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Everything posted by Brilliant

  1. This used to happen to us. I finally talked to my kids about it, and told them that they needed to get some sleep (at least 4 hours). I also started talking to the hosting parents, who were always accommodating. I'm sure they loved me being the bad guy when they announced at 2AM - "Mrs OC Mom says you all need to go to sleep now!"
  2. When my kids were little, we enjoyed Charlotte's Web (I think it was read by the author). Also the Winnie-the-Pooh stories read by Charles Kuralt. We all still love Hank the Cowdog stories. Favorite books that we read aloud were: Paddington series, Henry & Ribsy, Ginger Pye, and Owls in the Family. They are probably great on audio.
  3. OK, I will send an email & let her know. We really want to go celebrate with them, so I didn't want to RSVP "no" for the whole thing.
  4. We are invited to a graduation ceremony, and dinner at the graduate's house afterward. We will be about 3 hours away that morning, and we *could* make the ceremony but honestly we'd have to drive like the wind, and with SoCal traffic there's always the possibility that we still wouldn't get there. Would it be rude to accept the invitation for dinner, explaining that it might be impossible for us to be at the ceremony?
  5. I have a PB kitchen table with 6 chairs and 2 matching bar stools. They are very nice, BUT. I spent a fortune on them, and wish I had shopped around some more. After I bought them, I found something very similar at Costco for about 1/3 of the price. I looked at the Costco one carefully and it looked like similar quality. So my advice is to shop around and be really comfortable with how much you are paying for the PB name. BTW - I can't open either of your links so I can't comment on either of your choices.
  6. Congrats - you will love it. My dh and I are both UT-Austin grads. We would move back there in a second if dh' job would accommodate it. :D
  7. We moved recently for the same reasons you mentioned. We are closer to EVERYTHING. Dh' office, our friends, activities, etc. We got a contract on our house in about a month because we priced it right. We lost $$$. But we are so happy in our new smaller closer house! No more sitting on SoCal freeways.:thumbup:
  8. Oh, this happens to me ALL THE TIME. I have a jar of sun-dried tomatoes in my pantry. I despise them on their own, but they were key to a recipe. Now if I could just remember what recipe... We go through a big hunk o' parmesan every month or so around here. We obviously grate it onto pasta - red sauce or into white sauce. Pasta salads, too. It's also great on green salads w/ italian dressing (you can shave it onto salads instead of grating). You can serve slices to munch on while you relax with your hubby over a glass of wine. :) It's key to a good pesto sauce. Enjoy it!
  9. LOL. I didn't know that either. I'll have to try it. We all love cole slaw around here, but my dh refused to eat it b/c of the side effects.
  10. I would check around to see how much it would cost to get it recovered. We had two easy chairs recovered a few years ago. I bought the fabric on sale (I think I ordered it online). And there was a reasonably-price placed nearby who did a good job. I don't remember how much we paid, but it was definitely cheaper than getting new chairs. Now I need a sofa recovered. I can't find a good, inexpensive place to do it down here in Southern California. :( It will cost me at least $1500 including the fabric. It's a nice sofa which would cost close to $2000 to replace. So I'm in a quandary. It's so ratty looking (the fabric was too lightweight for our needs) that my dh has threatened to haul it out to the curb one day.
  11. There is an Instagram app for Android now. I have it on my droid phone.
  12. Glad you are returning it. I would, too. I use their return policy a lot. I don't think I take advantage, but...they will probably ban me one day. We had a ridiculous mattress return affair (yes, I returned 2 and am on number 3 - almost became friends with the delivery/setup/return guys!). Now I'm afraid to return anything else.
  13. I am so excited. I just searched on "iPad" and came up with a bunch of threads that I scrolled through...but I didn't see a "favorite app" thread. Want to share yours?
  14. I don't think you need to give them until July 31st. On the leases I've signed in California at least, if the lease terminates on 6/30 then it is assumed to go month-to-month unless either party gives 30 days notice. So if you give notice on 6/15 - they have until 7/15 to move out. (Oh, and they OWE you rent until then - they must give you 30 days notice even though their lease expires. This is how our last 3 leases have been set up; it might be different in your area.)
  15. Ah, the eternal search for the "perfect" curriculum. My homeschooling career is almost over (my youngest will be a senior next year). Most of our choices next year have been made based on outside classes he's taking. Big sigh of relief. :D
  16. I don't always agree with Dave Ramsey. But I agree with his advice on early withdrawal from 401k: DON'T DO IT unless it's the only way to save your house from being foreclosed. Do whatever else you have to to get your other debts paid off, but don't take money from your retirement. The taxes and penalties aren't worth it. (someone else mentioned taking a loan from the 401k. I think DR says never do that either - but I'd do that before doing a withdrawal)
  17. I'm almost embarrassed to admit...I've been reading the Song of Fire & Ice series. (Game of Thrones, etc.) I've read books 1-4 already and should receive book 5 from the library in the next week or so. The reason I'm embarrassed is that the books are a little trashy (s*x)... but, they are so well written. The author has done a fantastic job of creating a different world, and the characters that go along with it.
  18. Just read that review...it sounds great! We just moved into a house w/100% hard flooring, so I think I need one. :)
  19. I'm coming back to this really late because we were traveling and I could see the responses...but couldn't log in to reply. :) I'm surprised at how many have said this - I just can't believe I got to the age of 45 and have never lived in a city like this, or even heard of such an ordinance! In my adulthood, I've lived in 8 cities in Texas, Oregon & California, and this is a first! Yes, it was! Everybody on the street knows we're new, so now I'm wondering why nobody else had told us!
  20. She told him she's noticed one of our cars parked out in front of our house overnight, and did we know that it's a parking violation? She wanted to let us know so we won't get a ticket. I just searched on our city's website and found that it's true - there is NO overnight street parking allowed on any city streets unless the neighborhood has applied for an exception (which would then be posted on a sign). We do have room in our driveway for all 3 of our cars, but sometimes it's more convenient to leave one on the street. I am :confused::confused: We just moved out of a house with a draconian HOA. It never occurred to us that a city ordinance would be worse than an HOA.
  21. I try to wear a little, even if I'm just running out to the store. I think I look really different/better even with just a base powder, mascara, & lipstick/gloss. And it takes about 90 seconds to apply that.
  22. And I'd ask sis not to pass along any more negative comments. (and now that I've read the whole thread I see several others have made this suggestion!)
  23. I don't think the texting is the problem. I think the whole change of plans was a little rude (I'm not gonna throw you a baby shower, but go to the beach with your sister instead).
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