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The Girls' Mom

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Everything posted by The Girls' Mom

  1. Respect and obedience. IMO, it is hard to teach anything else without those. Kindness is a close second.
  2. Definitely get a 2nd opinion. This is a treatment that is one of the biggest dental scams out there. Yes, sometimes it is needed, but it often isn't.
  3. My dh and I lived off of about $10 a week nearly 20 years ago, and I remember how far we stretched things. We would buy a bag of potatoes, a dozen eggs, a loag of bread, pasta (elbow was the cheapest at the time) or rice, dried beans from a bulk bin, and then we would buy whatever was on sale cheap that week with whatever we had left. Usually a few canned veggies and spagetti sauce. We lucky that MIL would send us things like peanut butter and homemade jam. We also NEVER turned down an invite to dinner :lol:. We would dice the potatoes and eat them with eggs. Beans and potatoes were good. Pasta went with whatever we had on hand. We also got one of those cheese and sausage gift boxes for Christmas that year. You would not believe how far we stretched that thing! We chopped cheese and sausage into tiny dices and added it for flavor to all sorts of stuff. Looking back now, I would have used my crock pot a lot more, and wouldn't have been so squeamish about bone-in meat. My dh, although it is NOT healthy, lived off of less than that before we got married. At the beginning of the week he would go to Burger King and buy a bunch of $1 burgers and freeze them. He would eat that and peanut butter sandwiches all week.
  4. My oldest and the twins are 3.5 years apart. I think they are pretty good friends. They even share some mutual friends. If my twins had been just one, I think they would have been even closer.
  5. That is cute! Did she get more than a quarter? Once my oldest dd left a note for the tooth fairy that read "This tooth is $2. Take it or leave it." She was a little miffed when the tooth fairy left it. :lol:
  6. Are you looking for medical history specifically or science books that read like the History of Medicine? There are other books along the same vein such as the History of Chemistry, the History of Mathmatics, etc. We have them all, and my girls are going through them for science this year. They have enjoyed them all so far.
  7. I don't know about BJ's brand, but we buy Costco's generic for under $15 (365 ct). My dd's allergist recommended it, and it works fine.
  8. Is there enough room for a corner stand? That is what I have in mine. Or maybe an over the shower head basket like this.
  9. If you think he'll be into it for a while, I would get a full size digital piano with weighted keys and a foot pedal. He would need a full size within a year or so. Costco has one for around $450 right now. My dd is in her 2nd year of piano, and has outgrown the keyboard she started on. It is getting harder for her to practice more difficult pieces on the shorter keyboard she currently has. She's getting a full size digital piano for Christmas.
  10. They do for the most part. My girls are probably more modest than I am. But it IS hard to dress them like 11 year olds when they are wearing 9/10 in womens clothing. Maybe I should make them wear mom jeans :lol: They don't send out "flirt with me" signals. In fact, the dd I was posting about has the BEST "Get back stare" ever.
  11. We do :) My oldest still talks to me about pretty much every thing. Doesn't stop the closet locking urge though...lol. I think it doesn't help that I had the same problem as a child. And then add the fact that dh and I began dating at 15 and I remember the things we got into. The younger two have little interest in boys right now anyway...so at least I don't have to worry too much about reciprocation yet.
  12. My younger DD and I went to pick up my oldest dd at a Halloween dance tonight. A young man that they see off and on was there. (He's 16..maybe 17 by now) He was chatting it up with my younger dd...asked why she didn't come. She said I'm too young...he laughed and then realized she was serious. He then asks...how old ARE you? Eleven. He was like this: :001_huh: He thought she was at least 14. Crazyness. She's still a baby! I don't like the male attention she and her twin sister have been getting lately. :glare: (like grown men whistling...where is my gun?!) Anyone else in this boat with their 11 year olds? They are very tall, and have curves. They look mid-teens at least. Can I just lock them up? :tongue_smilie:
  13. He knows it all...I know it all. There has never been a reason not to share. I think our health and decisions made about it are just important to be open about as money or anything else. His health has an effect on my life just as much as my own. (I mean, after you've changed your dh's colostomy bag, what is there left to hide :lol:)
  14. I truly, deeply feel your pain. I'm married to a man with the same outlook. He has 6-7 pairs of identical cargo shorts. With many very similar t-shirts. Jeans, must be a certin style (that is becoming harder to find) He wears the exact same thing to church every Sunday...only with a slight shirt color variation :tongue_smilie: He was in hog heaven back when he was a mechanic and had to wear uniforms. He wore them EVERYWHERE. I have a daughter now that is the same way. Well, she has a slightly broader range, but clothes must feel and fit exactly right, or they do not get worn.
  15. Jacobs Algebra. After slogging through 3 Algebra curriculums, this one is clicking, AND they enjoy it!
  16. Some dirty ramekins and cups leftover from our after-dinner dessert.
  17. Health concerns, followed by worrying about my kids. The normal stuff just doesn't stress me out much.
  18. Tom most days. Tommy if I'm feeling particularly sentimental (that's what he went by when we were dating) If I'm around the kids, I tend to revert to calling him Dad. But not when I'm talking directly to him.
  19. We usually say "yep!" with a smile. Or make some comment about estrogen abundance at our house.
  20. It landed me my first job :D I was a file clerk for a credit union, and spent my days alphabetizing loan files.
  21. My high schooler does study for tests in Biology and Latin. The younger two...not so much. But there hasn't been a need yet.
  22. I probably would have been one to pass on by, for a couple of reasons. 1. That kid didn't look all that upset. 2. I have a cousin who's child went through a phase of screaming "you aren't my mother" during temper tantrums at stores. :glare: If the child really looked like they were in distress, I probably would have done something. But that child did not. I have taught my girls to fight like wildcats if someone grabbed them. I mean screaming, scratching, kicking, etc.
  23. My twins are extremely grateful to have names that aren't "matchy" They wouldn't mind having Biblical names (one of mine does, Sarah) but if it made them seem more like a set, then they would hate it.
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