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Everything posted by Tina

  1. I was thinking this. I think it would be really hard to call people you know just to let them know you have cancer. I wouldn't take it personally at all. Just trying to let lots of people know at once. She probably doesn't know how/want to? talk to tons of folks individually would be my guess.
  2. Praying for His hand in your ds's future. Sounds like a wonderful guy!
  3. I'm so sorry. Praying for peace, comfort, and that he would supply all your needs today and in the coming days.
  4. Why don't you swap out the big toy dresser in the boys room for the smaller one in the girl's room. It looks like it would fit. Then she could have a book drawer or two or put them between bookends on the dresser. Could that dress up bin go in the closet?? I would get one of the shelf units someone showed for the boys, or some stackable totes or bins, whatever fits the budget, for the toys. If you have to pick them up, they're gone! ;) (Works in some houses...) Could some totes or milk crates fit in the closet for some toy storage?
  5. Here's a thread from a couple months ago: http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=376298 You might like to go shopping on the Michigan Mile of stores, and possibly to Chinatown for dim sum, something I didn't manage to fit in on our last trip. If she likes art, I hear the art museum downtown is wonderful. We stayed at a brand new Hampton Inn that was attached to a shopping center in Mt. Prospect. The only thing they lacked was laundry facilities. We drove into Chicago from there. You'd be within reach of the Woodfield Mall, the largest in the area, too.
  6. 1. Camera on top of the bookcase in my bedroom 2. Video camera under the bed on dh's side- he uses it ;) 2. Flashlights- in the junk drawer in the kitchen and/or the hall closet basket 3. Purse- in my closet 4. Incoming mail that you don't have time to open just yet-my desk, the kitchen counter 5. Your dh's wallet- I never have that! :D 6. Library books- where we read them. Dd usually reminds me when they need to go back. Once in a while, they're on the bench in the entry to go. 7. Items that need to be returned to stores but you can't get around to immediately- Rarely return things to stores, but always have things to return to others on the bench or bookcase in the entry. 8. Outdoor toys- in the garage or in a big tote by the sandbox 9. Completed homeschool stuff (workbooks, etc.)- If I've kept it, in entry cabinets 10.Game system accessories (dance mat, wii balance board, rock band drums, etc.)- Moved all this downstairs by the kids TV so I dont' have to see it. :lol: There's are shelves under the TV.
  7. Can I share it with some IRL friends who might be interested? Now that their kids have graduated, it might be the perfect time!:001_smile:
  8. My folks didn't even want to go out for dinner with family! So we put their 50th announcement in the local paper, complete with their wedding and more current photos. I got hold of their address book and sent an announcement of their 50th anniversary in lieu of a party invite, complete with some confetti and a 'toast' from us girls to our folks. Some folks they hadn't heard from in quite a while called them, and one even sent them a cash gift. They enjoyed the 'toast' and hearing from old friends. Oh, and we also sent them some flowers.
  9. After wearing t-shirts to bed for most of 20 years, dh was delighted to find me in something different. It's still just stuff I feel comfortable in, and some is even just from Wmart.
  10. Where is the weight loss group? Didn't see it in a search... I have to get losing, too. I was up to 198 last week, and back down to 194 again, thank goodness. I'll be forever grateful to get down to 165 a second time. Still heavy according to charts there, but sure felt great there!
  11. I'll take the recipe! I'd love to make them myself. I'm tired of all the processed ones out there.
  12. Last year was a great year for dh's business, so I figure ds won't get any help anyway. He's taken a year off, and planning on a 2 yr tech school. Next year, our income will have dropped drastically for taxes, as dh is in a different business. Next year, he could maybe get some help, but I'm pretty positive not this year. Will he have problems next year if we don't fill it out this year?
  13. Here is a page that shows various groups in IL, many northern by the looks of it. Call a few and see what they offer. http://www.home-school.com/groups/IL.html
  14. Old Yeller Jack and the Beanstock with Abbott and Costello and Africa Screams Summer of the Monkeys Toy Story Disney’s Robin Hood-either version Ma and Pa Kettle movies Night at the Museum Secondhand Lions The Incredibles The Court Jester It’s a Wonderful Life Radio Captains Courageous Rudy Gunther and the Paper Brigade
  15. A few years back I got what was soup bones only, and was very disappointed to find no meat on them for soup. I thought that it was a bad butcher. lol :001_huh:
  16. I'm so sorry. I'll keep your family in prayer.
  17. I've had time periods when my kids had to read for an hour to earn a half hour of TV time. Lasts for a month or so, then we revert, but then I'd start it again occasionally. Just another option. You are right about the creativity, especially if that's the only free time they get. I guess my dh is part of the problem with the TV in the evenings, as that's what he does to wind down. :glare:
  18. Love this, Chris! So hard to give them a little push and let them fly!
  19. You need to keep your body guessing. I've lost by having a day here or there that's way over my calorie range. I do agree with others-- you need more calories; certainly no less than 1250 a day, and probably several hundred more. Your body thinks you're starving it, and is holding on to what you've got! And with all that exercise, I'm not sure you're getting enough protein. Also, are you drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day? Also, your body gets used to the same exercise and burning calories the same way. Change your workouts and workout style for a period- 2 to 3 weeks?- and see if that doesn't help, too. Join Sparkpeople.com (free). It will help you determine how many calories you need to take in each day, provide you with lots of exercise ideas and videos for variety, and tons of articles and information on anything you could need. I lost 25 lbs a couple years ago with them.
  20. Well, a simple pasta salad would be adding whatever sliced/shredded/chopped raw veggies you wanted to the pasta (broccoli, carrots, pea pods, grape tomatoes, etc.) and stirring in Italien salad dressing.
  21. They looked like different museums when I look them up. Glad to rule out one museum. :) Keep your ideas coming, please! Thanks so much! I guess I always went to Brookfield as a kid and don't remember the Lincoln Park Zoo... Chinatown sounds fun! Seems like I heard about random shootings in Chicago recently. Do we need to be worried about that??
  22. We've done the Museum of Science and Industry, which was my favorite from childhood. Now we're headed that direction again. I know I'd like to do at least one museum, and we'll have a second day, too. Where should we go? Is the Museum of Natural History better than the Field Museum? Debating on the Brookfield Zoo for the 2nd day. I don't know. Where should we go? Wish there was a presidential library there, as we loved those in CA. I know it's a great art museum, but don't think the guys would go for that, tho dd would love it. What say the hive??
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