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Everything posted by hsmamainva

  1. Sounds like you need a new battery. The old one is no longer accepting a charge.
  2. :iagree: It all comes down to respect -- which is the point I hope I was making about the lack of eye contact during the debate. I respect John McCain. I've never said otherwise, here or elsewhere. While my candidate of choice is referred to in very derrogative terms and described as 'scary'.
  3. I would make one point, Holly.... most of the American public isn't familiar with debate etiquette in a formal sense -- I didn't have a clue that it wasn't proper to look at the person you're debating -- I learn something new every day! :) ... they're going to view it as 'how do I want people to act when I'm talking?' and McCain gave me the distinct impression that the debate was, in his eyes, a complete waste of time and he wished he wasn't even on the stage with Obama .. as if he wasn't worthy of even a passing glance. I can also see folks as seeing the lack of eye contact as indicative of deceit.
  4. I agree completely. I can't get over the fact that McCain never looked at him during the debate. If you're going to tell folks that you're willing to work with both liberals and conservatives, but you're not willing to even turn to face someone standing ten feet away from you when they're speaking, it just doesn't come across as believable.
  5. That's what I'm wondering about!!! I can't handle rejection. :crying:
  6. I'm afraid of rejection!!! :looks for the couch as she types: It all started in my childhood.... But, seriously....if I asked and they said no, I'd be heartbroken. So I'll let them ask me.
  7. I also see a desire to not make any mistakes in my youngest son. He doesn't get frustrated -- he's quite persistent -- but he can't just let it go, if that makes sense. He has a VERY strong sense of 'fairness' and 'injustice'. And he can become very upset when someone isn't 'doing what they should'. He's very serious, overall. Not much rattles him. He's the most likely in our family to just 'go with the flow'.
  8. :lol: I have no idea how to make a friend, so I'm thrilled to have been asked by others!! To quote Sally Field..."You like me! You really, really like me!" :D
  9. Thanks for posting this, Jane!!! :searches for the rep button and whines when she can't find it: ;)
  10. Here's a CNN article on various aspects of the debate and who won in the eyes of the voters: http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/09/27/debate.poll/index.html
  11. That's because Obama's already been raked over the coals for a year and half! ;) Maybe you weren't here back when his candidacy was announced or during the primaries when he was called a baby killer, a muslim, someone who doesn't love America, etc. And, in the defense of those who really wanted to understand where he stood on the issues, not many people knew who he was. Literally. They had to get to know him and work out all of their misgivings and worries. THAT is what the GOP isn't letting Palin do. In the woman's defense, I don't think she's a 'ditz', which is how I've heard some refer to her. I think she's probably very intelligent. But she's in WAY over her head. And I think they're so afraid of having her make a mistake that they're sheltering her and "over-coaching" her and it's making her look really, really bad.
  12. I'm so sorry to hear this!!!! Many hugs to your family!! It's such a hard decision to make!! My thoughts and prayers are with all of you!! :grouphug:
  13. We do school in the dining room and I store everything in the large hutch -- some would call it a china cabinet. I have numerous drawers in it, which is perfect for storing things like paper, craft supplies, homeschool catalogs, glue guns, etc. -- anything that I would use during my current homeschool year. I also have several cabinets in the top section. On one side, I keep the Sonlight cores, and our Trail Guide to Geography items -- basically, the curriculum that I'm using for more than one student. On the other side, I have four shelves - one for each of my students, and that's where I keep their individual curriculum books (English, Math, Art, etc.) (The curriculum that I'm not using, but I'm not ready to sell -- or I'm saving for another child -- I keep on bookshelves in the basement)
  14. I'm certainly looking forward to the VP debate on Thursday night!! It should prove to be very interesting.
  15. Thanks for the post, Leila!!! I really enjoyed reading your take on it --- and I agree with you on just about everything! :) NOW I'm really missing having the access to rep points! ;)
  16. How frightening!!!! I'll keep them in my thoughts and prayers!!! Keep us updated!! (I live in Virginia, but about 2 hours away from Williamsburg, so it's not really 'a local news area' for me, if that makes sense) :grouphug:
  17. :iagree: That's another time the line went down from the independents (I watched it on CNN). Every time McCain brought up something he did back in the 80s or 90s, the independent voters' opinions dropped dramatically. I was surprised to see that, many times, the republican line went up to join the independent line and democratic line when Obama was speaking, but only occasionally did I see the same thing when McCain was speaking.
  18. He could have turned his entire body toward him then, at least occasionally. Obama did that many times as well. The body language from Obama was 'I'm open to compromise and I'm genuinely interested in what you have to say.' The exact opposite appeared to be the case with McCain's body language.
  19. What I found very telling, from actually watching the debate vs just hearing it on NPR, was that Obama looked at McCain when McCain was speaking. He may have glanced at his notes occasionally, but he always looked toward him again. McCain never ONCE looked at Obama when he was speaking. He was either chuckling to himself and staring out at the audience or he was staring at the podium. I don't trust someone who can't look me in the eye when I'm talking to them. Or at least glance in my general direction. I felt the same way about the body language during this debate.
  20. I agree and .... Pssst.... Just between you and me and several hundred of our closest friends, I would have preferred Hillary over Obama, but that's not the way it turned out. :)
  21. I was watching Oprah today and she made the comment that the CEO of WaMu, under the proposed bailout plan, would be able to keep his $11 million dollar severance package, as well as his $8 million dollar signing bonus....and he's been on the job for 3 weeks. Now that is just WRONG!! :angry:
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