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Everything posted by SadieMarie

  1. If I had a dog that I loved, that was part of the family and it started slobbering I would deal. But when you are making the decision to get a dog why pick a breed that is guaranteed to slobber, or even just very likely to do so? That is what I don't get. There are so many choices that don't drool. http://dogtime.com/dog-breeds/groups/companion-dogs
  2. I had quick curl Kelly. It was so disappointing to open the package and find that the reason her hair curled was because it was full of gummy stuff.
  3. That is how we got our dogs too Danielle, poodle mixes but without the names ending in poo. We didn't know we had trendy designer dogs. I think slobbery dogs shouldn't exist. Why does anyone want a dog with big ropes of drool hanging off it? It makes absolutely no sense. And another thing! why do people buy dogs that need to herd sheep or dig up badgers or track game and stick them in their suburban backyards? If you want companionship, why not choose a breed that exists for that purpose?
  4. Small dogs don't make a house smell like dog. This is assuming that the dog is getting baths occasionally. It is the big slobbery dogs that do that. My cousins had St. Bernard dogs when I was a kid. I hated those dogs. They did stay outside though. So you could at least get away from them. Small dogs also have less fur to spread around the house and little poops. They are scrappy and fun. Small dogs are far superior to big dogs.
  5. OK but someone has to be gorgeous if I am going to sit through a Jesus movie. I think it is a subject more appropriate for a documentary.
  6. I hate eggnog, with or without alcohol. Blech.
  7. LOL Chad Everett did look like Ken. That is perfect. Ok, I think talking about curricula is boring. I think it is really, really boring. It is not as boring as talking about the various styles of homeschooling though.
  8. I maintain the position that it is very hard and demanding and requires lots of back rubs to keep me going. So far Dh is on board with this so no more remarks about how it is easy please.
  9. And another pot stirrer! I personally know that it was Malibu Ken and Mod Hair Ken who found love together. Then they adopted lots of little rescue dogs and lived happily ever after, and were way nicer than Barbie and her crowd, and better dressers too.
  10. Sure, just go ahead and stir the pot and get this whole thread shut down!
  11. I don't remember. I think that is how insignificant they were in my little Barbie world. They were just escorts lol. But I like Mitch and Chad.
  12. Did he have a scar on his face too? Or maybe I just dreamed that.
  13. When I had Barbies Ken was the only male (sort of) and there were so many Barbie friends. So I am sure he found consolation with PJ or Kelly.
  14. My Barbie liked the GI Joe with the fuzzy beard. Or maybe that was me lol. I love beards. Dh grew one for me once. Beards are sexy.
  15. My Barbie lived in that same shanty town :(. And she also two timed Ken with my brother's GI Joe. My Barbie liked to play the field. Neither Malibu nor mod hair Ken could make her happy.
  16. I felt that way at first. We started in January and dd(then five) was sad about missing the ps Valentine's day thing. So we had kids over to make Valentines. It was fun. We are part of a group that does a Halloween party, but yeah, nothing for Christmas. Could you just have a couple of her friends over to do cookies? I might do that. I think a lot of the appeal of those parties in school is that they mean ending the sit down work and doing something fun and having some treats. Because everyday is like that for us, I mean plenty of time for fun because we finish much earlier than the ps schedule, I don't think it is that big a need. I was a parent volunteer in both my kids classes and it was nice but they would both have way more fun with just a couple friends coming over here to do something like make cookies or Christmas cards or an ornament or whatever occurs to me lol.
  17. When you are young you can get away with sweats (or pajama bottoms) in public, ripped jeans or just grungy clothes. It doesn't necessarily look good but you can pull it off. Once you hit a certain age it makes you look like a slob at best and bag lady at worst. It was a sad day for me when I realized this. I find drama entertaining. I think the unpopular thing is admitting it lol.
  18. I do both and I found crocheting easier to learn. I think it sets you up nicely for the continental method for knitting too. But if knitting is what you want to do I would take a class or get a friend to teach you. I would suggest starting with chunky yarn and wooden needles. Good luck!
  19. I am really lazy. Try maple syrup, bourbon and butter. I love identifying road kill. But I absolutely do not want to touch it. When DH and I were dating and driving somewhere I would say the name as we passed (or my best guess for the really flat ones) of any critter dead or alive. He thought I was the biggest weirdo. He is an urban boy. We would be driving in happy silence or even in the middle of a conversation and I would just call out "racoon" or "woodchuck" or "deer" or whatever. He died laughing at me but I can't stop. It is like a tic or something. I long for a mud room. I covet other people's mud rooms. I fantasize about how my mud room would look.
  20. Same with marshmallows, they are much better stale.
  21. I am pretty sure it is lime vodka mixed with Mountain Dew, and don't judge me. We all do stupid crap at fifteen. That is what I tell myself anyway.
  22. http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/nigella-lawson/one-pan-sage-and-onion-chicken-and-sausage-recipe/index.html
  23. In any box of chocolates the jellies are the best, hands down.
  24. I am taking us back to Doritos. Nacho cheese Doritos dipped in sour cream and onion dip is sublime. It is an orgasm for your mouth. Now for shoes, for me it depends on the weather. If it is dry and your shoes are clean (well, for shoes) no problem. If it is wet then they need to stay by the door. However, I don't have strong feelings about this issue. Farting and burping are funny. I know it is juvenile and I don't care. After my first child I thought it was all about nurture. I had many snarky thoughts about children in malls and at the grocery store who were clearly demonstrating a lack of effective parenting. When I had my second I changed my mind and now believe it is all about nature. And I am sticking with that and I don't care how many people give me "looks" at the grocery store or mall.
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