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Everything posted by desertflower

  1. I'm agree with pp. I guess I asked about the older 3 kids to rethink my answer. I think we have different priorities. Her house is clean. Kudos to her. Mine isn't always clean. My neighbor dropped by unexpectedly twice and both times......well let's just say I'm glad he didn't call dfacs. Lol I think that it is gteat that you are concerned, but I'm sure she's providing the best loving environment she can. Her household her rules. That's what is so great about America.
  2. Yes.....I'm green with envy! Huh, hooked on phonics. Who would of known?
  3. How about Building Foundations of Scientific Understanding? Pdf is only $5. At least it was last year. Of course, I'm more of a hands on type of person, so I got the book as well. Not everyone will work well with just a pdf. Just a thought..... Good luck in your endeavor.
  4. Thank you for this. It makes me feel better since my toddler won't let me read to my other children. We play a. lot. Lol
  5. I like critical thinking science book 1 and 2. I think book 1 is k-2 and book 2 3-6. Don't quote me though. If I remember correctly, topics included force, air pressure, gravity, water buoyancy, etc. We did 1/2 book 1 over the summer. It was fun.
  6. I don't have LOE, but do have AAR1. Judging from past threads, AAR1 activities are more hands on; whereas, LOE is more multisensory. I can't speak for anything past level 1 though. Hopefully, someone else can chime in.
  7. Perhaps make it a game? They read a literature book from your culture and you read one from theirs? Whatever you are asking them to do you dk yourself as well? Perhaps not everything though. Like if you are asking them to learn 10 words you learn 5? Perhaps start an unofficial book club? Like in the book "Deconsrructing Penguins". I know this seems like a lot of work, but perhaps this could be a way for them to bond with you. Perhaps find a way they can relate to you? If that works, then they may be more willing to do the work. I really don't know. Just throwing stuff out there. Good luck.
  8. Wow! I have to ask what pbonics book is she liking? I want to see if it'll work for my kids as well. Lol
  9. Can they choose which books to read? How about the harry potter or narnia ot Lotr series? Or math or science? Isn't there something called Math for girls or Horrible Science books? Perhaps do something that interest them and a classic literature book? Hth. Good luck.
  10. I agree with pp. Perhaps a more kinesthetic curriculum? Rightstart math? Have him look at it and see if that would be more appealing for him? For english, how about Mct? I haven't used it yet, but I think it has a storyline tl it.
  11. Everything all pp said plus very thorough and no sight words.
  12. Create letters using play dough. Stamps Songs? My kids like the leap frog alphabet fridge magnets songs. Hth
  13. I didn't read what the other pp have said, but here's my 2 cents. He's going through what a lot of us do when we first homeschool our kids. I went through the stage where I was questioning if I was qualify to homeschool. I don't have a masters degree. I know I lack in critical thinking, so I bought a book on it to learn it, so I can teach my kids. We do what we can. Sure we should be reading to our kids something like 2 - 3 hours a day. But here's my confession, I don't. Would like to, but my toddler won't let me. I read to my toddler a lot, but she won't let me read to my son and other daughter. Reading to them generally takes place 30 mins before bedtime. Anyhow, my point is, perhaps God has a different plan for our kids. Would we like our kids to be doctors, mathematicians, scientists, missionaries, engineers? Sure, but I can't. We play a lot together. Family bonding. Perhaps your husband can at least play audiobooks rather it's on cd or websites like lit2go.com. If he thinks he lacks in an area, then he can improve it. He's obviously smart in a different way or you wouldn't love him. (I say this because my husband only made 2 B's in his whole entire life and he has his masters. I asked him if he ever wondered what it would be like to marry your equal, and he said that he did. :) ) Perhaps your mother can help out a couple days a week? Your dh can take her to storytime 2 days a week? I used to go 3 - 4 days a week. (different libraries) Now I feel like I'm rambling. Obviously, he was on board, it's not uncommon to feel inadequate in the beginning. Tell him that he can do it and buy whatever he needs to buy to improve on whatever skills he needs to to teach. Focus on him teaching whatever his strengths are. Perhaps he can join this forum. lol I hope this makes sense. Good luck!
  14. The critical thinking company allows one to make copies for ones own family. Thanks for the reminder though.
  15. Well I guess I sbould of chose a different title. A title I can read now doesn't infer that I'm asking for help. Lol
  16. There's something called Little Passport. Never used it, but it looks interesting.
  17. I don't know anything about Pathway readers, so I don't know where your child is at in regards to reading. As for readers, I started this thread: http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/528095-i-can-read-now/?p=5920431 I really like "I Can Read Now!" by David Fernstedt. We just started Progressive Phonics and my son likes that too. I ordered Reading Pathways and Animals Antics, so the jury is still out on those. We just started reading "You Can Read to Me and I'll Read to You" books. He's enjoying those as well. I imagine these can go along with OPGTR. My friend used OPGTR. Her daughter was reading at an early age. 4 1/2? hth!
  18. I already bought them. :( I should of asked the hive first. :) Thank you for taking the time to write your advice.
  19. Ah! Yes! Buy the digital. Now that's why I asked. :) I knew I was missing something. I have both a proclick and a 3 hole punch, but I didn't realize that there was an electric 3 hole punch! Thank you Angie in VA and ChrissySC!
  20. This is such a great post. Thank you Ruth for posting it on another thread! :)
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