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Everything posted by desertflower

  1. The more I read this thread and think about the more excited I get about getting one. lol Thank you Jessica for starting this thread. :) Thank you Skeeterbug for that weblink. After viewing it, makes me want to go to office max now. :)
  2. Thanks everyone for writing your experiences. I went to office max and it did have both the comb binder n proclick. It had the spines for the comb binder n the zip binders for the proclick. I may have to order the spines for the proclick online since zip binders have a bad rep. Plus I'm thinking of getting different colors for different subjects. I have a lot of ebooks, so it looks like it'll be advantageous to get one. With 3 kids, we need ideas to save space and this looks like a great one. So glad I joined this forum. :) Jeannie
  3. I didn't read all the replies so I apologize if I'm repeating info, but u could try talking to the kindergarten teacher. I think it's different for every state. Hth
  4. I was wondering, since proclicks and comb binders are expensive, are they necessary to have? I put lots of stuff in binders. Can someone tell me why you use it? I imagine to save space. Is that the only reason? So, talk me into getting one. :) I love to shop. :)
  5. Well, I guess zipbinds are out. :) Thanks for the info skeeterbug. I'm going to Officemax today to look around.
  6. I will look into that one too. Thank you Raining Pineapples!
  7. You're right, I will look around. $230 is a bit much. lol :) But at least I have a starting point. Thanks for the information and thank you for your time! Blessings, Jeannie
  8. thanks for the quick reply! Do you have any suggestions on what type of spines to buy? brand name? you like them 3/4" right? do i need anything else? i don't think so, but just want to be sure. kwim? IMO, newer not necessarily mean better. You have one that has worked for you for years, so that's good enough for me. :) Thanks for your suggestion! Jeannie
  9. Cheryl, Which comb binder machine do you have? I'd be interested in getting one too. At this point in time I don't have either a proclick or a comb binder. Thanks.
  10. Looks good to me. Does your 5 year old need a phonics program? If I missed that I apologize. Good luck!
  11. I don't know if anyone has mentioned this, but magna tiles.
  12. Are you talking about using scratch or alice and then something more advanced later on? I don't remember what comes after that because my oldest is only 5 1/2. We started using scratch and he loves it. Hth.
  13. I don't know the answer to your question because I'm not there yet, but fyi christianbook.com has sotw products for 40% off.
  14. Thank you OP for the review. I had always wondered about etc and now I won't waste money on it.
  15. Konos is a good one. I've got the first volume, but haven't implemented any activities from it yet. It is a Christian curriculum, but you don't have to relate it to the bible. Konos is Christian character based, but that's what being a good Christian is about. Patience, love, kindness, honesty, etc. Google it and you'll find someone sharing their experience with konos. Hth
  16. Perhaps do AAS at the same time? For example, get another magnetic white board and another set of tiles and put it side by side. So one could spell pig while the other one spells .....whatever a 3rd grader is spelling. :) Also while your little ones nap you can easily do FLL1. I don't know about FLL3. Hth
  17. I think it depends on your children. If you think they are mentally capable of doing FLL1 and WWE1 now, then go for it. FWIW, I start mine on both at 5. However, we don't do the copywork at this point in time. He's only 5 1/2 now. Is this correct? I don't know. But I feel he's ready for them. We do cursive in another program and plan on doing the copywork later. Hth.
  18. Michelle, Now that I know a little more about your situation, I say forget them! If your kids will attend sports activities in the future, you'll meet more people. Plus, with 4 little ones, you are busy! I know because my kids were born the same year as yours. Except in 2014 we bought a puppy. Lol. Still a lot of work because I had to train him to potty on the pad right away. :) I just obtained 2 friends through my daughter's ballet class. And wouldn't you know it, they are Mormons too! We just did 6 science classes together. Now we are going to meet at the pool next week. You are not missing anything by not being in that group. I agree with the others, start your own group or just have play dates. I wish you luck and so sorry that this happened to you and the other poster ( sorry so many posts that I don't remember your username). Many blessings to you.
  19. Well, that's not very Christianly like. So sorry that that happened to you and your daughter. I hope you find a social outlet that fits your family soon. And yes, like Sadie said, it can be done with different religions within a co-op/group. You are probably better off without them then.
  20. I think it depends on what type of learner your kid(s) is. If he/she is a kinesthetic learner, then AAR or Logic of english are a couple of well liked ones around here. I know OPGTR works really well, but I hear it's dry. I personally like phonics pathways because it's thorough and no sight words so far (I'm halfway into it). Good luck. Hth
  21. Such a shame. Teenagers generally are only interested in themselves. Hopefully, they will mature into outstanding citizens. Plus, I guess gaming is where the money is at. Unfortunately, for some that's their goal. I hope you find what you are looking for and that one day your nephew will be able to walk with robotic limbs or something better. :)
  22. How much phonics do your children know? I don't know anything about horizons phonics program. I like phonics pathways. But if your children are kinesthetic learners, this may not be the way to go. My friend used Ordinary Parents Guide to Reading and I was impressed by how much her 5 year could read. I hear it's dry though. Hth
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