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Everything posted by SadieMarie

  1. I may have misunderstood, but I don't think he did again while running for mayor. I think it just became public while he was running for mayor. I think she has known about it for a while.
  2. If candidate A is an ethical person in his or her private life and is going to work tirelessly to push an agenda I hate and candidate B is a wiener and is going to push an agenda with which I agree, I am going to hold my nose and vote for the wiener.
  3. We actually ordered a tool to take it out. Dd's was not embedded, but it was infected. I hate those starter studs. The place where you got them pierced might have the tool. It was painless and took the back right off. http://www.amazon.com/Fortay-Jewelry-Products-FJP-001-01-ez-Release/dp/B0068EA4ZS/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1374589931&sr=8-1&keywords=earring+remover
  4. Maybe it is situation involving cognitive dissonance?
  5. I had the same thing happen. There can be a lot of changes in your cycle pre menopause. I ended up taking BC pills for a couple years to get through it. PMS was much, much worse and my cycle shortened and was fairly unpredictable after being very predictable for many years.
  6. I remember reading something like "If you have met one person with Asperger's, then you have met one person with Asperger's." I think it is more trial and error with my SN child. My dd is gifted verbally. She learns best through her ears and loves stories, words, anything to do with language. This made math sort of challenging, especially as I started with Singapore. I don't want to give up on her being able to learn visually but I want to play to her strengths. So we found Life of Fred and now I have a kid who does not hate math and start crying when I pull it out. The stories are just wacky enough to keep her interest and she is willing to do the problems at the end of the chapter to keep reading. If it is not part of a story her second preference for math has been hands on so we just started to do some Miquon too. Anyway, that has been my experience. When we first got the diagnosis, NLD for my dd, I changed everything up based on what seemed like it made sense for NLD. But in the end my dd is still a very unique individual and so it came back to just looking at her that way.
  7. Hi Marie, I remember well coming to the realization that something was off, or different or beyond quirky with my dd. Everyone was telling me she was fine, or just really bright... but sometimes you just know as a parent. Good luck finding the answers. Getting an evaluation is the way to go IMHO if you have the means to do so. We got the best help and information from a neurospsych evaluation.
  8. Another vote for lawyer.
  9. When it is really hot I prefer really cold. When it is really cold I prefer really hot.
  10. Mine remember and I went to three and a half with both. But what they remember is the weaning :(
  11. I remember nursing my oldest once when she was probably close to two. She paused and looked up at me with that rosy cheeked, sated glow and I was so overcome with love that I said it, "I love you." She broke suction, smile and responded with, "I love num nums."
  12. There is also progressive phonics. And bonus, it is a free download.
  13. He was twenty and a lifeguard with keys to the pool. I was nineteen. Skinnydipping in the public pool at two in the morning was divine. He was gorgeous. I was gorgeous. The only regret I have is that I was a little self conscious....at first :) And thank you for this thread.
  14. Ok I am off to start an NLD group, that is, if I can figure out how :confused1:. Done!
  15. I am embarrassed! I totally missed your post and just realized how old all the preceding ones are. I am tired. That is my only excuse. If you want to start a group I will certainly join. It is such an unusual diagnosis. I had never heard of it before my dd. It would be really nice to have some other parents to talk to about it. Thanks!
  16. My dd was diagnosd with NLD when she was six. She is almost eight now. Below are all books I have found helpful. There are others. I think one of the things to keep in mind about NLD is that can affect children in different ways and to different degrees. Motor problems, both gross and fine, can be affected. But some kids are very mildly affected or not at all and for some it will be severe. It is the same with problems understanding social cues/interactions. Some will have very slight or no problems and for others it will be severe. Anxiety and meltdowns are common. My dd is a little clumsy sometimes but she can ride a bike and skate. Her fine motor is not a big problem either. Her handwriting is legible but it is really tiring and difficult for her. But the social cues/interactions are really challenging for her. Executive functioning is a big issue. Transitions are tough. She is very literal. Her vocabulary is beyond amazing. Her rhyming and poems are crazy creative. Math is usually not a problem until algebra, until it gets abstract because rote memorization is a strength. However, my dd HATED math until we starts doing Life of Fred. Manipulatives and games have been helpful too. Maybe someone should start an NLD group :) http://www.amazon.com/Raising-NLD-Superstars-Nonverbal-Disabilities/dp/1843107708/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1372368559&sr=8-1&keywords=NLd http://www.amazon.com/Nonverbal-Learning-Disabilities-Home-Parents/dp/1853029408/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1372368594&sr=8-4&keywords=NLd http://www.amazon.com/Nonverbal-Learning-Disorder-Understanding-TeachersNeed/dp/0399534679/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1372368630&sr=8-6&keywords=NLd
  17. I had fifty to lose after each pregnancy. I lost it the first time with low carb (low, not NO carb) and the second time with weight watchers. They both worked. Exercise has never, by itself, made me lose weight. It does however help keep the weight off.
  18. We used vinegar to get rid of cat pee smell. I don't know if it would work for vomit but maybe worth a try before buying something.
  19. Do you have documentation for the LDs? Would he have tested better with accommodations? Because if he has LDs and was being tested in school he could be entitled to them as part of an IEP. My child is below grade level also, though fortunately I am not required to do testing. But I understand the panic of feeling like you are failing your child. My feeling is that considering the LDs you might actually being doing a good job, sorry I know you did not want to hear that :-). Is he making progress? Can you see progress from where he was last year this time? I think when there are special needs involved it is more important to think in terms of progress instead of benchmarks. But it is hard. And IMHO there is nothing wrong with exploring school as a possibility without having to call it a failure on your part.
  20. She sounds quite a bit like my dd who has diagnosis of NLD. Both fine and gross motor problems are common with it, as are sensory challenges. They are usually precocious with language and often read very early yet struggle with math. There are also often Aspie type social difficulties. But it could also be a lot of other things. We saw a neuropsychologist.
  21. Baking soda and a stiff brush work on mine. They are black, enamel I think, too. I didn't figure out the baking soda until I had tried every noxious, poisonous cleaner on the market though. Mine are trays I can lift out so I can stick them in the sink and then really scrub them.
  22. We have stainless with butcher block counters and a wood floor, all very warm. It works. Stainless is like khaki pants, it works with anything.
  23. I have 7yo with vision and reading issues also. OPG was not great for us but progressive phonics is going well. It is free, just print it yourself, so maybe worth a try. The little stories are very silly and dd likes that. And we keep it short, fifteen to twenty minutes a day. If you have a color printer it would be better because then the part your child reads would be in larger font and in red, but we have been managing with black and white.
  24. Well, Is your son one who gives up easily? Does he generally try to do his best? And I guess, in the end, there isn't that much difference between not being able to succeed and believing you can't succeed. I would be inclined to trust his judgement if he has a history of being motivated to do a good job generally. He might first need to make his peace with having an LD. And my dd doesn't want to hear anything about LDs or NLD either. I also know that my dd gets overwhelmed easily when too much is coming at her and pretty much falls apart. She falls apart in small child way though. Good luck, I am rooting for you ds and am hoping you come back with a happy ending.
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