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The Girls' Mom

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Everything posted by The Girls' Mom

  1. Wal-mart. That lasted all of three weeks though, because I got married and moved away. My next job was a file clerk in the loan department of a credit union.
  2. Another person here from The South that was a little put off by the tone. To those not from The South, we aren't all racists, all our older folks aren't racist, and racism is a problem all over the country. That said, it IS an issue with a lot of older folks. They lived in and remember the other side of the civil rights movement, and a lot of those horrid ideas stuck with them. I have relatives that spew some of the most ignorant nonsense you've ever heard. I used to never say a thing, and would just leave the room or something. Then one relative started directing their comments to my kids when I wasn't around. Some horrible things like "You'd better never marry a black man." and "Mixed race kids are ugly" and so on. I was absolutely livid and there was a BIG confrontation. My husband even stepped in eventually. My kids were hurt because it came from someone they loved and they'd never realized they had such ugly ideas. It permanently damaged their relationship. But some good came from it too. My kids saw me stand up for what was right. They learned they had the right to do that too. And that person is now VERY careful about how they speak around me. Now, I don't keep my mouth shut as much.
  3. 50 hours required here, with 10 at night, but no drivers ed classes required. So, basically I'm making them drive a lot between 15 and 16 years old. My oldest had a permit for 1.5 years before she got her license.
  4. I always did too. Our first choice was Tom's parents, but even then we knew it wouldn't really be anything like we'd planned on raising them. So thankful that one has now reached adulthood, and the other two are old enough that they could all still just live here if something happened to us. (finances would be taken care of)
  5. It wouldn't bother me to live there. Cute house! We lived in a house off a major hwy here with major dump truck traffic and a speed limit of 50 (which means people drive 60+). You got used to even that noise after a while. There are about 6 acres between that road and our house now, and we still occasionally hear the traffic, but it doesn't bother us.
  6. For us, I needed a vehicle that could easily seat 7. I was forever hauling all my kids, plus friends, and often had every seat full..lol. But I was counting the days until it was no longer needed and I could get out of the mommy mobile.
  7. Just broiled some last night. juice from one lemon tablespoon or so of honey sprigs of fresh dill, chopped one large garlic clove, crushed 1/4 tsp sea salt 1/4 tsp paprika I spread it onto the fillet and let it sit for an hour or so then cook as usual.
  8. We just traded in our Town and Country for a Nissan Altima today. As the kids are getting older and driving, and their friends are driving, I was putting around in that gas hog by myself way too much. I'm already in love with the Altima. AND it is fairly roomy in the back for when all 5 of us are actually in the car together.
  9. I think restricting privileges and making them pay restitution are completely reasonable in those cases. Those weren't just run of the mill accidents. We bought a 3rd car for our oldest to drive, with the knowledge that she was only borrowing it. (Although it will be gifted to her when she moves out). It is an older, slightly beat up car with good bones that we didn't pay much for. We carry the insurance, which wasn't all that much in our case. We paid for the gas until she got a job. We do live rurally, I go to school full time and I have two other teens to cart around. Her having her "own" car was as much to help me out as it was for her. She needed a car before she could work or drive to community college. We have two more that will be driving next year, and we will probably do the same thing. In order to work and go to school, they'll have to have cars.
  10. Not for the past 15 years. At first it was my twins who woke me up at least once a night every night until they were around 10 years old. Then my dh developed nerve problems and twitches/jerks at night, which wakes me up. When he travels I do sleep pretty well though!
  11. The Girls' Mom


    This. I'm the chicken stand in our relationship, honestly. My dh lost his best friend in an accident a few years ago. He sought sympathy and commiseration from me and I just didn't know how to give it. I've lost two parents and my reaction to death is completely different than his. I'm one to compartmentalize things, and once I shut the door on the grief compartment, I don't like to open it back up (not really healthy, but it is what it is). He was understandably hurt by my lack of sympathy, and I was angry because he was upset with me. We went through a lot to get past that. But even though we know our quirks on this now, I'm still dreading the day his parents pass away. We will have to work through it all over again, I'm guessing, because I honestly don't have the grief feelings or ability to process it that he does. The right things to say don't come to me until it is too late, or someone has gotten upset with me. Anyway, I apologize on his behalf. He wants you to be happy again, and doesn't realize he isn't helping. Definitely go to counseling, either alone or together. And ((hugs)) to you for losing your dad.
  12. Don't wash with shampoo more than 2-3 times a week. Rinse/wash with conditioner if you need a refresher. Coconut oil, small amount, right after a shower. Also, thin it if it is thick. All that to say, when the humidity gets up to a bajillion %, there really isn't much hope..lol. Those are hat/ponytail days.
  13. Well, my kids graduate from an umbrella school, that is technically considered a private school. However, it is called "HomeLife Academy", so it isn't a big leap to figure out they were unsocialized homeschoolers..lol.
  14. I've lived both lives. I miss the city :( But really, I want both worlds. I want to be on the edge of the city with easy access to everything, but close enough to the edge that when the zombie apocalypse comes I can get out of dodge quickly. :zombiechase:
  15. It is almost an exact replica of my granny's house! I would just spruce it up, personally.
  16. Graduate from college. Not be a chauffeur. (seriously, I live in my dang van) Trade in the van for a small car. (this is actually happening soon, as we are getting ever closer to launchy-ness) Get a full time job.
  17. I, too, have thought about this more than is probably healthy! lol. I've been married my entire adult life, plus a couple, and it seems like a weird pipe dream to think about. I have a neighborhood picked out in a nearby city. It is close to the lake, and has walking/biking trails all over. Heaven. I'd have a small house, but room for an office and an art studio. I would have a small garden out back, but a small, flat yard that was easy to maintain. In my dream life, my job would just be independently wealthy ;) But I'd take a work from home accounting job, with illustration on the side. I would have a big stupid dog. I would cook all the foodie meals, and eat all the sushi I could stand. I would have a bike with a small trailer, and ride to do all my errands. I would kayak often. I would never have to clean man pee off a toilet, or consult with another adult as stubborn as I am about any decisions. I would have music playing all the time and whatever volume I liked. I would attend all the bajillion festivals that go on around here.
  18. I'm currently reading The Disappearing Spoon, and can't think of anything inappropriate other than talk of war and such. I'm only about halfway through.
  19. My DD18 is super excited. I think it is mostly because she is going to go see it tonight on her first date ever. Poor child didn't know what to do with herself today.
  20. People are just...ugh....anymore. I had a woman cuss me out with every expletive I've ever heard the other day. My offense? I pulled into a parking lot that she was pulling out of, and stopped so she could get her big honkin' SUV pulled out into the road. I in no way impeded her exit, and in fact aided in her ability to get out onto the road by stopping long enough for her to get out. But yeah, apparently I'm a @#(*Q$)Q$%*.
  21. Occasionally. It is really the only room in the house where no one will bother me. Dh, on the other hand, routinely camps out in there with a book or an iPad. (it happens frequently enough that we call it his iPoop.)
  22. It only hurts when I sit on it today :) The bruise is turning all sorts of pretty colors though. Between that, and a bad blood draw bruise on my arm, I told my hubby that I hoped I didn't end up in the hospital for anything or they'll think I've been beaten! lol.
  23. No more safe/secure than anything else online. Anyone can create an account and view videos and such. It really is a matter of how much personal info you put out there as to how much security you have.
  24. My C25K app wasn't working this morning, but I walked almost 4 miles, about half up hills. No one would go with me today, but it was very peaceful :)
  25. Get down. Although, if you were my step-dad, you would throw down.
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