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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. My earliest was 9 days late and my latest was 17 days over with a few variations in between.
  2. I bought the same type of composition notebooks at Wal-Mart, except they had more pages. I paid .40 cents or .60 cents? Something along those lines and they worked just as well.
  3. I did that once but the woman saw me and then I realized I knew her. I was mortified.
  4. Calculus at the comm college Comp II at the comm college Excellence in Literature-American Lit Notgrass Exploring Economics/ Dave Ramsey's Foundations in Personal Finance Physics at the comm college ( Not sure on this yet as he has already completed Apologia Physics & Adv. Physics) SOS Spanish II Henle
  5. Yes, thank you! So I am not (completely:lol:) insane and the handouts aren't there. Now I feel better :D Hopefully they will add them.
  6. I had that happen but it was with an order from vitacost or vitaminshoppe? Something like that. It took well over a year and by the time it arrived I had forgot that I even ordered it
  7. Tina, Do you have your students outline their TOG reading? Are you also using Writing Aids?
  8. Could you link where you found the notes? I am driving myself crazy looking for them LOL.
  9. Unless you are having medical issues ie: High BP etc there is no reason to induce at your due date or even at 41 weeks. Remember your due date is just an estimate. Do some research on going past due date and make your descision based on that.
  10. I buy my wheat berries, yeast, salt, sugar etc all in bulk which really cuts the cost. Those little yeast packets are a rip off! Ask around or check at your local health food store if there is a buying co-op in your area. Or try SAM's or BJ's.
  11. Thanks. We have been doing narrations for science and history and I will plan on adding outlining. My older ones use IEW so we do KWO with that but I think we should add some regular outlinig with our history and science too.
  12. Thank you, but I don't see the handout to go with the audio download titled A Plan for Teaching Writing ? She has an audio for grades 1-4, 5-8 and 9-12. I want to listen to them all but would like the handouts too.
  13. We have done Saxon Alg I, II, then Advanced Math.
  14. Another vote for Saxon with Art Reed DVD's :thumbup1:
  15. It's major surgery for one. There can be some serious risk involved to both mother and baby. If you plan on having more children you will find it hard to find a doctor who will allow you to have a VBAC, if you wish. If you do try for a VBAC there is a slight increased risk of complications. Recovery is longer. C sections are great when they are necessary but should not be taken lightly.
  16. My oldest 3 work and buy their own clothes. For Dh, me and the younger 7 kids I would guess we spend @ $400 a year? Maybe less. We don't buy clothes very often and I start at the consignment shop and buy whatever else we need when it's on clearance. The biggest chunk of that total would be socks, underwear and shoes, which we buy once a year.
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