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Everything posted by DesertBlossom

  1. I have a pillow. it's my squishy pillow. I have had it for as long as I can remember. So it might seriously be 30 years old or more. It's got kind of a bean bag feel to it now. I wrap my arms around it when I sleep. And I don't sleep well without it.
  2. I just made this and it was really good. http://damndelicious.net/2015/10/15/slow-cooker-chicken-and-corn-chowder/ This is also fantastic. https://www.melskitchencafe.com/slow-cooker-white-bean-chicken-chili/
  3. I just made this and it was really good. http://damndelicious.net/2015/10/15/slow-cooker-chicken-and-corn-chowder/ This is also fantastic. https://www.melskitchencafe.com/slow-cooker-white-bean-chicken-chili/
  4. DH works out in the heat a lot and uses it to prevent what he calls "jungle rot." 😂
  5. I saw this 2nd video and it's just as mind-blowing as the first. So even if she knows the officer is doing something wrong/illegal, she's supposed to let him do it anyway and then they can clean that mess up later? How about no. ETA: So today it's a vial of blood. Maybe not that big of a deal in the long run. (Then again, maybe it is) But the idea that citizens are supposed to cooperate with a police officer who is doing something illegal, just because they are the police, is all sorts of wrong. That woman had some serious guts and I'm impressed.
  6. I have never heard of this before. But I think I want to try this.
  7. I still think back to the time I tried a new recipe that contained something like 2 cups of mayonnaise and somehow that didn't set off alarm bells in my head. Nobody could eat it, it was so bad.
  8. I wish I knew. I said all along I wanted 6. #6 was born and I knew I was done. DH scheduled the big V and I about had a panic attack. I wasn't *that* done. But then I decided I was and that it was okay for him to do it. But then he changed his mind and cancelled. *sigh* I got pg again, DH was elated and just as I was starting to wrap my brain around it, I miscarried. But I am back to thinking I am done. I have told DH that when the baby turns 2 I am going to get my tubes tied. He says he'll get the get the V done, but he's not exactly making any appointments either. So....
  9. Once I read this, it all kind of made of sense. I mean, of course. :huh:
  10. With #1 and #2 I cooked, pureed and froze lots and lots of kinds of baby foods in ice cube trays and defrosted as needed. I do that less and less with each baby. Adding people food to a breastfed baby's diet turns their poop toxic so I avoid it as long as possible. 😆 I do absolutely love this baby mill though. At dinner if we ever have cooked vegetables or stew or something easy to puree, this thing is fantastic. https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B000GB0NZA/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_a_it?ie=UTF8&qid=1503669561&sr=8-1&keywords=food+mill+baby
  11. I haven't looked into it much yet, but does anyone know if Plan to Eat will calculate nutrition info too? Years ago I signed up for food.com because it provide nutrition info from recipes, and from there I could figure out a "carb factor" to calculate for my dd with T1 diabetes. But it took a long time and I never added more than a few recipes.
  12. I have a 3 ring binder divided into sections, but yesterday I signed up for a free trial of Plan to Eat. Much of what I make comes from Mel's Kitchen Cafe so I spent about 30 minutes yesterday uploading the recipes I commonly make and I was super happy with how fast it was to upload things. I just need a faster way to meal plan. I feel like I spend too long each week making lists and deciding what to eat. I want all my recipes in one spot. I hope that Plan to Eat is going to do what I think it will for me.
  13. I told DH that our kids' school was having "rainy day schedule" and keeping everyone inside even for recess, and that teachers would be escorting the kids to the bathroom even, lest they run out and try to stare at the sun. He replied "that's the dumbest thing I have ever heard of. Please keep them home from school." ðŸ˜
  14. So my kids are in school this year and we were told that it will be "rainy day schedule" on Monday with inside recess so no one is tempted to burn their eyeballs looking at the sun. They will be live-streaming NASA footage into the classroom instead. If I don't want them to watch the NASA footage, I can send in a note and my kids will spend the morning in isolation doing busy work instead. Apparently some parents don't want their kids to watch it. My guess would be the flat-earthers but that's just spectaculation. While both sound like awesome options (sarcasm) I am tempted to keep them home from school and make pinhole viewers instead.
  15. Apparently my kids' school is going to have "rainy day schedule" on Monday and keep all the kids inside during recess to prevent the inevitable eye damage that will occur if they go outside. Instead they will be showing the eclipse on TV, safely inside. Interestingly, if we don't want our children to see the eclipse even on TV, we can have them sent to the media center for the duration the eclipse. (Who wouldn't want their kids to watch it on TV? Flat earthers?) I find that all quite annoying and I think I will keep my kids home from school and make pinhole viewers.
  16. Every so often we get the "you guys should get a TV" line and DH says something like "We haven't found anything on TV nearly as fun." I giggle and blush but it actually shuts people up.
  17. People who think large families are a burden on society have it all wrong. Babies born into loving homes, whether it's 2 or 7 or 14, are going to be just fine. It's the babies born where they aren't wanted or loved or cared for that we should be concerned about. Those babies, in addition to being in heartbreaking situations, are the ones who become a "burden" to society (and I don't mean it's their fault) when social services or educational services have to step in and help. There are so many things to worry about, but big happy families aren't one of them.
  18. Can we talk about Trolls? The message I came away with was if you're not happy you just need to sing and dance and then bam, you're happy. It's just. that. simple.
  19. In college I spent several months in Guatemala and diarrhea wasn't uncommon. We called that sort of thing "BOO" because it came out without any warning whatsoever. I think it could be a GI bug of some sort making him ill, especially if he's also throwing up.
  20. I wear makeup so that I don't startle myself when I walk past a mirror with my dark dark circles under my eyes. I don't wear a lot of makeup. I do think it's kind of stupid that women are expected to wear makeup and shave our legs and armpits and all that jazz. But I try to fit in a little bit with society's expectations primarily because I don't like to stick out. 😋
  21. I love P&R and I love his character on that show. We were almost all the through watching Jurassic World when I realized it was the same actor. He went from average looking dork to... well, not so average. 😅
  22. When our apricot tree ripened our lab ate a lot of the apricots that dropped on that ground. She didn't throw them up, but left a lot of other evidence. 💩
  23. I think the only one I've ever seen was his thing on circumcision. But now I am curious about the glasses... after just having bought new glasses for every glasses-wearer in my household. Do I want to know? ETA: Found it and watched it. I am surprised. I wonder how the making of lenses falls into that. I buy my own glasses cheap at zenni. But DS has a crazy high rx so his lenses are always expensive, no matter where I have looked. And I have been buying his frames at wally-world because they replace the frames free for an entire year, which means he gets 3-4 pairs of free frames (same lenses) every year because he breaks them every few months.
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