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Everything posted by hsmamainva

  1. "FREE SARAH PALIN" .... May I just say....I LOVE your signature line!!!!! :lol:
  2. LOL!! I agree!!! I had to have a talk with my son about respect when he made the "L" for loser sign on his forehead when McCain was speaking. He MAY end up being President and, while I love reading Bush-isms as much as anyone, there IS a certain respect that we must give to the leader of our country!
  3. Obama - Biden I really don't have much of a 'beef' with McCain....and I worry that he's too "gung ho military" ... but the real scare for me is Sarah Palin. I can NOT take a chance that she would end up being president of the US!! :willy_nilly: I was on the fence, as some of you may remember, and I was waiting for a VP pick before I made my final decision. She is the real deal breaker for me. Had he picked anyone else, I may have changed my mind.
  4. Warren Buffett purchased Goldmans Sachs after it tanked. The only thing I see in that is that Warren Buffett is hoping to make a ton of money off of this deal! And he usually does. Btw...Warren Buffett's sister lives in our area and she gives away a TON of money for philanthropic work. I mean TONS. So I have no bone to pick with the Buffetts.
  5. *Please feel free to skip this post* Hail to the Redskins! Hail victory! Braves on the warpath! Fight for old D.C.!! Woohoo!!!!!! :party: :cheers2: :001_tt1: :thumbup: (Apologies to all Cowboys fans everywhere)
  6. I'm sending you LOTS of "come on baby!" vibes --- you deserve them!!!! (And today is my youngest son's birthday!) So .... let's go, baby!!!!!!! :party: :grouphug:
  7. I want to say that one of those 10pm news shows ran a story about this...like Dateline or 20/20 or something. I remember watching it.
  8. I'm not the economics "expert" in our family -- that would be my hubby. So I saved the videolink and I'll show it to him in the morning and get his input. I still say that deregulation had alot to do with it...because that's why they were allowed to change the borrowing rules. And I blame the lending companies. They had to know these folks were biting off more than they could chew -- BUT -- so did the borrowers. There was an article in the Washington Post about a mortgage broker who gave a $500,000 mortgage to someone making $35,000 a year, working at McDonald's. Should he have made the loan? NO But...shouldn't the McDonald's employee be wise enough to know, "I can't afford a $500,000 house"? YES I also agree with one of the earlier posters that I don't trust anything that flashes facts faster than I could keep up with. So I'm going to do some research and then get back to you. I do have one more thing to add.... Ann Coulter --- :willy_nilly:
  9. Oh, yes!! My 14yo especially! He's a big fan of politics and already a card-carrying democrat, so he watched it through blue-colored glasses, so to speak. ;) He's following this race very closely -- he followed the one in 2004, but not as intently. (Our big lesson that year was, "We don't cry when our candidate doesn't win.") He was VERY bummed that he couldn't attend the Obama-Biden rally in Fredericksburg at the University of Mary Washington (which is about 20 minutes away from our house) because my hubby and I had a birthday party to attend -- and I was bummed for him, too, until I read the paper the next morning and 26,000 people showed up! They stood, in the pouring rain, for 8 hours to listen to them! I love the ticket but....not that much! :D
  10. Woohoo!!!!! Thanks so much --- from someone else without high speed internet!!! :party:
  11. YouTube has a bunch of episodes from "The Ant and the Aardvark". :thumbup:
  12. I agree completely!! And, even being an Obama supporter, it wasn't until I watched the SNL debate that I realized how much Obama sounds like that aardvark on the Pink Panther show!! :lol:
  13. Oh yes!! Too funny!! Here's a clip, for those of you who missed it: http://www.nbc.com/Saturday_Night_Live/video/clips/update-bill-clinton/704104/
  14. My vote would go to Story of the World (which is what I would choose if I had a limited budget) or Sonlight (which is going to cost a lot more, unless you can find a used core)
  15. I would say that it would depend on what colleges your student is considering. I would contact them and ask them directly about their dual enrollment policy. My oldest has taken 13 cc credits so far, and will have 25 cc credits by the time she graduates this spring. She's applied to one college so far and their policy is that a student can take as many classes as they want and, as long as they were completed prior to graduating from high school, they won't consider her a transfer student. (I would also explore how many classes your cc will let a high school student take per semester -- some limit it to two classes; our cc limits it to four classes)
  16. I'm so sorry to hear this! I'll be praying for him and for your family. :grouphug:
  17. I agree with whoever posted about McCain's cancer history. Melanoma is a terrible cancer. My FIL died from melanoma 9 years ago. He had suffered his first bout 5 years before. He went through all of the treatments and was given a clean bill of health. It came back in May of '99, and it had spread all over his body. He died in July of the same year. It's a ... sneaky type of cancer, if that makes sense. The fact that McCain has had 4 bouts with it worries me a great deal. Much more so than his age, which doesn't really bother me.
  18. Well...Tina Fey really does look like Sarah Palin! If you're interested in seeing the skit, which is a mock interview of Palin by Katie Couric, I'll post the link below. Feel free to skip if you so desire. http://www.nbc.com/Saturday_Night_Live/video/clips/couric-palin-open/704042/
  19. JMU is an in-state university meaning that, because it receives money from the state, a certain number of students have to come from Virginia (I believe it's 30% out of state and 70% in state). So it's harder to get into out of state. Also, it's an incredibly popular school. I believe they receive more applications than any other college in the state of Virginia -- something like 20,000 applications for 3,500 spots, if I remember correctly. I believe there are around 17,000 students there. I don't believe they have TA's (teaching assistants) so I think all the classes are taught by professors. The introductory classes can be large, but the average class size is around 25 students. Hope this helps!
  20. Here's a link to the "debate" they did between McCain and Obama. Btw...Tina Fey reprised her role as Sarah Palin during another sketch, but I'm not going to post it because it's only funny for one side of the political fence. This one pokes fun of both of them and that's my kind of humor. :) http://www.nbc.com/Saturday_Night_Live/video/clips/presidential-debate/704121/
  21. Oh! One more 'Suze idea'.... she always recommends you take money out of your savings to pay off credit card debt. Her reasoning is that if you're only earning 3-5% on the money in your savings, but you're paying 18-20% on your credit cards, that's costing you more money...if that makes sense. BUT .. make sure you keep some money in the savings account for emergencies. Don't be without money in the bank -- especially not these days!
  22. I'm a big Suze Orman fan and let me see if I can remember what she recommends. I know she says to pay off first what has the highest interest rate. It's probably the credit cards (I don't believe the interest rate is high on student loans, but I may be wrong!) She also recommends looking around for a really low interest rate credit card and transferring the balance from your high interest credit card(s) to that one and then pay it off. I'll give you her website and I'm sure she has tons of info for you!! http://www.suzeorman.com I'm wishing you all the best!!!!!! You can do it!!! :)
  23. Ahh to the topic at hand... We have no credit card debt...and never have -- my dh has an economics degree and that's one of his 'rules'. We have credit cards, but we don't buy anything that we can't pay off within 3 months. We have a mortgage, but at a very low rate and we can afford it. No adjustable ARMs or HELOCs or anything like that. We have one car loan note left (and that's on my car -- we paid off my hubby's last year)
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