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Everything posted by SadieMarie

  1. No problem. I understand. That is why I can't respond seriously to this kind of crap and have to try for humor, though obviously not always successfully lol. Responding straight up would eventually make my head explode with rage. Then there I would be, trying to homeschool my kids with no head :(.
  2. Yes I was! Sorry, sorry, sorry for the confusion. I thought for sure talking to the boner made that clear.
  3. Well, that explains it. I bet you show too much cleavage and snap your gum too.
  4. Maybe, just maybe, you aren't considering the possibility that this was out of concern for the, unfortunately, hot and sexy teenage girl. Maybe they were trying to protect her from the inevitable rape that she was risking because of said boners. Maybe we should not jump to judgement until we have heard the boners' side of the story.
  5. I nursed both of mine, one to just past three and the other to three and a half, and I just want to say that I think it is Ok to have some limits. My first limit was, "We only nurse at home." And, depending on the situation, I felt that making them wait was not going to hurt them. I am talking about when they were older of course, not as infants. I don't think nursing when it is making the mother stressed or resentful is a good thing. By putting some limits on when we nursed I was able to go longer with it.
  6. I am so very, very sorry Rosie.
  7. I am so sorry! That sounds hugely stressful. My only thought is that you might want to check out some iPad educational apps or online programs. And I really, really don't think six months out of their lives is going to make or break their educations. I mean, I think you can relax about that part and focus on getting well.
  8. Have you looked at Bagallini's? They are similar and wear really well. There are lots of different styles.
  9. Just speaking from observation of family members, a person who is dependent and using is not usually going to make thoughtful, mature choices in life.
  10. I have a Striiv and clip it on my bra strap. It has been helpful in making me realize how sedentary I had gotten and getting me to walk more.
  11. No problem and sorry for jumping to conclusions.
  12. No, it is all the conservatives refusing to listen to reason LOL. :banghead:
  13. It looks interesting, and, yes, I see the potential for some dryness lol. I have been trying to get through http://www.amazon.com/Land-Promise-Economic-History-United/dp/0061834815/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1398950452&sr=1-1&keywords=land+of+promise+an+economic+history+of+the+united+states and it starts with technology: new technology changes the economy, then the economic changes change social structures and culture must adapt... I would put us in the changing culture stage now. That is my nutshell anyway. I am finding the book slow going though lol.
  14. And the costumes are fabulous, worth watching just for that.
  15. I kind of feel like we are in a period of change, big change and it is due mostly to changes in technology. And I think if you look back you see that new technology creates huge societal/cultural changes whether it is the printing press, the steam engine or the internet. And change is often difficult and creates tension. OK, lecture over lol but really, I don't think that thread got all that bad, not compared to other places where you see what people are willing to write in the comment sections. Considering how divisive an issue race has always been that was a fairly civil conversation. I certainly did not feel hatred for anybody with whom I disagreed. And I rather strongly disagreed with many things that were said.
  16. I think you have to take a long view. I have been watching The Borgias on Netflix. And before that I watched The Tudors. Humanity has come a long way baby lol, even if we still have some room for improvement.
