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Everything posted by Reefgazer

  1. I don't think the OP was saying this. I think she was saying that if you don't have the time to be pregnant, how do you have time for a child? Justifiable question, IMO. A nanny does not mean she has time for a child; it means the nanny has time for a child. Granted, it's no one's business, but she kind of made it the public's business by publically putting it out there, 'ya know? Having a baby via surrogate because she was too old is a different animal, I think.
  2. And if you have read all your free articles this month, just switch to "Incognito" mode to read unlimited free articles any month. ;)
  3. Yup - $1.44 on our last bill.
  4. BINGO, this worked! The cheapie in me is smiling, thanks!
  5. Also, a jacket can dress up the frumpiest of outfits....
  6. Dress pants with a blouse or sweater, heels, and decent jewelry.
  7. I'm unbelievably cheap - I don't want to pay because it's over a buck, LOL!
  8. It's very strange; all of the sites recommended here send you to a site that is the same fee-based site. I even tried this on another device (my iPad instead of desktop) and in incognito mode and got sent to the same site every time.
  9. When I use that, it winds up saying "free" to get me to click on the link, but then to actually see the number, I have to page 2>99 or some such. I was looking for a truly free white pages.
  10. Is there a way to find a phone number (like a white pages directory) that allows you to look up a landline phone number for free?
  11. In our district, this funding situation is true; the poor neighborhood schools are getting the same as the wealthier neighborhood schools. However, the money was spent differently. Poorer schools were more likely to have physical facilities that were old and decrepit, so they cost more to maintain than the schools in wealthier neighborhoods. That left less total money for actually educating kids than in wealthier schools. Maybe that is one reason for the data.
  12. I'm sorry; it's tough being exhausted from advocating for your kid. Is it possible your DH can take the lead on applying to a few more schools? Is it possible the school your DS likes would admit him provisionally and for a limited term so he could "prove himself"?
  13. Yes to the bolded. It seemed few people ever read those consent forms and thought about what it meant. I never signed those things; always sent them back unsigned and never caught any crap for it, either.
  14. This is one of those battles that will need to be fought like homeschooling was fought - on a state-by-state level. Old Dominion University was involved in having the city condemn property that was not even blighted so that they could take it for a football stadium and dorms. One business fought back and won, and simultaneously, a law was put on the books that defines eminent domain very narrowly so that entities can't take the property unless it is a clear benefit for all.
  15. This is my life and I hate that I am so busy and stressed. DD has activities up the wazoo and every time I suggest cutting back she gives me static. I hate pulling activities that are beneficial, but the stress is really taking it's toll on me.
  16. This is my life and I hate that I am so busy and stressed. DD has activities up the wazoo and every time I suggest cutting back she gives me static. I hate pulling activities that are beneficial, but the stress is really taking it's toll on me.
  17. I wonder if the extreme metabolism slowing and extreme hunger remain if you lose very slowly and steadily?
  18. For Virginia, high school courses taken in 7th and above count for credit and towards GPA.
  19. DD is insistent on doing History Odyssey, even though I told her it was a ton of work. Shereally likes history. And yes, it seems like we are in the same boat. I have to polish up her writing abilities, and she definitely needs to have her punctuation and writing mechanics shored up. I had hoped to have had that taken care of by high school, but she still needs some work on that.
  20. Well, that's what I am planning to do - merge the two. But even doing that, I will need to add some more literature for a full English credit, and DD will also be finishing up WWS II, as well as a bit of punctuation/editing practice, and that makes history and English, even if merged, more than 2 credits worth of work. I suppose I could not add any substantial literature, but that's the fun part she likes. And this happens with science and math, as well. It's nuts. ETA: I'm thinking of knocking off a few of the history lessons in HO, but when I look at them and try to cut, I think it's all important, and DD enjoys history and I don't particularly want to cut. I am just overwhelmed because I want her to have time for herself, but it seems what is expected at high school level is actually more than 180 hours for most courses. Or maybe my expectations are just way out of whack.....
  21. My kid is so over-scheduled (her choice, I try to talk her out of it) it's going to kill me. I'm exhausted at the thought of typing it out, but here goes. I didn't list her schoolwork, but she is in 8th grade and studying 3 high school level courses, so it's substantial. We plug in school whenever we can Sunday: Church, barn, some type of schoolwork at night that she didn't finish during the week. Monday: French lesson, barn. Tuesday: Co-op, Girl Scouts, swim team practice. Wednesday: Horseback riding lesson, French lesson, swim team practice. Thursday: Swim team practice. Next year, co-op will be on Thursdays as well as the other days. Friday: Co-op, swim team practice. Saturday: French lesson, catch up on school work she didn't get to during the week. Summer is worse, because she has to have her hand in every.flipping. pie. But we don't school in the summer, so it's like a vacation, LOL!
  22. I agree with all of this, except in the cases of proper sewage disposal. If they don't have adequate facilities, it can be harmful if they pollute waterways. But I have no idea if that is the case here.
  23. I have this problem the DD now (she is in eighth grade). She currently horseback rides extensively, and swims in the competitive swim team. I don't know how were going to continue this in high school, and my gut feeling is one of the activities going to have to give, but I can tell you we do a *lot* of weekend work.
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