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Everything posted by MamaT

  1. Starbucks French Roast whole bean, ground here at home.
  2. I remember when my three little ones were babies, sitting down and thinking about that question. I knew caring for my little ones and giving them the attention they needed and schooling my older children were the two highest priorities for my life right then. I cut housework to an absolute minimum. We had very simple dinners. I let go of baking/cooking from scratch for a few years. Outside activities were limited to one day a week (other than baseball season!). It still took every bit of energy I had. Thankfully, my dh saw my need and hired someone to come in and do the housework. It does get easier. They become more independent and, if you teach them to do it, helpful with the housework.
  3. I voted February, but November and December are a close second for me. We are all tired by February - tired of winter, tired of being inside, tired of school, and tired of going out of town constantly for gymnastics meets (February is the middle of meet season). November and December are hard because all the holiday activities on top of our already overloaded schedule.
  4. Yes. I was only 17 and he was 23. He even asked for permission to date me 8 months before. That took a lot of convincing for my dad, but after 8 months of dating I think my parents knew he was the one before I did, so the asking for my hand part wasn't so difficult.
  5. Yes, one of the reasons I haven't been on here much the last couple of days.
  6. I did when they were younger, but high school? No way. We would get behind, which is stressful for all of us. On school days, we do school. On weekends and holidays, we play.
  7. Whoever ordered the meal. It is one rule my kids really stick to - no one sneaks anyone else's food. My 18yo who goes out much more often than his younger siblings, offers them his leftovers quite often. Who gets them depends on what it is - whoever really likes that particular food.
  8. Yes, all of the above - and I WAS paddled, even in high school.
  9. This is my first! I've been teaching math classes all day at co-op. Oy!
  10. You've gotten good advice about getting some help with the ppd, but I just wanted to give you a :grouphug: and let you know I'll be praying for you.
  11. I voted other. According to my parents, I had a halo. In reality, I was horrible. I was the baby by 9 years and was very spoiled. According to my parents, I could do no wrong, especially my Daddy. If I got into any trouble, it was surely someone else's fault. :001_smile: Because of their unwillingness to see anything I did as wrong, I got into LOTS of trouble as a teen. All of which they turned a blind eye to. I was never taught money management - if I wanted it, I had it. I got a brand new Camero for my 16th birthday, which I got tired of 6 months later. My dad then went and bought me another new car, a 300ZX (I wanted something I could shift!). I was a spoiled brat in reality, and parent very differently than I was parented. I also had to learn a lot of lessons the hard way and, thankfully, am a very different person than I was growing up.
  12. I have come to the conclusion that going with my gut on each situation seems to work out best. What works for one kid may not work for the next one. Lots and lots of love and prayer, and being consistent and unemotional about discipline. I learned a long time ago to ignore the "experts."
  13. This. I use one practically every day. I wouldn't use one with enamel on the outside over an open fire.
  14. Hoping and praying for a easy peaceful labor for you, and a healthy little girl. I'm excited for you!
  15. I voted twice a day, but that's my two youngest. My teens brush three or more.
  16. My oldest two once dumped my flour and sugar canisters out on the kitchen floor, filled the canisters with water and dumped it on top. Do you know how many times I had to mop!!!
  17. I know you're not supposed to, but I take my meat out of the freezer early in the morning and leave it on the counter until I'm ready to cook. If I buy a big roast or ham and know we are going to eat it that week, I just refrigerate it instead of freezing it.
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