  17. I was having a similar thought. I want the people in the minority to be free to speak their minds. But for that to be meaningful and sustainable, all people have to be free to speak their minds. When the only people allowed to say what they really think are Rap artists, what is really happening? Again, I am asking, Who does not have the right to speak their mind here? What has changed is that racism is not going to be accepted the way it once was. Jesse Helms is probably turning over in his grave, but times have changed. Rappers can put whatever gross, hateful stuff they want in their songs. Westboro can put whatever gross hateful stuff they want on their signs. Both groups want notoriety, one to sell records and one to, well not sure, just love the attention I think. Neither is really news anymore. But when it is a franchise owner in basketball it is going to be treated differently by the media. I don't find that puzzling at all. And you are incorrect to suggest that rappers somehow speak for the black community. That is what it seems like you are saying from this comment and it is not true, anymore than that Westboro or the Klan speaks for all white people. Which brings up a related issue - why are black people only allowed to have certain political views? Is that really best for any or all of us? This is just one example. As a woman I've borne more than one smackdown over being pro-life and a few other things. I don't want to get into details of each specific view, I'm trying to focus on the overall philosophy that liberty and justice for all doesn't work if it excludes any group, majority or minority. And, that being unable to listen to others (or at least let them speak without attacking) is a very primitive condition. Pointing out that other groups have been denied liberties or shut down in the past does not support the rationality of doing it now. What political views are only black people allowed to have? I have no idea what you are talking about here. And a "smackdown" is unclear to me. Does that mean someone hit you? That is not free speech. Does it mean someone waved a sign back at you? That would be free speech. Does it mean someone disagreed with you? That is free speech even if they did it in a very confrontational manner. Free speech does not mean that you get to say whatever you want free from the possibility that someone else will disagree strongly and state it, and maybe even state it in an uncivil way. I guess this is bringing up the past a bit, but this is not the only time that some groups have been able to exercise their free speech rights with fewer repercussions (or none at all) than other groups. I mean lets think again about some of Jesse Helms' speeches and then the people who exercised their free speech during the civil rights movement and ended up dead because of it. There were people who exercised their free speech rights regarding politics and ended up in front of Senator McCarthy and never worked in this country again. The types of free speech that are going to have serious repercussions are changing. I am sure a lot of people are having some trouble adjusting to this change. When has anyone ever been free to say whatever they want without being attacked (verbally of course)? I am going to say never, not guaranteed anyway. It is going to depend upon the subject and how divisive it is. I'm not talking about one guy saying something racist. I'm talking about the overall trend over recent years. Unless you have been doing sociological research what you have is your perception of the trends of recent years. I have my perceptions too. We all do. So I am unsure what trend you are seeing, other than things that used to be OK to say about race are not socially acceptable to say anymore. ETA: Sorry, lost my quote box thing lol. I am responding to SKL, post 352
  18. LOL! I bet he knows my crazy racist uncle. It was a sad day when he learned how to surf the net. Did you get the one about President Obama working to set himself up as a dictator instead of stepping down after two terms? That was a good one lol.
  19. Every religion claims "the truth" somehow. Religions claim to be, if not the only then at least, the best path to "God". And once you join the "right" church, others, those who are members of different religions or churches, become "wrong". And how wrong they are, and how much force you are entitled to use to show them how wrong they are, varies though history and by group, but it is usually be there at some level. "Hey, it doesn't really matter what you believe or what you call your god, or what holy book you use, we are all equal in our quest for truth and faith no matter where that quest takes us." Is there a church or religion that says this? That might be one I would be interested in lol.
  20. I try not to post controversial things on any forum/social media, etc., but I seriously cannot wrap my head around why everyone in this country is so whiny, and can never tolerate an opinion that is different from, or even possibly offensive to, their own. When did EVERYTHING have to become so politically correct that a person isn't entitled to their own opinion? Who says he is not entitled to his own opinion? And I am entitled to my opinion that he is a jerk and I am entitled to say it. And if I am in a leadership position in a commercial enterprise that he represents and his offensive comments have hurt that enterprise I am entitled to cut him loose. And hurrah for the NBA I say!!! He isn't sitting in jail or been fined by a government authority. He is free to think and say whatever he wants. This reminds me of the Duck Dynasty guy about his free speech lol. He is free to say what ever he wants in any interview and not be thrown in jail. But why should a business have to hang on to him if that free speech hurts its bottom line? If I have a company and an employee stands out front on his off hours with signs that are sure to offend the majority of my customers, I