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Everything posted by SadieMarie

  1. Well, maybe you could be a good Yankee :), pie for breakfast after all.
  2. I don't see how communicating that unique perspective is throwing anyone under a bus.
  3. I would do a week in Spain and a week in Portugal. Or maybe I would do Spain and Italy.
  4. I didn't say that "Americans" refer to themselves as "Yankees". I said they could and that I like the term better than "American".
  5. What is the culture of which you speak? Yankee is a revolutionary war term. It predates the civil war. It was used during WWII, in a positive way.
  6. What!? :willy_nilly: There is no war on Christmas? !
  7. I admit that is a barrier but I think with a little Yankee ingenuity it could be overcome. After all, we are talking about the term "Yankee", not "damnyankee", two different things Yankee was originally a derogatory term used by the British during the revolutionary war for all the patriots (or rebels, depending on your pov lol). I am not from the Northeast and I am claiming Yankee. It is so not dorky. And I like dorky.
  8. But they could. How about that WWII song about the Yanks coming? That is not just Northerners. During WWII we were all Yanks. We could be again :patriot:
  9. I agree with previous posters about a two week plan. And you also might want to consider seasonal plans. Seasonal plans also make sense from a budget point of view as prices vary seasonally. You could have your two week plan for spring, another for summer, another for fall and a fourth for winter. Maybe let dh know that first you try the plan, then you evaluate and then you tweak and then you try again.
  10. But I bet Mexicans and Canadians have never referred to themselves as Yankees.
  11. I love my progressive. I mean, I really love it. I even use it on the porch. It is a canister though, so not sure how that would work for your back. Sears sells them so you could always go look and see if they would be too heavy.
  12. Since my first though with "Brazilian" it radical waxing, "Dom" might be an improvement lol.
  13. We call it a basement party. We have treats and tell stories and try to make it fun. And it is not easy. We have a gross basement lol. We have flashlights and a crank radio.
  14. I am going with Yankee Earthling. That pretty much sums it up for me.
  15. I think they dropped the ball and you are not being unreasonable. I was a ps mom for many years and would have expected better information.
  16. Now all I can think about is all those dog owning Yoopers coming out in the Spring to clean up their yards with their pooper scoopers.
  17. Thank you. Sometimes my attempts at brevity just create confusion. I think it is in this context, of our foreign policy history, that some citizens of other countries in the America's find our use of "American" to refer to US citizenship offensive, or maybe just a bit arrogant. It isn't just about geography. I usually say, when asked where I am from, that "I'm from the States". It is actually one syllable less than "I'm American" so I like it for that reason too :laugh: . If asked whether or not I am American I say "yes". If it there is the possibility of offending someone, in whose country I am a guest, I prefer not to offend. If we could all just use "Yankee" though, that would solve everything. USian is just never going to catch on.
  18. Looking back at the history of our foreign policy, they might have more to support that inference than what we call ourselves, just a little.
  19. I really think it could work. A humorous aphorism attributed to E. B. White summarizes the following distinctions:[citation needed] To foreigners, a Yankee is an American. To Americans, a Yankee is a Northerner. To Northerners, a Yankee is an Easterner. To Easterners, a Yankee is a New Englander. To New Englanders, a Yankee is a Vermonter. And in Vermont, a Yankee is somebody who eats pie for breakfast.
  20. I like "Yankees". Let's use that one.
  21. Sometimes failing is a lesson too. If she doesn't get the wash clothes done she has to deal with the consequences of not earning any money and disappointing a family friend. I knit and I do so understand the joy of knitting for yourself vs knitting something someone requests. I would not say anything more about that if I were you, but that is just me. I have a child who hated math for a long time because of an LD and we took a year and just did LoF until she liked it again. Then I added back a more traditional math curriculum, but we still have Fred on Fridays. If there is no way to approach it in terms of finding a way for her to like math, and after all not everyone does, I think rewarding her (OK, bribing her lol) would be fine. But then you have to be able to deal with her choosing not to do it and not getting the reward (or accepting the consequence if you go that route) kwim? Sometimes as parents I think we forget that kids do have choices. It would be nice, when it comes to things like math lol, if they didn't, but they really do. They can refuse, as your husband did, if they are prepared to accept the consequences, whatever they might be. And there are kids, and adults too for that matter, who care enough about feeling like they are in control of their own lives to take some pretty harsh consequences.
  22. I remember my brother hating Ritalin. He said it made him sad.
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