has to earn the Kindle back.
  19. I have no dating rules; not even a curfew. Oh, wait, I do have one rule, no overnights. I have to say, I don't get the strict dating rules. How are youth supposed to learn the social niceties of dating and appropriate behavior if they never have the opportunity? These are the kids I saw who went absolutely *wild* as college freshman when there was no parent around to guide them and they were confronted with freedom for the first time in their lives. ETA: I just read down the thread and see that your DD is a bit troubled, so I don't know what I would do in those circumstances and could see how you might need stricter rules for that.
  20. I agree with you; 11 is old enough to take responsibility for his goggles. I would mention it no more; if he wants goggles, he'll buy them and keep track of them.
  21. I can't speak to their AP classes, but we have used their materials for Ancient and Medieval world history, and they are excellent. The organization is quite Christian, but I have found their materials to be very balanced, nevertheless.
  22. Oh, I'm in idiot. I think I just figured out this question. It is clear that I'm starting with an odd integer because it says four consecutive odd integers in the problem. Am I thinking that through right?
  23. Yes this is exactly the problem I'm having explaining to DD. Neither one of us can understand how adding two to another number automatically gives you an odd integer unless you know in advance what N is. I posted the problem is and it's entirety below.
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