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The Girls' Mom

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Everything posted by The Girls' Mom

  1. Yep. I know there is at least one person on here that attends the same co-op as our family. Although I'm sure we've probably ran across one another at some point, I have no idea who she is IRL.
  2. I have no idea. I attend a Southern Baptist Church, because that is what my dh prefers. (just to confuse your list even more, the different flavors of Baptist are wide and varied and contain some pretty big differences). I really don't feel connected to any one denomination though.
  3. Pear honey is good and easy to boot: http://allrecipes.com/recipe/pear-honey/
  4. Volunteering would fall under different rules than employment. My girls have volunteered during the day for years with no problems.
  5. I have this one too. I love that it is simple to put together, and it isn't very loud. We've had it for around 5 years with no issues.
  6. I buy spices and such online. I can't even get pizza delivered out here...I'd love a grocery service.
  7. I'd eat them. I'd eat them if they'd been left out over night. People are way too paranoid about things like that IMO. 5 hours is nothing.
  8. Not unreasonable. None of our children stayed without us with anyone on my side of the family..ever. I didn't agree with their lifestyles, my kids didn't know them that well, and I wasn't 100% certain of their safety. My kids are pretty much grown, and I still don't regret that decision one bit. They HAVE stayed with my in-laws, but never for longer than a long weekend. However, they are very close to that set of grandparents, we've lived within 20 minutes of them for a good portion of their childhood, and they've never done anything that made me question their ability to keep a small child safe.
  9. Following, as this is our situation this year too.
  10. My daughter suggested this: She also said to check out the movie soundrack.
  11. No. I got rid of it last year. I had my oldest dd try it on, took a picture, cut off enough fabric to make a ring pillow or something, and threw the rest away. It wasn't the prettiest dress, it had been a rental that I bought used, and it had been altered from a size 22 down to a size 12. No one wanted to wear that thing..lol.
  12. I could pass, I think. I haven't been swimming in years though, and I'm not 100% sure I could drag myself over a pool wall. (I think I could, but again, it has been YEARS). Two of my daughters definitely could pass. My oldest daughter, I don't know. She can swim, but hates the water so she doesn't go often. My husband could definitely do everything, except the pool wall. He *might* be able to do that, but due to his back/neck issues may not. It has been even longer for him since he's been in a pool.
  13. Anyone else have a freshman going to school on the TN Promise scholarship? We are in the first batch of guinea pigs, and it has been interesting! The lack of communication (or over communication in some cases) has been a little frustrating. Things like the fact that funds aren't applied until AFTER the confirmation deadline...and the only acknowledgement we've had that they won't drop her classes for not paying by then was briefly mentioned at orientation. Or the constant emails reminding her to enter volunteer hours, after we've already logged them...lol. Anyway, we have been prepared for glitches since this is the first go round.
  14. I voted yes, although my reality doesn't look that way. My closest friend when we lived in TX was black. We were close to their entire family. Then we moved. And they moved. Now we live on opposite sides of the country. We are still friends though and just spent several days in an extended email conversation. Here, where we live, it is very white. I just don't know that many black people. Maybe two black families go to our huge church. None of our neighbors are black. (or any minority for that matter...I live in good ol' boy redneck-ville) So my friend demographic isn't really by choice. I miss living in a racially diverse area, very much.
  15. Ours is light teal color with red curtains. The stairwell is sunny yellow (seen as part of the room). I love how bright and cheery it is. (It is more office than homeschool room though)
  16. A ridiculously uncomfortable rocking chair. It was my mother's and she rocked me in it as a baby. She gave it to me when I was pregnant the first time, with the baby I lost. She didn't live to see any of her grandchildren. It sits in the corner of my bedroom, and probably always will.
  17. I'd still eat it. Take that with a grain of salt though...I'll eat anything that doesn't smell off..lol.
  18. We haven't had a landline in 5 years, and I don't miss it. Before we got rid of it, the only use it ever got was telemarketers..lol. Our current house isn't even wired for a landline. We just didn't see the point when we built it.
  19. Don't do it. I love dogs. There have always been dogs in my home, even as a kid. We currently have a dog that is well loved, and is a member of the family. That said, dogs can be a pain. A day doesn't do by that I don't threaten to shave my dog because of the shedding. My couch will never recover from smelling like dog behind due to an issue my dog has. She has periods of being a needy annoying brat. I can't imagine how I'd feel if I didn't love her to pieces..lol. Your daughter will not be ruined for life if she does not have a pet.
  20. This. People seem to be becoming more and more self-absorbed and rude. I don't think most people are trying to be aggressively hostile, but many, many people just don't seem to care about others. Respect for others is vanishing. Something I've noticed more and more is that people are shocked/surprised by people helping others out. Our family is usually quick to help someone with the door, reach for groceries on high shelves, untangle a buggy, or whatever small thing we notice they are struggling with and people are always surprised by that. I've even had people find me in parking lots afterward to express their surprise and thanks. I don't see other people doing that often. I observe people all. the. time. letting some elderly person struggle with something and walk on by, or even get upset that that person is in their way/slowing them down. My perspective is probably skewed a bit on trust too. We live in the middle of meth-land. So many people (even some of our own relatives) are looking for ways to get money for their next fix. Swindling, theft, and just plain old deceit are rampant...it is hard to trust people. I don't live in fear though. I try to treat people how I wish to be treated, but I'm not overly trusting...lol. I lock my car, lock my house, but will give you whatever I can to help you out.
  21. Costco: Avocados, bell peppers, maple syrup, honey, almond butter, frozen fruit, shredded cheese, eggs, cereal.
  22. My oldest dd had them for around a year. They helped some, but she never could reach maintenance dose, and reactions were increasing rather than decreasing. We stopped going. Dh had them as a child and it put him into remission (as our allergist called it) for over 20 years. His allergies are coming back now. Apparently this isn't uncommon. It was worth it for him. My niece had horrible allergies and asthma. She would end up in the hospital a couple of times a year. She's been on the shots for around a year now, and hasn't been ER visit sick since. Her allergies have improved immensely, and as a result her asthma has lessened.
  23. I got my oldest some flowers. She was mortified. My younger two asked that I refrained from doing ANYTHING to celebrate..lol.
  24. For me, I'm ok with not understanding everything about God. He wouldn't be God if He wasn't beyond my ability to figure out. I don't understand the WHY behind everything in the Bible, but I understand enough of it to believe that God has a redemptive plan in Christ. It is enough for me. If I'm wrong, I guess I'll find out when I die.
  25. For the flat out bizarre, like wheeled cherubim and other such fantastic things, we point out that God is God and can create anything he likes. Also that He is beyond our understanding. Also, that the writers of the Bible may not have been able to even comprehend what they were seeing in the visions. How do you describe something you have no reference for? Imagine a man from 2000 years ago trying to describe an iPhone and the internet. For the more violent things and sexual content, we talk about it as part of man's sin nature, and the consequences to that. Part of it may just be our family personality, but those things have just never been hard for us to talk about.
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