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Everything posted by Hyacinth

  1. Love these threads! I read Still Alice yesterday (a bestseller from a few years ago). It was a quick read but one that I suspect will stay with me. The fictional account of a 50-year-old woman's experience with early-onset Alzheimer's was made into a movie; did anyone see it? I'm also slogging my way through Reclaiming Conversation: The Power of Talk in a Digital Age by Sherry Turkle. No commentary yet except that I'm a little surprised (and ashamed) to see myself in a few of the author's anecdotes regarding the lure of electronic devices over quiet, pondering time alone.
  2. She can ask and you can say no. It doesn't need to be any more complicated than that.
  3. I got a sample of Better Than Sex at Ulta. The name is a bit misleading in my case but the mascara is really good.
  4. I don't post here much, but the threads always inspire me to read more. Thank you! Yesterday I finished Doerr's All the Light We Cannot See. (I know. Everyone else read this a year or two ago, right? I'm usually late to the party.) I typically prefer a linear, chronological, beginning-to-end, no-jumping-around-to-different-characters-or-times stories. Maybe because the chapters were so very short it didn't bother me as much in this book. Plus, I love Doerr's masterful sentence construction; he seems to use the fewest words to perfectly convey meaning. I can't get Werner out my mind, and I don't really want to. I'm heading to the library today, but I feel like it's too soon to pick up something new after such a fantastic book. That sounds a little weird, I suppose, but maybe someone can relate?
  5. Mystery Show (only 5 or 6 episodes have been produced so far, but I loved these on my walks) The Way I Heard It with Mike Rowe (puffy-heart LOVE his voice for some reason and the short stories are written well) Read Aloud Revival (I've found a number of other podcasts by searching the names of some of her guests, such as Modern Mrs. Darcy and Tsh something or other) Dave Ramsey if I'm in the mood Tim Keller for Christian ed/sermons
  6. Fire pit Outdoor speaker system for music Badminton set Food Food Food
  7. Not a high-stakes nor terribly controversial topic, but I'm with extended family and, well, there's no shortage of opportunities to disagree :) Girl Scout troop has a fundraiser. The goals and the prizes are clearly stated. At a meeting after the fundraiser, the leader announces who met the goals and hands out the prizes. A few of the girls did not earn prizes. Position A: This person is absolutely appalled that the leader would do this in a meeting because of how the girls who didn't earn the prizes would feel. She thinks the prizes should've been given privately. Position B: This person thinks that the girls who earned the prizes should be recognized publicly. The prizes are not handed out arbitrarily so it's not a fairness thing. Everyone knows ahead of time if they are getting a prize or not so no one is blindsided. I am firmly in Position B, but I'm open to hearing a better defense of Position A if someone can offer it. FWIW, the girls in question were 9-10. (And everyone agrees that fundraisers are largely a work of evil, so there's no disagreement there.)
  8. He also has a podcast of short, interesting stories. I think it's called "The Way I Heard It."
  9. If so, why, how, how much, and what results have you noticed? Thanks!
  10. There's a chance that the stick-in-the-mud, desert-dry, quiet mom you avoid sees you as a shallow, overly effusive attention seeker who doesn't care about getting to know people. You both could be very wrong about each other.
  11. It's perfectly reasonable to pray that the suffering will end. I was there just a few months ago with my dad. And I know EXACTLY what you mean about the modesty/dignity thing. That was among the hardest parts for me, too. (Btw, we called them Depends or disposable briefs.) I'm so sorry you're going through this.
  12. Oh, I agree wholeheartedly that cover letters still have a role. My point was that at this point in the situation Dawn is currently facing, a cover letter is not needed.
  13. No. The purpose of a cover letter is to introduce yourself and invite further consideration via the resume. You're well past that point now, so you can skip the cover letter. Do bring enough copies of your resume for everyone there. Good luck!
  14. You know a professional when you are treated by one. Don't settle for less.
  15. Yes, you paid for the classes at that location and at the agreed upon days. In the case of an unforeseen and uncontrollable issue, something has to give: either the location is changed or the date is changed or the class is missed entirely. The director can't win with everyone and the teachers need to be given priority in terms of availability. That said, I'd hate it too. A lot. ETA: Just saw your post that there was a contract regarding makeup dates at the end. That's a game changer then. I'd politely reference that contract and ask for a refund for the day's class.
  16. The last four books I've read were mentioned here on the Chat Board's weekly reading thread.
  17. So sorry! My dad died two months ago, technically from heart failure but he also had stage 4 lung cancer. His decline from fully functioning until the end was fairly quick. (He walked himself into the doctor's office one day complaining of increased pain and weakness, was admitted to the hospital where he stayed for a few days, and ended up dying at home about three weeks later.) Hospice was enormously helpful! Really--I can't overstate this. From the practical to the spiritual to the "what ifs" and "what abouts" and the middle-of-the-night panicked calls...they were so helpful and supportive. Feel free to PM if you want.
  18. For the basket itself, how about fishing tackle boxes or tool boxes? They're portable with little compartments for candy or cash or whatever, and the boxes are totally functional in and of themselves.
  19. Yes! Porn is a cheap punchline for so many mainstream sitcoms: Friends, Big Bang Theory, etc. I saw a preview for some new show where a teen boy said he was going to teach his young friend about sex through internet porn (cue the laugh track). I fear for the kids whose parents aren't having these conversations; our culture has largely accepted it and promotes it as normal, funny, enjoyable, and expected as part of the human experience.
  20. My friend's son told her that it was her fault he used the Internet without permission because she wrote down the passwords. In her notebook. On her nightstand.
  21. A visit with a chiropractor can cure a full-blown case of shingles.
  22. No update yet. The little girl wasn't around yesterday and it's raining today. I see the mom pretty regularly in our comings and goings, so I'm sure I'll have an opportunity to talk with her soon. Thanks for all of the input. It helped me clarify my own position and frame how I can best communicate with the mom. To clarify one point: The mom isn't sending her over. Her yard ends where our driveway begins so she's just *there* kwim? The older kids find her somewhat amusing at times but, as someone up thread surmised, she thinks she is one of them and, well, she is not. I feel for her and for her mom. It can't be easy. We have a great little culdesac situation here and I'm not looking to create hostility or drama. I'm confident that the mom will be receptive to my concerns and we'll work it out.
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