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The Girls' Mom

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Everything posted by The Girls' Mom

  1. I know nothing about the field you are going into, but 21 isn't old at all for pursuing a Bachelors/Masters. I think that you even have to be over 25 to really even be considered a non-traditional student.
  2. I actually drive right through there several times a week, so if you need to know where to find anything, let me know!
  3. Let her grow at her own pace and be a little one as long as possible. Reading to her is probably the number one "academic" activity you could do. Also, kids that appear extremely advanced in the preschool years can often even out later. My oldest, while still a bright young woman, isn't nearly as gifted as I might have thought when she was talking and walking at 9 months, and holding conversations by 1 year. She just got an early jump on things.
  4. If you have any time to kill, McKay used book store is like a block away and worth a visit :) Also, Krispy Kreme.
  5. Jerry's Artarama and Dick Blick are my go to places. If you sign up for emails, you can also get coupons.
  6. No testing required under HLA, except for a few special circumstances related to graduation. http://www.homelifeacademy.com/highschool/Default.aspx?id=29
  7. Another HLA user here since my girls were in 3rd and 6th grades. We are graduating one this year. I haven't had a complaint! We homeschooled in Texas for a couple of years with zero oversight, and I have to say that doing it under HLA hasn't really been that different. We just have to be sure to report grades, curriculum and short class descriptions, and attendance. (super easy and done online). The nice trade off for the reporting: a nice transcript at the end that you can get sent directly to colleges, sealed and everything ;) I'm not sure about sports. I know there was some legislation they were trying to pass a few years ago regarding homeschoolers and public school sports, but I don't know what happened with it.
  8. I think we will likely throw a big shebang for my twins when they graduate. They like that sort of thing. My oldest simply wanted a nice dinner with family, so that is what she's getting. I gave her the option of a party and she declined. ETA: The twins' party may be as much for ME celebrating that this is finally finished!!
  9. From the end(ish) of May until the 2nd week of August. We follow the public school schedule because my niece, who is in public high school, practically lives here when school is out. We take a complete break and don't do any school work during that time.
  10. Congrats! I just started back this semester, and am also attending with my daughter. Actually, this fall, two of my daughters will be going to the same school as I am. There is a social group on here for parents back in school, btw.
  11. I think it isn't bad, but it skips over all the best parts of Tennessee. The Perfect road trip for me would hit ALL the continental states too.
  12. Not much. Dh wants to take her to the uber fancy steak house for dinner. She will have the chance to attend a senior luncheon at our co-op, and our church does a dinner for seniors. She didn't want a party or ceremony.
  13. My mom had a palm reader tell her that both of her children would be famous someday. Hmmm. I hope she is wrong because at this rate the only thing my brother would be famous for would be something illegal..lol. That said, the female members on my mother's side of the family are known for having prophetic dreams. I mean eerily detailed dreams that come true months or years later. I actually had a great aunt that had them frequently, but stopped telling them when she dreamed something so bad she didn't want to tell anyone about it. My mother had a dream about my step-dad's truck catching on fire, with some very, very specific details that seemed weird at the time. When it all came true months later, he told her to never, ever tell him about another dream.
  14. Because my husband is super protective of his girls. He has been very reluctant to loosen the reins as the girls have grown up. If it were all up to me, I'd probably have been very free range with my kiddos. Even so, we (I) give our kids a little more freedom than some. When we lived in Fort Worth (in the city proper) they walked to the library and/or Sonic about a mile away by themselves all the time. (11 and 14 years old) We didn't let them roam far from us when they were younger because the neighborhood we lived in would have resulted in phone calls from well meaning people worried about our kids. He grew up on 14 acres out in the country and was allowed to roam the property, but not really anywhere else. I grew up in the middle of nowhere and was allowed to go where ever I wanted as long as I came back home by dinner (or whatever the set time was). I rode my bike for MILES without my parents knowing where I was, and cell phones weren't even a thing then..lol. I wonder if that is part of the difference between us?
