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Everything posted by Brilliant

  1. Yes! After 3 times, if it's the same employee responsible, he/she should be fired.
  2. You should check with your state's employment commission. Of course you have a right to the pay you've earned, but, if the boss doesn't have any money, I'm not sure what you can do. :(
  3. I bought one after I saw it recommended here (sorry, I don't remember which brand). I don't think it got my floors any cleaner than my regular damp mop. I still had to give it a little "scrub" or multiple passes if there was a spot on the floor. Since it was more trouble than it was worth, I returned it.
  4. I agree. Just open it up and give it the look & sniff test. We routinely eat expired yogurt around here, although I admit we've never had any that's 2 months expired!
  5. I'd start with replacing the battery. A couple of years ago my van kept dying. They said the battery was fine and charged me a FORTUNE to replace the alternator. Two days later the van died again. The shop refunded our money (not sure how my dh worked that out!), we replaced the battery, and the problem was solved.
  6. Nice! My ds got a utilikilt for Christmas. :)
  7. I haven't read the Twilight series, but I loved The Host. It has a little bit of a teen romance vibe, but it's really about what it means to be human.
  8. I'm sorry but this had to be on purpose. I've never seen a traditional molasses cookie recipe with nuts.
  9. I'm going out by 9AM just for some groceries. I think traffic and parking will be insane if I wait much longer. Good luck to you at Walmart!
  10. A couple of years ago I read something that helped me view giving up stuff - even "precious" items - as releasing them so that somebody else can enjoy them. That attitude really has helped! Maybe somebody else really needs those wineglasses.
  11. I thought it was over, too, and was baffled that they didn't end it then. We even joked around about it, comparing it to the Return of the King's multiple endings.
  12. Brilliant


    Me too! I think Remuda once offered to take care of a neighbor I was having problems with. :D
  13. Thanks for the ideas...it came up over lunch, so I mentioned all my favorite cafes! We'll see what ends up under the tree. :)
  14. Oh, I like the gift card idea, especially since we are going to a cash budget for dining out next year. I have a couple of favorite places for coffee, tea, lunch, etc. & I'd love some "mad money" to use there.
  15. Help me tell my teens what I want for Christmas. They probably want to spend less than $30. :D I have no idea!
  16. I agree. Or return the new ones that are under the tree, and use that $ for something else.
  17. Brilliant


    "We couldn't possibly!" I learned that on this board. Repeat as necessary, "Oh, we just couldn't POSSIBLY!", with no reason given.
  18. NOO! Didn't you read the "how nasty is your dishwasher" thread?
  19. This is the biggest problem. Those of you who are advocating more aggressive intervention - how do we decide who needs it? I'm so sad about what's going on in our schools, malls, & theaters, but I don't believe we should force treatment or institutionalization on someone without an imminent threat. What about those who are, umm, "crazy" and can be violent, but it's more of the bar-fight violence type - should all of them be locked up indefinitely, too?
  20. We love this movie, but when my kids were younger they could always count on me to say, "Wow! Now I remember why this was rated PG-13!" because I'd always forget about the "bad" scenes. Anyway, there are only a couple as a pp mentioned. It's one of our favorites.
  21. I was going to say this...are you SURE they are only showing it in 3D? When we first looked for tickets that's all we saw; we had to search a couple of different ways online to find 2D listings.
  22. I would try posting the table & chairs separately. Table for $30 and chairs for $20.
  23. Do you have a smoker? The last few years we have smoked a turkey at Thanksgiving. It turns out fantastic. This year we were traveling over Thanksgiving, and when we got home I roasted a turkey because I can't use the smoker and dh and ds were at work/school. The kids were so disappointed in the roasted turkey after all that smoked goodness in the last few years. :) We also regularly use our smoker for chickens and pork roasts, but that doesn't seem very special for Christmas.
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