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Everything posted by desertflower

  1. I'm looking into this class as well. Here are my thoughts so far. My daughter is currently in a middle school literature at schole. It's not too much work. Having said that, I noticed that the H.S. American Lit is only 1 credit which leads me to believe that it's not as much work as a typical H.S. English class would be. The teacher is extremely nice if that helps. 🙂 It looks like 7 books are discussed (5 and a couple of poetry). Which is a lot for one credit in my opinion. According to my husband, a typical Honors English course generally reads about 6 books a year. If my son does this class, I plan to have my son do a couple of writing workshops with Lantern or Write at Home. Hth
  2. I believe Connie's Adv Hon Chem lacks 3 topics to pass the AP Chem though. Am I correct WTM? Thought I read that somewhere.
  3. Thanks. That's good to know. I believe WTM had recommended Windows to the World to me before as well. I had a thread about writing sequence as well. 🙂
  4. Yes. I believe WTM is the reason why I'm considering Clover. I read her reply somewhere. CC is free where I live. We don't plan on taking the AP because it's not accepted everywhere and it's hard to find a place to take it. Actually, it's just too complicated all around. So, CC Chem will just be a breeze for him. But it will be his first or second college course and I want something relatively easy for him as his first course. Just to get used to being in college, lab on campus, peers and the work load. I actually do hope Advanced Honors Chem is hard. He's currently in H.S. Chemistry and it's not difficult for him, that's why I hope it's hard for him.
  5. Are you teaching Windows to the World yourself? Is it self explanatory like WWS? I'm thinking of Schole's American Literature for 9th. It's only 1 high school credit though. But that would be light enough for him to keep his skills going and concentrate on the Chemistry Olympiad. Then he can pair it with summer writing courses such as Lantern or Write at Home.
  6. Tentatively it's: Path A: 9th - Clover Valley Chemistry's - Advanced Honors Chemistry and ChemWoot with AoPS to help prepare to take the Chemistry National Olympiad Exam 10th - Apologia Biology and Clover Valley Chemistry's Intro to Organic and Biochem (He loves this stuff.) 11th - Community College Chemistry and Physics with Athena's Advanced Academy 12 - Community College Biology Path B: 9th - Apologia Biology 10th - Clover Valley Chemistry's Intro to Organic and Biochem 11th - Physics with Athena's 12th - CC Chemistry What about you?
  7. It's been several hours now and I hope you are feeling better! 🙏
  8. I plan on having my 8th grader just read books for American History next year. May use Joy Hakim as a spine. Still debating. But she has requested just to read.
  9. Hi, Where do your kids do economic game theory? Thanks.
  10. Honestly, I was not impressed with BA 2A and 2B. Or was it just 2A? Anyhow the addition and subtraction part was what I wasn't thrilled about. Sorry no advice. I hope he gets through it. I really like BA.
  11. I would email the teacher. The teachers there are pretty responsive. My son is in Intro to Physics. They meet 3 times a week. And it was a challenge in the beginning of the school year. There is homework due each day they meet. The homework over the weekend is generally longer than the homework due during the week. The tests are usually given over the weekend. Hth
  12. I agree with this. and add the history and biography that he loves. I hope it goes well for him and you during the wait.
  13. Praying for her and you. So sorry that she had to go through all that.
  14. Thanks Wendy! Thanks Freesia for letting me ask all these questions. Can't wait to hear what other people are planning for their 9th graders.
  15. This sounds great. Can you provide the title of the books that you will use for the game theory? My middle child just expressed that she wanted to study Egyptian history, so this is great timing! Thanks!
  16. Any pros and cons to Write at home for high school? I'm thinking of having my kids take the live classes of writing and literature. Are the writing courses live? I seem to recall nothing but good things about Write at Home. But just wanted to be sure. Thanks for any input.
  17. I'm still planning. Science: Apologia Advanced Chemistry and another science either Apologia biology or Athena's physics Math: AoPS Geometry or Intermediate Algebra History: may skip a year or Economics via outschool Foreign Language: ASL PE: Soccer LA: Not sure
  18. Hi. Where would you find a course on Game Theory or Egyptology? Thanks.
  19. Oh I'm so glad this thread started. I'm still trying to solidify. But here are what my thoughts are so far. 1. Writing: WWS 1 (Take it slow), IEW, Druidawn for Creative writing 2. Math: BA 5 3. Grammar: Fix It Grammar 4. History: Continuation with SoTW 4 5. Science: Not sure 6. Logic: Orbiting with Logic and other books from the critical thinking company 7. Vocab: Vocabulary virtuoso and Word Roots 8. Foreign Language: Spanish homeschool academy, Latin with Classical learning and American Sign Language 9. PE: Soccer and swim 10. Literature: Brave Writer 11. Lots of art classes and hopefully one coding class via outschool
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