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Everything posted by SeaConquest

  1. Flowers are lovely. I know you said not wine, but as long as it is kosher for Passover and mevushal, it would also be a lovely gift. If you wanted something for the home, you could buy a mezuzah or tzedakah box.
  2. http://stateofobesity.org/lists/highest-rates-diabetes/
  3. Don't you know that it's either sweet or unsweet? <Cringe>
  4. An explanation of the raging obesity/diabetes epidemic in the South in one thread.
  5. We are going to switch to BA3 in the fall after my son finishes SM3A this spring. I still plan to supplement BA with the IP and CWP books for more practice, if necessary.
  6. If anyone is interested in this topic, you might look at the books by (Orthodox) Jewish physicist, Gerald Schroeder. He wrote several books attempting to reconcile Genesis/Biblical accounts and the Big Bang/modern science.
  7. We plan to do some philosophy and econ classes with Athena's: http://www.athenasacademy.com/mod/page/view.php?id=45866 I read somewhere that AOPS was thinking about designing a stats class, but I assume that will be for the high school level. We will probably do some psych with middle school bio, but I doubt I will cover it explicitly in elementary school.
  8. Thanks for this. But, CWP and the IP were never the Standards version anyway, so I'm not sure how significant the change will be with respect to CWP and the IP.
  9. I'd like to see a comparison between the CC CWP and the U.S. version before I get worked up about it.
  10. Like, OMG, today was so rad, you know? The weather was perfect, and we met some totally cool dudes at the beach. It was, like, awesome.
  11. We're reading the Mouse and the Motorcycle, but I'm not into it yet. I didn't enjoy the Ramona books (I know, blasphemy), so I'm not sure what compelled me to try this one. I think I'm feeling uninspired, so this thread is timely.
  12. No advice, but you win for the best homeschool thread title of the day! :lol:
  13. My oldest son (6) goes to day camp at our local Jewish Community Center. He absolutely loved it last summer, and is looking forward to going again. He's doing 4 weeks of sports camp, 4 weeks of theatre camp, 1 week of fencing, and 1 week of surfing. We're also going to Palm Beach for about 10 days in August. It will be close to 90F here this weekend, so it's really already feeling very summery in San Diego. I can't wait for lazy summer beach days!
  14. I was always a "school" person -- popular, good grades, etc. -- and, while I love my kids, I also enjoy my alone time. So, if I am being honest, I would classify myself as a reluctant homeschooler. My husband -- who has ADHD and struggled academically -- has always been much more on board with the idea. My oldest son attended immersion language preschool from age 2-5, but was often sent to the director's office because he was bored and disrupting the class. When it became apparent that my son was craving more academically, I began afterschooling him when he was in PK4. There is no G&T program in San Diego Unified until 3rd grade, and by the end of that PK4 year, I knew that I could not send my son to public school to bide his time in the regular K-2 classes. It would have been a disaster for all parties involved. The "good" private schools in our area are approaching 30k per year, which is not financially feasible for us. So, we opted to homeschool. My son is now so accelerated that I don't see any way of really going back for us. Although we are still early in our journey, I have to admit that I'm enjoying homeschooling much more than I thought I would.
  15. Yay! A review! That's great to a hear. :)
  16. I am going to bump again because I just noticed that they offer the Writing & Rhetoric series in teacher-led classes as well. http://classicalacademicpress.com/online-courses/
  17. I don't know why you feel the need to resort to a personal attack. You wrote: "People should refer to things by their proper names; otherwise, confusion ensues, as in this case when legally, children enrolled in homebased charter schools are legally *not* homeschoolers but are actually public school students." You wrote (with emphasis, I might add) that we are not homeschoolers. Those are your words, Ellie. Why is it difficult for you to understand that such a statement might be hurtful to people who invest the same substantial emotional and financial resources in educating their children as people who file an R4? It is a tremendous commitment to be a homeschooler -- one which I take seriously. So yes, I resent being told (repeatedly) by you in various threads that I am not a homeschooler. If that fact makes me "over sensitive," then so be it.
  18. I read carefully. You said that we aren't homeschoolers. Full stop. And my point is that, by your definition, neither are people filing an 4R homeschoolers. They are private schoolers. Your distinction is hurtful and not even meaningful in CA, where statutorily, there is no such thing as a homeschooler.
  19. I understand that this is your oft-repeated, legalistic interpretation, but it's nonsensical IMO to tell people who homeschool their children through a public homeschooling charter that they aren't homeschoolers. That would be like me insisting that people who file an R-4 aren't legally homeschoolers, but are instead small private schools (because CA statutes do not expressly authorize homeschooling). It's divisive to keep telling people who instruct their children at home that they aren't homeschoolers.
  20. This is from a 5th grader? It's wonderful!
  21. My shrink ordered the testing and it was covered by my insurance like any other lab. If you have a history of mental illness, I would speak to your psychiatrist or GP about getting testing.
  22. Misnomer or not, the term is common parlance, at least in California. For example: http://www.time4learning.com/homeschool/charter_schools.shtml http://a2zhomeschooling.com/regional/us/california/california_charter_schools_homeschooling/ https://www.facebook.com/MountainHomeSchool http://charter.uhsd.k12.ca.us/
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