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The Girls' Mom

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Everything posted by The Girls' Mom

  1. Actually those squirrels and rabbits are probably "cleaner" meat than the stuff you buy at the store :) Not that I currently eat them, but I wouldn't bat an eye at it if I had to eat them to live.
  2. We are also in the same boat. Make too much to qualify for any aid, not enough to actually eat AND pay for college. One child really has her eyes on a university with a particular degree program. She will have to get scholarship money or take the CC route. The money just isn't there. Thankfully, we do have a decent CC that is free for the kids of mine that want to go there straight out of high school.
  3. We don't really eat breakfast. We have a house full of adultish people. We pretty much all get coffee and retreat to our separate corners until we can be civil. The younger two will occasionally make themselves something, but often it is lunch time or a mid-morning snack before anyone touches solid food.
  4. It varies for us on the time of year. I've been in a eat down the pantry mode lately, so we don't have as much as usual. We live rurally and could grow/forage/hunt enough to feed us. I also have the know how to preserve any surplus grown/foraged/hunted food for the winter.
  5. My routine basically consists of cleaning things that are dirty, trimming things that grow, and putting lotion on the dry bits.
  6. We love apocalypse movies and books here, so we've had a lot of these talks. The kids actually know the protocol for if "the zombies come" and the parents are dead or absent. In reality, we'll be mostly ok until we get a paper cut and die from staph or something.
  7. Yep. We'd make it. DDs would be pretty miserable for a while, but they'd figure out how to survive. They can shoot. They are aware of how food is grown, although they abhor gardening. I can grow food and could hunt. Dh can hunt and is very mechanically inclined. We also know who to rig old fashioned work savers like pumps and mills. We even have a library of books on living off the land. We are also in an area that lends itself to survival. There are food and water sources that are naturally occurring. When we lived IN the city in Fort Worth, we had plans to bug out as quickly as possible in the event of a disaster, as survival in such populated areas would be slim.
  8. I typically use Wiki Commons or freeimages.com. FreeImages often just requests notification of the photographer of the use.
  9. In my IRL circles: art, homeschooling and gluten free/whole foods eating. I'm the only weirdo that most people here know that does those things. (although homeschooling has grown a LOT in the past few years)
  10. I've mastered Staring at the Ceiling (until my eyeballs dry), Wiping the Itchy Eye maneuver with my shirt, the Sudden Bathroom Urge, and the What the Heck I'm Hormonal ugly cry when it is all too much.
  11. Still in my 30s (barely!) and have a lot of gray hair. I can't imagine trying to keep up with color, especially for the next 30-40 years. AND I don't want to ever have to go through that growing it out phase. So....gray it is. I may do some funky highlights for fun in the future, but I just can't go whole hog. Too lazy..lol.
  12. I cry at everything. It annoys me. Except things that probably SHOULD make me cry. A kid singing a song? Tears. Someone else crying? Tears. A touching story? Tears. A well choreographed chocolate commercial? Weeping.
  13. Yep. We are done! I'm not sure which one of us is more relieved. :hurray: :hurray: :hurray: Her life won't really be changing much. She'll be attending the same CC where she's been taking DE classes. She will go full time in the fall and is majoring in German.
  14. Ok, now I feel bad. Not 5 minutes after posting that, one of my dds came in with a bag of Lindt chocolates for me :blush:
  15. The blog in my signature is a collaborative blog about classical homeschooling. No advertising :)
  16. Free practice tests for the ACT: http://www.badtesttakers.com/resources/ Becoming familiar with the tests and practicing before hand definitely helps your score. One of the biggest parts doing well on SAT/ACT testing is knowing how to "read" the test.
  17. Usually much like every other day, only with apologizing from my kids and dh about not getting/doing anything for me for it..lol. I really don't care. I'm not a huge fan of Mother's Day because I have mother issues of my own and mostly just find it kind of depressing.
  18. My oldest officially finished school this week. She has graduated (she didn't want a ceremony, so this post and mailing out announcements is about as official as it gets). This is the child who by 8th grade, I wasn't sure if we'd make it through high school. This is the one that my dh had to talk me out of sending to school at least once a year from 7th to 11th grade. This is the one that I thought would NEVER get through the math sequence required to graduate. She is finished. Not only that, she finished with 12 college credits under her belt! I'm proud of her and I'm SO GLAD it is done.
  19. My requirements have been based on what most universities are looking for. That is above and beyond what our state requires. So, my planning went: 1. What am I legally required to do? 2. What does the average university look for in freshman applicants? 3. What are my personal goals for each child? I also tweak the plan as the child begins to develop interests in a particular field. For instance, one of my younger two wants to be a forensic scientist. She has taken a rather rigorous forensic science class for one of her required sciences. She also needs math beyond what I typically require to avoid having to take extra once she gets into her major at college. My oldest LOVES to learn languages. So she has taken Latin and Chinese in high school, along with self-teaching a bit of about 5-6 other languages. She's majoring in German. My youngest has taken things like culinary classes, photography, chess, and will be DE video production technology. She's still trying to find what she likes the most.
  20. I've always hated pads. 3 out 4 females here use tampons. One does when swimming. However, I did just start using the cup. Loads better.
  21. 34 the year I was born and 409 now. I have a feeling my name will become an old lady name.
  22. Meh. It's ok. I wish it wasn't spelled differently since it is such a common word. The stranger thing is how many random people have called me Heather over the years. (Apryl sounds nothing like Heather....lol)
  23. Whenever they are ready. I provided options and let them decide.
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