have to keep him on? I have to tolerate that without responding? I can't fire his ass? That is ridiculous. I can't have him arrested but I am entitled to protect my enterprise. There are ALWAYS going to be people who are racist. They are ALWAYS going to be people who disagree with gay marriage. There are ALWAYS going to be people who are staunchly pro-life. There are ALWAYS going to be people who are pro-choice. There are ALWAYS going to be people who mock others for their beliefs, the way they look, act, dress, etc. Ok, and there are ALWAYS going to be people who are not racist. There are ALWAYS going to be people who support gay marriage. There are ALWAYS going to be people who are staunchly pro-choice. There are ALWAYS going to be people who want to stand up for those who are mocked for their beliefs, the way they look, act, dress, etc. And they have the right to free speech also. I just don't understand how, in a supposed free country, we think we can demand that everyone will agree on everything, and no one will ever say anything offensive. I don't understand how, in a supposed free country, we think we can demand that nobody will disagree with us when they find something we say to be offensive. I can tell you - I was picked on mercilessly throughout a lot of my school years (it's probably one of the biggest reasons I chose to home school my kids). I am a normal, functional human being who never shot up my school, blamed anyone, required years of therapy, or anything of that nature. Kids are cruel. People are cruel. It was just life, and I dealt with it. I guess I just do not understand why people these days can't do the same. People are dealing with it. We all get to choose our own way to deal with it. We ALL have that freedom. And black basketball players get to choose how they want to deal with it. And NBA officials get to choose how they want to deal with it. And each fan gets to choose how to deal with it. Comparing it to shooting up a school is sort of way out there IMHO. If I object and go on social media and say so it is the equivalent of shooting up a school, or blaming anyone or going to therapy? You have kind of lost me there. I don't know how you dealt with it. I am guessing that you suffered in silence and that makes me sort of sad. Why is that better? Why not speak up and fight back? If someone picks on my daughter I don't want her to just take it and be a quiet girl. I would want her to fight back, even if it is messy and loud. Even if it causes a big fuss.
  21. It is really hard at that age. It does get better as they get older and learn some self comforting strategies and how to let you know what they need. I figured out what would set dd off, transitions were the hardest. Travel was hell. Structure was good. But then I did not have an infant when my challenging girl was three. If what he needs is time to decompress why not make a special place? Could you make a tent with some pillows or something like that? My dd loved boxes. Also stories on tape really helped. Music was never a soothing thing for her, though I tried lots of different kinds before giving up. But it might work for your little guy. Could you create a space that would be calming and call it something special, let him help you make it? And I agree, responding when they have already lost it is not ideal. What are his warning signs, or as dh would say, how do you know when "the fuse is lit"? That is when you want to intervene. Being preventative is the best, but not always possible. A friend of mine with similar challenges would always say every day should include not letting them get hungry so healthy snacks available at all times, plenty of exercise and good sleep. And it is true that being hungry was bad for dd, days when we did not get out enough and move around were more likely to be bad and of course, a tired kid is just going to lose it more easily. But keeping those things in mind does help us still. And usually if we have a difficulties, I can see that lunch was late, or we have been stuck inside for too many days (hard to avoid some winters) or that bedtime went too late. These may not be triggers for your son, but whatever they are, an ounce of prevention and all that. And good luck! It is hard and it is hard to keep from feeling like you are failing, at least it was for me. But all you can do is keep trying.
  22. I just ran across this piece on Salon and it seemed timely, http://www.salon.com/2014/04/28/christianitys_faith_based_freakouts_why_atheism_makes_believers_lose_their_minds_partner/
  23. The clothes from here are wonderful: http://www.softclothing.net/products/
  24. I am sorry you don't have anyone to talk to in real life about this. I was raised Catholic, parochial school and the whole bit. I left because I had problems with the institution. I tried to be a Protestant but I just didn't believe it. I thought I needed to for my kids, like they should have a church. I don't know why I thought that lol. Part of it was pressure from extended family. I gave it my best but it just isn't there. And then my dd told me after Sunday school that what they were saying was not logical and she didn't believe it. I just couldn't make her go back. It would be like sending Spock to Sunday school lol. I am not an atheist or a believer. I am solidly agnostic. I am comfortable with it being a mystery. I don't need to believe or not believe. I am fine with it. I am not sure what I would do if my family was really devout though. That would be hard. It would require a lot of mutual respect and tolerance. It sounds like your family is going to have a tough time with that.
  25. I would start with the counselor. She/he can help you with strategies for home and probably knows who is best as far as referring you for evaluations for your dd. We had good luck with a referral from our pediatrician. And then we went from there until finally getting a diagnosis. Good luck!
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