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Status Updates posted by SeaConquest

  1. Nerves kicking in BIG TIME. First interview is at 1245 today. Second one on Monday. My battle buddy from nursing school texted to remind me of our familiar refrain when we went to clinicals in the ICU, "Knock 'em dead! But not all the way dead!" 😄

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. sassenach


      Sorry! CA is brutal on new grads. I'm dreading the getting hired as a new grad process.

    3. SeaConquest


      Thanks. Yeah. It's really hard on the ego.

    4. Frances


      So sorry! I hope something even better comes along for you soon.

  2. So far, I am 2 for 3 with getting interviews at my top choice hospital. I am ecstatic because it is so competitive in my city!!! One is with a combined Medical ICU/Cardiac Care Unit and the other is with a combined Medical/Surgical ICU that sees a wide variety of patients (including Covid). My first interview is on Friday and my second is next week. I am still waiting to hear back on the Trauma/Surgical ICU, but I would be thrilled to work in any of these units. It is a teaching hospital, a magnet hospital, and the best hospital system in my city -- the nurses there are so bomb. I would have massive imposter syndrome working in the ICU there, but I SOOOO want this!! 

    1. Frances


      Best of luck with your interviews!

  3. Put in my application for 3 ICU residencies (MICU, SICU, and TICU) at my top choice hospital and have two attending physician friends going to bat for me with the hiring managers. Really hope that I get one of the positions! 🤩

    1. Frances


      Good luck!!! Fingers crossed for you.

  4. Taking my nursing license exam on Friday at 515pm. Please send good vibes! So nervous! 🙂 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Scarlett




    3. SeaConquest


      I got the official results today -- I am now Monique, JD, BSN, RN!!! 🥰

    4. Junie



  5. My last clinical shift of nursing school is upon me. I fly back to San Diego tomorrow. Thank you for your hospitality, Texas. I have learned so much! Graduation here I come!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. sassenach


      CONGRATS!!!! You did it. COVID couldn't stop you. I wish you so much luck in securing a new grad position! I graduate in December and could just weep reading that you're finishing up. 

    3. SeaConquest


      Thank you! Keep pushing. I wanted to quit so many times, you have no idea! You can do it! Now I just have to pass NCLEX! 🙂 

    4. sassenach


      Uworld and you got this. The real challenge will be dealing with the CA BRN. 

  6. Passed our critical care lab assessment on Friday and start our final clinical rotation in the ICU on Wednesday night. All that's left between me and graduation are 15 night shifts, a couple of papers, and the HESI Exit Exam -- the end of nursing school is finally in sight!!    

  7. I was inducted into the Psi Upsilon Chapter of the Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing last night. Yay me. 🙂

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SeaConquest


      Thanks! I passed my critical care final this afternoon, too. Almost to the finish line!

    3. Dmmetler



    4. KathyBC



    • Happy Hanukkah to the Tribe!
  8. Headed to Gameschool Con 2020 tomorrow. This is our second year. We had a blast last year, so the kids and I are very excited! Come join us next year! https://www.gameschoolcon.com/

  9. Finished my first term in nursing school. I am 1/5 a nurse! On vacay until term 2 begins in August. Margarita time!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. GailV



    3. Crimson Wife

      Crimson Wife

      Congrats! Enjoy your break

    4. sassenach


      Yay!! Make it a double!


  10. Sacha is off to 3 days of Astrocamp in the mountains of So Cal. They may get snow! Let's see if my beach boy survives. 🙂

  11. A high of 84F. Go home, San Diego. You're drunk.

  12. I start nursing school on February 1st. My first pair of scrubs arrived today. Size medium! And they weren't even tight!

    1. MerryAtHope


      I hope it goes well!

    2. SeaConquest
  13. Survived my first day of homeschooling two kids!

    1. Condessa


      Yay!  How'd it go?

    2. ScoutTN
    3. SeaConquest


      It actually went really well! ?

  14. Ramadan Mubarak to all who celebrate!

  15. We are 0/2 with SD Unified school choice. Guess I will be homeschooling kiddo #2. Heaven help me! #BreatheMonique

  16. Finished my last final yesterday. Leaving for 2 weeks in the Caribbean on Monday. No kids!!

  17. Ronen had his final speech eval with SD Unified this morning, and he passed! No more IEP for speech!

  18. I get to meet Richard Rusczyk tonight. I have a mad crush on him!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. quark


      Hee hee, lucky you!

    3. crazyforlatin


      Must be amusing to be his wife.

    4. SeaConquest


      Dare to dream! ;)

  19. Finally sprung for a Mel Chemistry subscription!

  20. It's snowing. In the foothills. Of San Diego. In May. Go home, Mother Nature, you're drunk. And that's probably a preexisting condition.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. SeaConquest


      "The daytime high temperature in San Diego Sunday was 59 degrees -- almost 10 degrees below average. The NWS said that Sunday was the coldest May day the city has experienced in 64 years. The daytime high hasn't been in the 50s since May 15, 1953, when it was 58 degrees."

    3. PollyOR



    4. Jackie


      Nooo! I'm pushing through my crappy weather here with the knowledge that soon I'll be in San Diego and not have to deal with crappy weather!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. quark


      Sigh, makes me wish I had one more to homeschool. The dogs refuse to learn to read. Hey, we had that same Story of Canada book not too long ago!

    3. crazyforlatin


      Well, the vitamin c serum looks interesting. I kind of need one.

  21. Headed to the new Wolf Lodge in OC with the boys tomorrow. It's a surprise!

    1. SeaConquest


      Yes! OC. just got back. :)

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