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Everything posted by Rachel

  1. Are you up and ready for the day before the kids? Do they wake on their own or do you have to wake them up?
  2. I think the audiobook is more difficult to pay attention to. It doesn't lend itself to answering questions or explaining things as they come up. Is he a young 1st grader? What is he doing while the story is playing? Is he able to narrate other stories that he is more interested in?
  3. I felt like that after having a c-section, it was strange! I assume you didn't recently have a c-section though. I hope you can figure it out!
  4. Birthday boy gets his choice unless you want to do two cakes. Serve ice cream too.
  5. Me too! When I get out in the woods I feel my entire body relax. I do see how being out walking and actually interacting with people daily improves quality of life though. Without making an effort I would never see or talk to my neighbors.
  6. I'm not sure if this link will work or not. There is a 7 year old on my daughter's team that has her hair similar to this, it's really cute! https://www.google.com/search?q=short+haircuts+little+girls&safe=active&client=safari&hl=en-us&prmd=isvn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiKmY-b_tvWAhVE1oMKHY3VDEcQ_AUIESgB&biw=375&bih=559#imgrc=Lp_55GXNGm-p2M:
  7. You are only a couple days late, I wouldn't worry. Just make a mental note that this cycle was different. I was always very regular, every 28 days on the dot, until my mid 30's. My cycles have slowly started getting longer and just when I think I can count on it, my period will suddenly show up at 26 days.
  8. I think the speed limit on the interstates in South Dakota is 80 or 85. I can't remember for sure, I just know I took a picture of it this summer.
  9. I think 72 in a 75 is fine, you won't get a ticket for that unless you are also driving crazy. The 84 in a 75 is too much. Given that you can't track how long he went the speed and that you already talked to him. I would let this particular incident go. He knows when he's going 80+, what if he comes clean ahead of time? "Mom, I was about to get boxed in by a semi on the interstate so I went over 80 to pass a car.", for example. That situation wouldn't be ideal, but let's you know he was aware and was not speeding for very long. If it's happening too much, maybe he needs a refresher driving lesson with you. If he's racing friends or just being silly I think he needs to lose driving privileges except to/from school and work unless he has a friend who could drive him. Note- my kids aren't driving age yet.
  10. That's good to know. I'm not super environmentally conscious the way some people are but I felt bad about how much packaging I threw away.
  11. We have the worlds tiniest shower stall. I want to shampoo my hair without bumping the wall.
  12. Could you save the presents from extended family until after Christmas morning? You could get together on Christmas Eve but not do presents. Will your mom and sister listen if you tell them that the kids aren't excited about the gifts you purchase because they already got presents?
  13. I love the tall ceilings and big bedrooms. I love the openness of our first floor. I love having our room on the first floor and the kids upstairs. I adore my big bathtub. I love the blue walls, the curtains I made, and hardwood floors we laid. I love having a garage and a dishwasher! It isn't a perfect house, but we bought a foreclosure so we are in a much nicer neighborhood than we could have afforded otherwise. It has taken time to grow on me but now it feels like home.
  14. I would keep calling I live in different time zones than my siblings and tend to overthink whether it's a good time to call or not. We always seem to enjoy our conversations though when one of us finally calls.
  15. PT helped my plantar fasciitis immensely! Make sure she does all the stretches she is assigned. I'd recommend good running shoes. In kid sizes I would look for Bew Balance, Saucony, or Brooks. Under Armor, Asics, and Nike make good supportive kid shoes too, but I find them more difficult to find the supportive styles.
  16. No clue, we pay property tax on our vehicles. It is based on the value of the car. Our 40 year old truck sitting in a field and not licensed was around $10 per year.
  17. Watching. Chrissy Metz (Kate) can sing! She has a beautiful voice.
  18. We tried Hello Fresh about a year ago. The recipes were good and easy to follow. I liked trying new styles of foods I may not have tried otherwise. However, I could make similar meals on my own much less expensively. I'm a decent cook and enjoy cooking which probably makes a difference. The amount of packaging really bothered me. Overall I am glad we tried it but it isn't something we would do regularly. If time is tight it's definitely better than going out to eat. Kroger has started selling meal kits in our area, that may be a less expensive alternative although I haven't tried any personally.
  19. One thing to keep in mind with a big size difference is that there won't be one perfect car for both of you. I would find the one that works well for the person driving the most often, and works well enough for the other person.
  20. I keep reading the thread title as, "Bone broth for frosting". 🤢
  21. Who's planning to watch tonight? If it's free online tomorrow I may wait.
  22. I wish I could like your posts!
  23. My first thought was plantar fasciitis, it is incredibly painful. Her toes looked bruised though, or is that nail polish?
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