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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. I use IEW with my older kids, but we have been using the themed based books. Would you recommend TWSS or SWI?
  2. I agree with this. The employee is supposed to ignore the kids and leave them be, but what if something would have happened? Who would be held responsible?
  3. If I remember right the pages are listed for both editions of the KF books in the SOTW activity guides.
  4. I have bought and sold many books on Amazon. Amazon does all the billing and the seller only gets your address info.
  5. I think I asked about writing before but we are finishing up the school year and I am panicking at the thought of how far behind my son is compared to kids his age. He is dyslexic and has some sort of processing/memory disorder as well as a seizure disorder. He needs lots of repetition in order for concepts to stick. We have to file a NOI each year and I do have him a year behind on paper. We are also required to test but I was able to have him exempted this year, but I have to redo the exemption each year and I worry about when/if he will actually have to test. He will be 11 in September and will be starting WWE 2 and Barton level 5 in the fall along with R&S English 3. Other than the sentences he does during copy work in WWE and writes during his Barton's lessons he hasn't done any writing. He did use Winston last year and did pretty well with it but I read everything to him. I am feeling like I need to do formal writing with him but I don't know where to begin. I'm just not sure he could handle IEW at this point. Should we continue with WWE and start writing after level 4? By then he will be 13 and I just don't know if it makes sense to wait that long but I don’t think it makes sense to do something he isn’t ready for either? Any ideas?
  6. My highschoolers usually do any independent work in their room at their desk. If its something we do together then we are either at the table or in the living room.
  7. I am going to a wedding next Saturday in the early afternoon. The reception is buffet style and I think it is going to be pretty informal. What is the proper thing to wear?
  8. I made copies. I found a large roll of paper at a teaching supply store for under $12 to use for the body background. I didn't buy any models but it would be great if you could find some!
  9. I taught a co-op K-2 class last year and we used My Body by TCM, Head to Toe Science, and The Kingfisher First Human Body Encylopedia.
  10. I agree that watching the link Janice provided would be helpful. What are the ages of your children and what levels TOG are they? My older children(UG/D/R) meet with me on Thursdays and we go over the upcoming week. I give them their reading assignment sheet, SAP and maps. On their reading assignment sheet I use a highlighter to mark the books I want them to read and then I mark the questions I want them to pay special attention to on their SAP. They have a daily schedule for all their classes and on this day they fill in the TOG section. They are to do their core reading Thursday and start Lit, Friday In Depth reading, answer their SAP questions and read some lit. They read some more lit over the weekend. Monday they finish the SAP, do map work( they usually do the map on Friday but as long as it gets done it really doesn't matter to me when) and read lit. Tuesday they finish lit and answer the worksheet. Some weeks I assign extra research on one person from the people to know list and they give a mini oral report on Tuesday. We meet on Wednesday for our weekly discussion. We haven't been doing a timeline but I plan to do one next year. Mostly the older ones work independently once they have their assignments. I take a peek at their schedule books at the end of the day to make sure their TOG work is checked off. One thing I am changing for next year is how we do lit. They are going to fill in their lit worksheet as they read. This year they have been doing it at the end of the book and it has been difficult. I also am going to have them keep a lit notebook and do chapter summaries at the end of each day's reading which should help during discussion time. I do all the reading out loud with my LG and we do narrations rather than use the worksheets. For them I simply divide the reading over 4 or 5 days and do a narration each day and draw a picture when they feel like it. We do the maps but I don't have a set day for them to complete it. This will be the first year I have an R level student so I am not sure if we will do a discussion with the D level or not. I need to see how it works out in the fall. We also don't use Writing Aids, using IEW instead. We do writing during a separate slot during the day.
  11. This year my 8th grader did: BSGFAA with everyone Saxon 1/2 Apologia Physical Science TOG II R&S English IEW"s Medieval Writing SWR VFTCR Henle
  12. Henle but we didn't start it until 5th. We have tried other programs in the younger grades but I kept dropping the ball. Not sure what I will use with my next set of younger ones.
  13. I am a Runescape widow :lol: Most of my older kids play too. I am the only non gamer lol.
  14. My son got out last Wednesday and started an internship that Monday. In between he had to move 2.5 hours away etc. I wish he would have taken atleast a week but he is fine with it.
  15. Well the replies are encouraging. There is no way my kids would be satisfied with 4 oz meat or beans and a half cup or rice or potatoes for lunch or dinner. We do eat a lot of veggies and have a salad with just about every meal but they would be snacking all day on those smaller portions.
  16. In reading the thread about feeding your family for $10 it became obvious to me that my family eats more than the average :blushing:. So I am curious how close to serving size portions your family eats? Do you plan ahead that each person will get only X amount? Do you do snacks in between meals?
  17. Thank you all. What grades do these go up to? Would the tests benefit an 8th grader?
  18. If you used these did you find them helpful? Do they help increase comprehension? What grades are these meant for?
  19. Could this be used as a stand alone grade K curriculum or is it meant as a supplement only?
  20. Breakfast: oatmeal, brown sugar & OJ-guessing @ $3 but I buy my oatmeal in bulk so it's pretty cheap. If you bought one can of concentrated OJ it's $1.19 here. Lunch: home made whole wheat bread, pnbt & jelly, carrot sticks, milk -I am terrible at this lol $3?? ( using the same bag of carots for the dinner recipe) Dinner: Pea soup http://blog.fatfreevegan.com/2007/12/thick-and-hearty-split-pea-soup.html I have most of these Ingredients on hand so I don't know how much it cost but I am going to guess @ $4. One bag of dried peas is under $1 here, spices I'd have on hand. The potatoes, carrots(above) & celery would add maybe $3?
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