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Everything posted by MamaT

  1. Thank you for the update, Molly. I am continuing to pray for you and now can pray for specifics!
  2. :iagree:That show gives me real anxiety. There was one episode about a woman who hoarded food! I honestly gagged watching that one.
  3. I also have six. It is great to just say "let's go" and everyone can dress themselves and get in the car in 20 minutes. We are having a lot of fun being able to do things with our youngers that it was just too hard to do with our oldest kids because we had children too small. I still get baby fever when I see infants, but I know that grandbabies are probably not too far off!
  4. I'm here now. This thread is officially done for.
  5. Yes they do! I can't think of anything I haven't tried. I've eaten oysters (raw and cooked), liver, snake, alligator, shark, squirrel, frog legs, and everything else that I've seen on this thread so far - except brains. Oh, and whatever that is that Heather said she wouldn't eat!
  6. My mother died unexpectedly last Sunday, just one week prior to yours. I am still trying to wrap my head around it. I am beginning to realize that this is going to be a long process for me. I'll be praying for you.
  7. Realist who loves fall and spring. There is something new and fresh about fall and spring that winter and summer just do not have.
  8. Only Duke's mayo here. Miracle Whip is just gross IMO.
  9. Here is a site you may want to look at if you want to add in quizzes/tests, etc.
  10. Make sure you keep her away from anyone pregnant! My six kids all got the chicken pox at the same time and gave it to my bf who was pregnant - she and all five of her children. She had to have several tests to make sure it did not cause birth defects in her baby.
  11. I do it all the time. My afternoons are spent running kids around to activities, so that's the only way I can make sure dinner gets done. It does have a timer that I can set to turn on/off at a certain time and I only use low temps when I'm gone.
  12. Congratulations! My son got married two months after yours - maybe I'm next??? :001_smile:
  13. I voted yes, but only half my kids will eat it. The other ones have a mayo phobia.
  14. Nakia, mental illness is the same as a physical illness. If you have it, you have it. There should be no shame in that. Please take your meds. If you had a physical illness that you needed antibiotics for, would you just not take them? My mother was bi-polar. If she had stayed on her meds, I would have had a mother. I wouldn't have had to spend my life running away from her. I would not be left with all these regrets (that I thought I had already dealt with) now that she is gone. So, please, take your meds. Your girls need their mama. Remember,there is no shame in a diagnosis of bi-polar. God does not choose to heal every illness here on earth. Sometimes we have to walk it out. If you need me, I'm here. I hope you know that.
  15. My 12yo son has had migraines since he was three. Most migraine medications can only be taken by adults, but there is one that kids can take called Amerge. If my son takes it right when he feels the migraine coming on, it lessens the severity. His neurologist told us that boys usually outgrow them at puberty and girls usually have onset of migraines at puberty.
  16. Mine is separately. I really want it to be spelled with an "e", like seperately.
  17. Thank you so much everyone. I can't tell you how much your good thoughts and prayers mean to me. It is going to be a very long few days. Thank you all.
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