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Everything posted by MamaT

  1. I don't know, but my 14yo dd is the exact same way. Sometimes I have to just walk away to keep from blowing a gasket. I have decided that she learns what she WANTS to learn. She is proficient at many things - dance, her web-based business, etc. I have decided I must convince her that doing well on her schoolwork and really digesting it is worth her time, not something to just "get done."
  2. I made my kids timeline notebooks using printables from donnayoung.org. I used different colored heavy paper for different time periods. I then simply find pictures online, make them the right size, and print them out each week for the kids to put in their books.
  3. I do not like BIB. I am NOT a morning person, but the few times the kids have done it, I've managed to be gracious.
  4. Would it be possible to board your animals while your brother is visiting? If I had the chance to spend time with a sibling that I didn't see very often, I would do whatever I could to maximize the time. If you boarded the animals and really cleaned before he got there, would that take care of the problem? If he stays at a hotel, I don't think you should pay for it, but if he is coming over for meals during his stay, won't that set his allergies off if the animals are there?
  5. Jane, I am so sorry. I would have been hurt too. It reminds me of the Christmas I got a new grill for the camper. :confused: I am not good at hiding my feelings and my dh has been careful to listen to me since.
  6. I have had a great day. I talked to my son in Japan on Skype and the rest of my kids were here. My wonderful dil cooked me lunch and everyone has waited on me hand and foot. My dh made me a picnic table (I have been wanting a new one) and planted flowers with me. My kids bought me small things they knew I would like and my 12yo son made me a cutting board all by himself. Happy Mother's Day everyone!!
  7. :iagree: Yep, life with boys! Jennifer, that is so funny and so terrifying at the same time! It reminds me of when my son was about 15 and made a bomb. He set if off in our yard (he told me to "watch this" right before it blew). It made large bolders fly and shook my whole house. He's probably on a gov't watch list.
  8. I left the choice to my son. He has a 1/2 credit Economics course and a 1/2 credit Philosophy course this year. He chose to spread them both out over the year.
  9. I make mine every day. I don't feel ready for my day unless my bed is made. The kids are supposed to make theirs, but my 17yo never does unless I fuss at him. Most of the time it just isn't worth it.
  10. I like Vocabulary from Classical Roots. I have used it with three through high school so far, and will begin it with my rising 9th grader next year.
  11. My OB and his wife were good friends of ours and we went to church with them. I say "were" because we have since moved away and lost touch. It was not a problem for me. I also have been present at the birth of my best friend's babies and neither one of use had a problem with it. She couldn't attend mine because I had C-sections. Just undressing or being naked in front of a friend for no good reason - um, no.
  12. Amy, I hope you hear good news from her soon. I am continuing to pray.
  13. Three of my children aren't on there at all, one of them is falling, and two are holding steady in the top ten.
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