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Everything posted by MamaT

  1. I know you are so proud! Thank you for sharing with us.
  2. It takes me about an hour and a couple of cups of coffee to be able to function, no matter how much sleep I get. After that, I'm like the Energizer Bunny the rest of the day.
  3. I love the smell of Usher and considered it for dh. I chose Michael Jordon instead. :001_smile: I say if it smells good, buy it.
  4. Me too. I am a softie this time of year, but it's okay if you feel like you should stick with what you've already gotten.
  5. Yesterday: Breakfast was something microwaveable from the freezer (I keep sausage/egg/cheese burritos, sausage biscuits, homemade egg mcmuffins made up in the freezer) Lunch was leftover beef stew from the night before Dinner was London Broil, brown rice, asparagus Snacks were either air-popped popcorn, tortillas and salsa, yogurt and fruit, or homemade cookies Today: Breakfast was homemade granola with milk and fruit Lunch was at the food court in the mall :001_smile: Dinner will also be out for dh and me, and the kids are having whatever my 14yo cooks (knowing her, it will be homemade pizza). Snacks are the same as yesterday.
  6. Congratulations! I know what you mean about not being able to afford what you had planned. We went to Puerto Rico for 2 weeks on our 25th and planned on Italy for our 30th. Well, times have changed and Italy will have to wait. It sounds like you've got your head on straight about what's really important (which is probably why you made 20 years :001_smile:).
  7. My girls are adopted, and a different race. :001_smile: My oldest son, though, looks nothing like my other 3. My youngest 3 are all thin, dark hair, dark eyes. You can definitely tell they are siblings. My oldest is stocky, dark blonde, and has very blue eyes. There were three of us girls in my family, and I used to think we looked nothing alike. We all have different hair and eye color. The older I get, though, the more I see my oldest sister when I look in the mirror.
  8. My 13yo had one at 11. It helped for him to know exactly what was going to happen. They actually had to stop and start over because he sneezed. It wasn't as bad, or as difficult, as he had worked himself up to expect. :grouphug: to your dd.
  9. The last family picture we had made, the guys all wore gray shirts and us girls wore pink. Lots of family photos I've seen are done this way. I think your blue and pink idea sounds fine.
  10. I would rotate. One of our cats does the same thing. :001_smile:
  11. Yes, he's 23 now, and a dad himself. :001_smile: We both lived through it.
  12. I have used Saxon math for all 6 of mine. I obviously like it. :001_smile: I am teaching Algebra 1/2, Algebra, and Algebra 2 at our co-op (which isn't really a co-op, more like weekly enrichment classes). Not understanding the concepts has not been a problem for my kids. I will say that it was important that I also understand the concepts so that I can help them when they need it. I also require work to be graded daily and any missed problems re-worked,. If they are missing the same type of problem day after day, you know what to go back and work on.
  13. We have a 5:00 church service, so I am thinking about shepherd's pie that I can cook ahead of time and just warm up and serve with some bread. Our big dinner is Christmas day.
  14. Stories: TT Heart The Fall of the House of Usher The Purloined Letter Poems: The Raven Annabelle Lee El Dorado
  15. Strept always presented in my oldest as impetigo, and he never had a sore throat. I would go to the doc.
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