  15. Christian, we attend a Baptist church, but I am really very relaxed about rules for my kids. They are pretty much free to do what they want (within reason) as long as they let me know where they are. (saying all that to relate that I'm not a super strict mom or anything) That said...this guy is setting off all sorts of mom-warnings in my head. My girls go to a fairly large youth group, they do leave campus during lock-ins or other activities, and they do communicate via text about 90% of the time. HOWEVER, they willingly communicate with the parents, get permission slips signed (or kids don't go) and ALWAYS have multiple chaperones. They don't go off and do unplanned things in the middle of the night, and would never blow off a parents request not to text their child. I would be having a heart to heart with the pastor of the church about his behavior, and leave the church if nothing is done. We've been there before with some inappropriate behavior by a youth pastor. We spoke with the lead pastor of the church and he was completely unconcerned about the incident. We left the church because we couldn't trust his leadership.
  16. $50 per kid actually sounds pretty good to me! Art supplies can be kind of expensive for quality items. I've spent far more than that on supplies just for my 1 semester Drawing class at college. I would just tell her how much you can reasonably spend, and see if she can work the projects around that.
  17. I wish things like cellulite and stretch marks were seen for what they are: NORMAL aspects of being a woman. Can't people be like "Dang, look at that hot chick. She's got dimples going alllll the way up"
  18. Don't assume that because your kid has airway issues that they won't smoke or date a smoker. My younger brother spent the first 5 years of his life in and out of the hospital because of asthma and repeated pneumonia. He had daily breathing treatments until he was 12 or 13. He smokes like a freight train now :( This, in spite of the fact that his father and our mother both died early from cancer, his father from smoking caused lung cancer. People aren't logical.
  19. My husband and oldest daughter can do that. It freaks people out.
  20. The only "assigned" chores mine have are dishes and trash. The three of them do dishes every night, rotating what part of it they do (wash by hand, load/unload the dishwasher, clearing/wiping down tables and counters). They also rotate who takes out the trash. However, they also do their own laundry, clean their bathroom, and keep their rooms clean (well, mostly..lol) They also cook when asked and do whatever else I ask of them to help me out. We as a family don't spend a huge amount of time on chores..we just do whatever needs doing when it needs to be done. They are now almost 15(twins) and 18. They have done the same amount of chores since they were 10 or 11. They have ALWAYS helped with laundry and dishes in some way since they were about 2 or 3.
  21. I wouldn't advise my kids not to date someone for that reason. My husband was a smoker for 20 years, and smoked when we met (at 15 and 18). He quit and has been smoke free for over 7 years. I do hate that it is coming back into fashion though. It is a smelly, unhealthy habit, IMO.
  22. I can drive a stick shift....which apparently is a rare thing these days...lol. I can also handle/kill/relocate bugs, snakes, reptiles and rodents without batting an eye ;)
  23. First, congrats! My twins are turning 15 next month. Time will fly, and the first year will be a blur. I don't even remember most of it. Definitely get those freezer meals made. Accept any help offered and keep expectations low. Try to get them on the same schedule as soon as possible. And remember, it is ok to let the housekeeping slide for a while. ETA: I second the bouncy seat!!
  24. I was actually thinking about this on my drive home from school today. I think/hope more cottage/day schools will pop up. People want to abandon PS, but don't even know where to start. I was thinking of opening something up that was similar to our co-op, but with more guidance for the parents on what to do at home. A tutor based school? Something where students can gather a day or two a week for things like language instruction, labs, group projects, etc. But guide the parents on how and when to teach at home with classes for the parents too. Pipe dreams I'm sure. I do know that what is coming OUT of the school system right now is horrific. The kids I'm going to school with can't even pass "College Math" which is basically stuff they should have all learned in 8th grade. They have zero work ethic, and get mad if they are expected to actually..you know...study. Add in the political mess that is our government, it looks grim out there folks.
  25. I don't think we do at our current church, but about 70% of our members have concealed carry permits. I've been to other churches with security, usually with large congregations. One was a church that had a fatal shooting in the past.
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