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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. Thank you for sharing your plan. So you will have him only outline one book. That is what I was trying to figure out with so many books to be read. Good idea. I am not going to be using WA but I am thinking of using the writing topics for papers ala SWB.
  2. I am trying to see the big picture how these would work together. If you do this could you please share how you are making it work. Thanks!
  3. Waaaay too much :svengo: We have been using TOG and I buy all the books so that in addition to everything else has really increased our expenses the last few years. I am looking at other options for various reasons but expense is definitely one of them.
  4. :iagree: I'd get him some help immediately. OT: We have a child who was born with Hirschsprungs Disease.
  5. I am searching for a low fat granola bar recipe if you have one to share. Thanks!
  6. Our house in Maine had a 3/4 acre pond @ 80 feet from our front door. When we moved in my youngest at the time was a baby and then I had one more baby. We lived there until he was 2 and she was 4. I didn't realize just how nerve wracking it was until we moved out. We do want land with a pond on it again some day but not one so close to the house. So unless it was just a small babbling creek and not close to the house I am not sure I'd do it.
  7. I agree with this. I don't see how she could have delivered in that position while driving.
  8. LOL! I do think I posted on vegsource before I found WTM because we started with all texts, then I found WTM and switched.
  9. I don't remember lol. Probably searching for homeschool related sites.
  10. Thanks again Colleen! I think I need to relax a bit and just trust that SWB's plan works. I love the simplicity of it :)
  11. I agree. I was trying to imagine my Dd outlining a book like Susan's and don't think it would work very well. I wonder if she chose an additional topic to explore and used an encyclopedia for research and outlined/summarized from that?
  12. I have listened to Susan's A Plan for Teaching Writing lectures and enjoyed them. I am wondering if the Writing Without Fear lecture adds any more information or would it be redundant?
  13. On page 491 in the new WTM Susan writes that at the end each chapter the student reads in their history book they are to stop and record four things. Is this step in addition to outlining the chapters or does it replace outlining? I have been listening to Susan's writing lectures and she mentions that highschoolers are outlining so I am a bit confused. Thanks!
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