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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. I used to watch them all but now I enjoy Criminal Minds.
  2. Maybe have him sit in as you read SOTW aloud to your 3rd and 1st grader, maybe still do the map work together too, then have him do the pages in KF and extra reading etc on his own.
  3. It would depend on where the house was located. I'd probably take the cash.
  4. I have always used regular liquid laundry soap in my front loader but just used a lot less than what is recommended for a top loader. I tried home made powdered for a while and did like how it cleaned but it clumped in the dispenser so I stopped using it. I recently bought HE detergent but that is so pricey I'd like to try making liquid but I am worried about it causing trouble with the machine. So do you use liquid and have you had any trouble? Thanks!
  5. I use excel to keep grades and a transcript form that Jean in Wisc shared a while back.
  6. If I did saxon with grade K( saxon 1) and grade 2, could I do the meeting togther with them both then just do the lessons seperately?
  7. I highly recommend Barton Reading and Spelling. It is not cheap but you can find each level used, sell it when you are done and use that to buy the next level. A good place for support and information on dyslexia (and to find barton used) is http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HeartofReading/
  8. g bbb g bbb g b wondering/hoping I will get two more bs lol
  9. My son has his last final today and starts a summer internship on Monday. My CC students have their finals next week.
  10. I have found the CC books are outrageously over priced, even compared to the university. My CC kids have been renting their books from http://www.chegg.com for @ 1/4 the cost.
  11. TTC Has a lecture series called Superstar Student that I found very helpful in note taking and study habits.
  12. I buy all our books too. I justify it by knowing they will get used over again. It's really nice not having to worry about the library.
  13. My son started General this year and is doing great with it. I wasn't sure if I wanted to move him to physical next year simply because I worried @ biology in 8th but I think he will do fine. So, yes, I think general is fine for 6th for some kids.
  14. Unless we are blessed with more babies I will be 55 when my youngest graduates. I'm not sure what I will do, but I'd love to travel and mayve take time to volunteer somewhere. And definitely spend time with grandbabies.
  15. My son took the ACT last fall and did OK. Since then he went through the ACT test book and has been practicing & studying. On his last practice test he brought his score up quite a few points. How accurate do you think the practice test will be to the real deal? He takes it again June 12th and I'd be thrilled if he scored as well on the real one as he did on his last practice.
  16. I would use just the R&S but add in a writing program such as Writing Strands, IEW, CW etc.
  17. You are write. We need to list ideas write now and don't write obvious suggestions. :lol:
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