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Everything posted by SadieMarie

  1. We use Tide free and clear or store brand of the same, but I need to use way, way less than the min line on my washer. I don't know if you have an HE but I use maybe a couple tablespoons of detergent. When I cut back on the amount of detergent and added an extra rinse cycle it eliminated the contact dermatitis dd and I were both having.
  2. That is mine too, most afraid of the things that absolutely can't hurt me. I am ok with dead insects but anything bigger than that and I lose it.
  3. http://www.amazon.com/Lolita-Effect-Media-Sexualization-Fixing/dp/1590202155/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1400422538&sr=1-1&keywords=the+lolita+effect This is an excellent book that talks about the difference between being uncovered and sexualization, among other things. I think that is where a lot of these conversations go of the rails lol. Being uncovered, wearing less because it is hot or to be comfortable is very different from dressing like a sex worker. And if you go to the mall you can put together a sex worker outfit in the girls department of most stores and I think that is a cultural problem here and now. But it isn't about how much skin is covered, not in my opinion. So the idea of a church or religion saying that women and girls have to be all covered up for the sake of modesty, well, I personally reject that. I also reject sex worker clothing for children and teens. And I have not been around here very long but I have noticed that these conversations always go to the extremes. It starts with a talk about modesty and clothing and before long we are talking about burkas or sending our teenage daughters off to school topless to be taught by naked men, lololol, sorry but that one had me rolling. Most of us do not live at these extremes. I personally do not feel like I am living my life on a ridge surrounded by slippery slopes lol.
  4. My point is that you can't really know. I guess I am playing the devil's advocate here, he may just be a really selfish person. And some people are just not cut out to be married and/or parents, but they do it anyway because it is an expectation and they never think to question it. And sometimes people get married too young and manage to pick the exact wrong person or they both grow up together but in the process outgrow each other. And yet they have kids and find themselves stuck, at least until it becomes intolerable. So they build these separate lives but stay married. My husband loves to golf. And for a while it was a problem, when the kids were little, for me because golf takes a loooong time (I believe the sport was invented for that reason, a bunch do Scottish husbands tired of doing chores around the house) and for a while I did not say anything and got really resentful. And he admitted when we finally had it out (which did not take very long lol) that yes, he will go do it if I agree even though he knows I am resentful about it. I don't think that makes him a jerk, or not totally lol, but human. But I just think, and maybe this is a stereotype about women, sometimes we are good at figuring out what to do to make everyone happy but not very good at communicating what we want and need. And then just EXPECTING IT. I think there is a difference between telling people what you want/need and expecting it. I am not sure how to put that into words exactly though. Men just seem way better at it to me, generally speaking of course. And you can't give another person responsibility for your own happiness. So rather than feeling sad for your friend maybe admire her for being brave enough to go find a life that will make her happy. She has been unhappy for a long time and instead of choosing that forever she is taking a chance on finding something better. I am sure it is really difficult and scary so it is nice that she has friends like you to be there to encourage and support her.
  5. I think it is almost impossible to understand someone else's marriage. Things can look very different from the outside. My dh used to complain about one of his friend's wives, she was demanding, he got no free time, she was critical.... What I kept pointing out to dh was that his friend seemed pretty happy and he CHOSE her kwim? He was maybe looking for someone to be in charge. That is what he wanted, just because dh doesn't want that, doesn't make it a bad marriage for his friend. As far as your friend's husband. Who knows what happened. Maybe he tried to be involved and it was not good enough, or "right". I think that is fairly common too. Maybe your friend wanted him to be involved and then wanted to micromanage HOW he was involved. Sometimes men don't care and don't want to make the effort. Sometimes they try and do it "wrong" and end up giving up. For example, when dh loads the dishwasher I have to make myself not go and redo it correctly lol. It is very hard.
  6. Olive oil gets tree sap off of skin and out of dog fur.
  7. My keys are currently MIA, going on three days :(. As far as cleaning, I have a daily list. It takes about forty minutes to do the whole thing if I do it all. If I have been sticking with it it takes even less time. I usually delegate some of it. It depends on what everyone else already has on their plates for the day. It does not keep the house spotless or anything, but if I am fairly regular it keeps it manageable. I would say that it is a habit. If we are having a crazy week as far as the schedule and I let it go it is hard to get back sometimes, but I eventually do. I have been going with it almost two years.
  8. That picture reminds me of my brothers when they were little, grubby, busy, lovely boys.
  9. I love that dress. But I think there would be some cleavage.
  10. I can't help with the behavior but we had a cat get stuck in the bathroom when we went out of town for the weekend. Vinegar, not diluted, sponged into the carpet got rid of the smell. I had to use a lot of it and do it a few days in a row but it did get the pee smell out.
  11. This is how I have always thought of the word too. It has always been the opposite of bragging and grandstanding, not the opposite of dressing sexily or provocatively.
  12. You sound just as judgmental as anyone else here, and more than some. ETA: And just to be clear, I own up to judging too.
  13. She does have an audience. She wrote it up for a blog. A blog is usually written with the expectation of readers, correct?
  14. I had a similar experience and I was wearing a school uniform. Some men find Catholic school uniforms to be very sexy.
  15. We have one cavalier and he sleeps with us. I am not sure quite how it happened but it is a done deal now.
  16. Our house was built from a kit. In the 1920's, when it was built, you could order a house from the Sears Catalogue. Then everything you need to build your house would arrive on the train and you just put it together. Here is a picture of a reproduction of the catalogue. ETA: Poo, it wouldn't let me do my picture. So here is a link. http://www.amazon.com/Sears-Modern-Homes-Dover-Architecture/dp/0486452646/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1400164726&sr=8-2&keywords=Sears%2C+Roebuck+catalog+of+houses
  17. Maybe what you describe is some of what was happening here www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/05/13/jackson-family-abuse_n_5317197.html?utm_hp_ref=mostpopular
  18. I finally have books, now that menopause is turning me from a pear to an apple. It is bittersweet though because, even though I do enjoy standing in front of the mirror and admiring them in my push-up book shelf, I would have had so much more fun with them thirty years ago. But back then I had make do with magazines.
  19. My husband works his ass off too so that we can homeschool. He is an awesome husband and father. And yet he still manages to understand that he is responsible for his own boners. I mean, I do try to take an interest of course, but ultimately he is responsible. And he manages to be good with that even while working at a university where he must interact with beautiful and even sometimes, gasp, sexy young coeds.
  20. You are NOT making me feel any better! I guess I will just strongly advise dd to look for a nice agnostic boy like her dad.
  21. What really p isses me off is that I have to send my girl out into the world with all these males who have apparently been taught that they are not responsible for their own boners, even as grown men. So here is a question, seriously with no sarcasm; what do people who put responsibility on the girl teach their sons to do when a boner happens? How does that work? I mean, I am assuming they are not allowed to, hmmmm, take care of it themselves? Sonny boy, it isn't your fault if you have a youknowwhat. It is because of that hussy over there, the one who deserves whatever she gets. What is that saying to boys? Ok, my blood pressure is rising now.
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