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Everything posted by SadieMarie

  1. http://thehealthdiary.wordpress.com/2011/02/18/recipe-dr-terry-wahls-baked-kale-chips/
  2. I played flute first and them piccolo. The piccolo is much more difficult to play. I am not an expert by any means but I think it would be really hard to start with a piccolo.
  3. "But Mr. Obama, unlike his predecessors, likely knows no better, and many of those around him, true children of the grungy '60s, are contemptuous of custom. Cutting America down to size is what attracts them to "hope" for "change." It's no fault of the president that he has no natural instinct or blood impulse for what the America of "the 57 states" is about. He was sired by a Kenyan father, born to a mother attracted to men of the Third World and reared by grandparents in Hawaii, a paradise far from the American mainstream." Here is a quote from Pruden (http://gawker.com/5406668/outrage+off-glenn-beck-vs-wesley-pruden) the author of the link about park rangers. He is a far right commentator/columnist and not exactly an unbiased reporter. It reminds me of the reports from Texas saying that prochoice protesters brought jars of feces to the state capital when Wendy Davis was doing her filibuster. It turned out to not be exactly true, or true at all, when the people doing the actual searching were interviewed. But it still got play (http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2013/07/gross-jars-of-urine-feces-and-paint-confiscated-as-texas-democrats-prepare-to-protest-texas-abortion-vote/).
  4. Sorry for the serial posting, but I just read this and it makes me want to cry. I am so sorry that you, or anyone should have to grow up this way. I can't imagine how hard that would be. At least you are not carrying it on with your children though.
  5. OK, this is a CULT that you are describing. Faith, I am glad you got out that school and are talking about this. Maybe there are women being tempted by the idea of achieving some sort of Stepford family ideal and they will read your words and think again.
  6. For the women. I bet Gothard is getting off in a big way. Am I the only one who sees this as largely about sexual control of women instead of religion? I wonder what the Taliban's position is on tampons. Lets train teenage girls to readily submit to disrobing so their underwear can be inspected and that they are not in charge of what goes into their vaginas. That's the way to raise them to be righteous.
  7. Scarlet Fever at thirteen for me, and this reminds me of my grandmother who really did grow up in "the good old days", and on a farm no less, saying that she really did not miss them.
  8. I had a friend (really) who carried a pea sized lump for years while her doctor told her not to worry. The doctor was wrong. I would ask for the mammogram and go to another doctor if need be. But that is just me I guess.
  9. It sounds really S&M ish to me, all that control and submission crap. Just wrap it up in religion to make it OK or something.
  10. Wow! Just wow! I have never come across anyone like you describe. I don't think I would be able to spend time with someone like that, let alone inflict them on my kids. Yuck.
  11. I wash mine once a week and just rinse in between in the winter. When it is hot I use shampoo twice a week. I have thick hair that has some wave and it is a lot less coarse and dry looking now. It did feel too oily when I first started skipping the shampoo but someone told me that was temporary so I stuck with it.
  12. A member of our NLD group is getting an error message when she tries to post. She is not waiting for approval and is on the member list. I can't figure out what the problem might be. I would appreciate any help you could give. Thanks!
  13. Ginger ale or 7up because they stay down for my kids (and me) when nothing else will, and then I try crackers or toast when they are wanting something solid.
  14. I think learning any musical instrument is beneficial in multiple ways, especially for SN kids, and if he is asking to learn I would definitely go for it. I hope he loves it!
  15. We have found a child psychologist to be extremely helpful. It has been helpful to dd with her anxiety and to me with parenting her. I would also think getting on top of it before adolescence might be really valuable for both of you. Good luck.
  16. http://homeschoolersanonymous.wordpress.com/ There are problems with schools. There are problems with homeschools. I think if you are a child receiving a substandard education in either situation you deserve some assistance. I personally have no problem with oversight by the state I live in. I like the idea of school districts and parents working together and supporting eachother, whether the children are being homeschooled or going to public school.
  17. Chop some tomatoes and basil. Add the mozzarella balls and a splash of olive oil and some salt. Toss it with just cooked and drained spaghetti or fettuccine. It is yum, yum, yum!
  18. Hi! I started a group for those of us raising kids diagnosed with NLD (NVLD). If anyone is interested in chatting with other parents come on over. I know I can use all the wisdom I can get! Just head to social groups and join us.
  19. There can be a lot of other reasons. She loves him. She takes marriage vows especially the "for worse" part seriously. She just had a baby. Frankly I find it interesting that people will start with how they don't understand someone else's choices and then go on to be fairly harsh and judgemental. How do you judge what you don't understand? I personally find his actions reprehensible and sort of pathetic and pitiful. But who I am to start putting his wife down? What did she do other than have bad luck in love? Unless I am looking for some other woman to whom I can feel superior, what possible reason do I have to be contemptuous of her? I hope she finds happiness.
  20. It could be or there could be something else going on (the things that tend to happen as you get older) so it is worth getting a physical and going from there.
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